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Author Topic: On SO Eradicators  (Read 3932 times)


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Re: On SO Eradicators
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2023, 08:34:48 PM »

General gameplay trope - the guys with ranged weapons and more casualty-averse tactics tend to be the good guys, and vice verso for the bad guys. As for fighters, it's sort of codified by star wars: if a space battle consists of a bunch of fighters and carriers on one side, and a bunch of large warships on the other, then the first group will usually be the side the heroes are on.
As Nettle so succinctly pointed out, fighters result in pretty high casualties! I might agree they are "good guy" fodder in movies and the like because a fighter is naturally going to be the underdog in any ship vs ship battle, and also because a fighter is an individually piloted ship that allows a character's skill to be shown off without being diluted by the capabilities of other crew members, but I really don't see that applying in any way to Starsector. The way Starsector is completely disconnected from in-game casualties (going as far as their being a basic commodity to buy, sell, launch out the airlock, etc) coupled with ships often being hundred or thousand crew affairs, lends the setting more of a "life is cheap and the price is often paid" air than that of a "scrappy underdogs fight against the evil empire while lamenting every loss" air.

If we're taking gameplay mechanics into account then Tri-Tachyon ironically has a much better return on investment (human life) than any other faction in the game. Their high-tech ships often require fewer crew and expose those crew to less danger by virtue of stronger shields and less reliance on hull/armour tanking, including some of the most survivable fighters in the game! Not to mention that TT likely doesn't engage in outright war as often anyway because they rely on economic influence and sneaky underhanded tactics to maintain their 'major faction' status. Of course, TT is also quite callous with life due to their corporate dystopian hellscapes and their often ethically amoral research projects, but again, that is found a bit in pretty much every faction (owing to the setting).


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Re: On SO Eradicators
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2023, 08:46:33 PM »

The two factions that I know are explicitly mentioned as trying to avoid human losses in canon are Tri-Tachyon (in the description for Neural Link) and Sindrian Diktat (in the description for Special Modifications, although their attempt to make the ship safer for the crew actually makes it much less safe).
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Re: On SO Eradicators
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2023, 02:57:56 AM »

General gameplay trope - the guys with ranged weapons and more casualty-averse tactics tend to be the good guys, and vice verso for the bad guys. As for fighters, it's sort of codified by star wars: if a space battle consists of a bunch of fighters and carriers on one side, and a bunch of large warships on the other, then the first group will usually be the side the heroes are on.
As Nettle so succinctly pointed out, fighters result in pretty high casualties! I might agree they are "good guy" fodder in movies and the like because a fighter is naturally going to be the underdog in any ship vs ship battle, and also because a fighter is an individually piloted ship that allows a character's skill to be shown off without being diluted by the capabilities of other crew members, but I really don't see that applying in any way to Starsector. The way Starsector is completely disconnected from in-game casualties (going as far as their being a basic commodity to buy, sell, launch out the airlock, etc) coupled with ships often being hundred or thousand crew affairs, lends the setting more of a "life is cheap and the price is often paid" air than that of a "scrappy underdogs fight against the evil empire while lamenting every loss" air.

To put a more cynical spin on it, beyond the standard "oligarchy dressed up as freedom fighters down to the standard set of design tropes", you could say that an organization made up of multiple polities has an inherent desire to make sure that nobody's death can be made out to be the fault of someone else - especially someone from another polity, who might be commanding a multi-national fleet. DEM torpedos so that nobody in parliament can say that the ship crewed by their people was arbitrarily chosen for a close-in bombing run, fighters so that the majority of losses can be attributed to pilot error rather than the mistake of a captain with a distinct homeworld and set of political benefactors, and fast midline ships so that the disparate set of officers can make full use of initiative without needing perfect coordination, rather than relying on more rigid, error-intolerant phalanx tactics befitting a homogenizing empire like Rome (or the Hegemony).

Essentially a gentler version of the SD getting penalties because of their system of government - political concerns determine force composition and strategy, not necessarily for better or worse, but certainly in directions orthogonal to building a strictly optimal fleet.

On the note of life being cheap but still needing relatively wise spending, does anyone else have an opinion on giving the SO eradicator a shield so that it isn't as much of a free kill in mid-late game?


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Re: On SO Eradicators
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2023, 12:21:23 PM »

I think you are reading too much into League loadouts, it doesn't look like PL is fully fleshed out yet, the only faction right now without a single ship conversion/repaint. Although it seem PL are the sole users of recently added DEM at the moment, their description doesn't suggest exclusivity to one faction, unlike Diktat Gigacannon for example. DEM just might get distributed to more factions in the future.
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