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Author Topic: modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns  (Read 453 times)


  • Ensign
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modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns
« on: November 25, 2023, 05:31:19 PM »

the focus of Starsector revolves around ships, exploration, and space warfare
with factions being more of a background, the frame to prop and define the ships

this becomes glaring in the players own faction, you can hardly differentiate if the player is just building a stronghold or actually establishing a faction
i mean there are corporations/guilds lore wise that holds well established planets as well as the independents, and yet the moment the players colonize a singular planet we are treated as equals with the established factions

rather than establishing a faction we are more akin to making a productive hideout, not to mention that there is barely any governance aspect for the player to begin with, having a single planet or owning half the sector make little to no difference

my suggestion is that at the establishment of a colony (Rouge Tier) the player would first have to pick a side / answer to either the Independent or the Pirates
the big factions treatment wont change until we formally establish a faction after a string of requirements are met
(while at this point the player will have a colony hard cap of 3, if you want more then have to progress your rank/recognition)

-a chain quest from either the pirates or independents
-the recognition of 2-3 of the big factions (either via favor, bribery, blackmail, or a love letter written at the warhead of nuke)
-having a set amount of pop (10 -15 total)
-set amount of money

now what do you get for all that trouble? (Ruler Teir) now that you are officially playing at the same field as the Major faction you will have access to a higher colony cap, more agents, and more officers as well as an official army and navy

member those ruins? excavating them is the first step, then they can be upgraded either as an academy or a faction workshop, basically exclusive ship/weapon/wings blueprint for the player faction
can go as player faction building upgrades or out right new buildings (red planet eh? how bout blue, black or purple?) ea. black retains heat so it fix the malus from cold planet, blue cause it fixes radiation/toxic in the planet how? just trust the ruins science bruh, purple cloaks the planet, no inspection or pilgrims why? why not

you can also post bounties/quest at which the independent and pirates would react, a formal caravan escort for your traders, raid hitlist for your rivals, pay per kill order in the systems or sector wide, bounty for blueprints, Cinderelas missing shoe, our father that went out for milk

after all that what's next?(Sovereign Tier) to be honest am out of idea for this tier as for me none of the big factions are at this tier, other than the dominion
what you get? maybe a form of fix/forced alliance? they can vote on things but the final say depends on the sovereign should there be one

alliance count?
market count?
pop count?
special force count?
held system count?
a unification quest either via diplomacy, military suppression etc. basically a victory condition quest

this can also be implemented to starts where you are a part of a faction with some twist like establishing faction ranking which you have to climb all the way to being the ruler of whichever faction you started or joined, either pulling a coup, being the appointed heir, being elected, being the major stake holder, or being the pope or "a living saint"
you can either climb the ranks as either working for the faction or it's rival for a hostile takeover


  • Ensign
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Re: modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2023, 03:54:45 PM »

Cool ideas! Here's my two cents:

I would simplify the system, keeping the 3 tiers.

Rouge - Max pop size = 4, Max planets = 2
Ruler - Max pop size = 5, Max planets = 4
Sovereign - Max pop size = 6, Max planets = 7

You would be given a progress bar, which increases your tier depending on how many requirements you have fulfilled.
Here are some examples:
- Colony growth
- Commission (aka choosing a side)
- Defeating or solving one of the "crises" events detailed in the recent blogpost (
- Active Cyrosleeper or Coronal Hypershunt nearby one of your systems
- Support of a faction, which can be bought for reputation, credits, certain items, or perhaps a threat that leads to a tactical bombardment quest. Options are more limited or expanded on depending on commission status and the relative faction

My concept is that the requirements for leveling up the system are not too abstract or hard to do, I want the requirements to feel natural rather then a series of fetch quests. Shouldn't be too easy either though, there's a balance. This adds more weight to the players actions and fortunes, since they now also progress the colony stage.


  • Ensign
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Re: modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2023, 04:42:56 AM »

yeah it's my big ugly foot out, lots of things to iron out

as for the progression difficulty i was thinking of a baseline pops and planets once reach it'll trigger a ascension quest
if you hold off doing the quest you will be hard cap for that tier, this way the players can chose when or if the want to change their status
ea. might want to keep the lone wandering feel stay at the rouge tier, wanna be a know entity in the sector at when they feel like it


  • Commander
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Re: modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2023, 07:36:52 AM »

Did you mean reds or rogues
I have some ideas but can't sprite worth a damn and the ideas imply really involved stuff which I've no clue how to even tackle.