So,let's start with a few problem we're still having.1.Eagle (and Falcon to an extent),despite receiving decent buffs and a hullmod to specifically help with their sustain firepower problem,still feels somewhat lacking behind other ships.People either still go with the "1400 su poking stick till the end of PPT" or the" fast as **** boy" build on them to make them feels worthy.
2.Aurora (and Fury if it's actually being used) are still SO bait cruiser,and with the shield eff buff of the aurora,it's arguably getting harded to resist making it into an SO ship.
3.High tech destroyers.When was the last time you're incentivised to use them?
Okay, so what do these 3 group of ships have in common?Very short weapons range/no intertwining range between weapons.Simple as.
1.People takes Eagle and Falcon to be anemic in 0.95 because a good midline frontline fit doesn't exist.The range disparity between medium energy and balistic weapons is too much,you just better of syncing range at 1000 su,or just go straight for the SO with ion pulse,ACG,etc...
2.Aurora and Fury have lots of slots for small energy,yet the range of small energy is so poor it forces the AI to engage in it's *** range(capped at 500 su).ITU provides way smaller bonus to those type of weapons,and with the extra benefit of say-doubling on their strength in dissipation power and grant extra speed-why not just SO it and use other ship for frontline?
3.Same as above,but with extra pain cause mounting ITU on a high tech destroyers gain is abyssmal,and they aren't that great either for SO due to their relative fragility.
So,what's my proposal to fixing this? Intertwining range for some underused small/medium energy weapons,more specifically the IR pulse laser and Pulse laser.Here are my reasonings:-Balistic range finder exist to sync range between all 3 size of balistic weapons,when their range gap are-percentage wise-alot smaller than that between sizes of energy weapons.Seriously,why you hate small energy so much Alex?.Can't we just have something like a small weapons acting as fire support for bigger size ones.
-Decentivising the usage of SO.If there's a refit option opens up to the posibility,people are just gonna try something new that's not terrible.The modiverse have been doing this with some weapons,for example doubler IR laser from HMI,or tachyon accelerator(hope i remember the name correctly) from Apex,and alot of people find them very well balanced.
Attached below are my propose stats change to make IR pulse laser and Pulse laser to be more support-oriented weapons for larger ones.Thank you all for reading and please let me know your thoughs below.