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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)  (Read 422443 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #180 on: August 18, 2024, 02:16:14 PM »

not 100% sure about this but this mod seems to affect the derelict ships' tags in some ways
while normally a non-issue, when used alongside mods that add derelict blueprint packages that use those tags (like the newly updated Unofficial Rule Book mod) it causes the blueprint packs to not contain any blueprints at all

Hello! I tried to msg you on discord before I saw this. Im in contact with the author of URB to see whats going on. PMM makes no changes to vanilla derelicts so its def a bit of a confusing issue.
I'm Minideth. I do things.


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #181 on: September 17, 2024, 02:38:23 PM »

Hello ! It's been a long time (burned myself too much on Starsector and had to lay down for a while) ;)

1 bug report and 1 review !

      1. Hammerhead (P) : it doesn't spawn in the game because there's a typo in its .skin file (see below) :


It should be :


Adding the missing "s" fixes it.

      2. Prometheus MK.III (P) :

- Its large missile is actually a turret instead of a hardpoint according to the Ship Catalogue/variants Editor. It does a play a role because a hardpoint has twice the health of a turret and thus, is more resilient to damages/EMP ;

- I find the Prometheus MK.III to be pretty bad overall (I don't know what people managed to do with it on Discord so perhaps my builds are wrong). It is completely overfluxed even if you leave almost all small and medium mounts empty (which is fine !) and as a result, it desperately needs flux capacity to avoid overloading almost immediately after it starts firing its weapons. However, between its anemic base Flux Capacity, Pirate Modification that further reduces its base Flux Capacity, it's 1.2 shield efficiency and its lack of Ordnance Points because its "only" a 30 DP capital ship, it simply reaches max flux and overload way too much (you can hardly afford a healthy number of Flux Capacitors to mitigate this problem). Feel free to correct me, but I think giving it way more base Flux Capacity (something like 16000 or 17000 instead of 10 500 for example) would be enough to allow the Prometheus MK.III to fullfill its role without increasing its power too much in undesirable areas (such as more hullmods through increased OP, more flux dissipation, etc).
This lack of Flux Capacity is especially noticeable among AI fleets that can't downgrade weapons to a smaller size. As a result, Prometheus MK.III are almost harmless because they reach max flux capacity very quickly.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 02:52:11 PM by Selfcontrol »


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #182 on: September 18, 2024, 02:28:00 PM »

Hello ! It's been a long time (burned myself too much on Starsector and had to lay down for a while)

Yo! Nice to hear from you again and I get it lol. I take pretty long breaks from playing the game (and thus modding).

Hammerhead (P) : it doesn't spawn in the game because there's a typo in its .skin file (see below) :

Prometheus MK.III (P) :

Its large missile is actually a turret instead of a hardpoint according to the Ship Catalogue/variants Editor. It does a play a role because a hardpoint has twice the health of a turret and thus, is more resilient to damages/EMP ;

Thanks for letting me know I'm surprised I missed this

I find the Prometheus MK.III to be pretty bad overall (I don't know what people managed to do with it on Discord so perhaps my builds are wrong). It is completely overfluxed even if you leave almost all small and medium mounts empty (which is fine !) and as a result, it desperately needs flux capacity to avoid overloading almost immediately after it starts firing its weapons. However, between its anemic base Flux Capacity, Pirate Modification that further reduces its base Flux Capacity, it's 1.2 shield efficiency and its lack of Ordnance Points because its "only" a 30 DP capital ship, it simply reaches max flux and overload way too much (you can hardly afford a healthy number of Flux Capacitors to mitigate this problem). Feel free to correct me, but I think giving it way more base Flux Capacity (something like 16000 or 17000 instead of 10 500 for example) would be enough to allow the Prometheus MK.III to fullfill its role without increasing its power too much in undesirable areas (such as more hullmods through increased OP, more flux dissipation, etc).
This lack of Flux Capacity is especially noticeable among AI fleets that can't downgrade weapons to a smaller size. As a result, Prometheus MK.III are almost harmless because they reach max flux capacity very quickly.

This is a bit of a touchy concept in my mind. When I first made the prom mk3 it was to give the pirates a capital size fleet anchor to take fire. The atlas mk2 was never able to support a fleet very well due to its fragility and pirate ships often can't support a fire support capital resulting pretty weak mid to endgame fleets. I don't quite want the prom to be pulling too much fire support outperforming the atlas mk2 and making it irrelevant. Ive also seen good results from others such as Rarr in his core worlds only playthrough.

That all said lemme do some tests and move some dials around. maybe not to the extreme you gave but something to make the ship a bit more versatile.
I'm Minideth. I do things.


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #183 on: September 26, 2024, 11:15:12 AM »

I noticed a slight typo with the Pirate variant of the Harbringer where its spelled Herbringer instead. I thought I'd just quickly pop into the files and fix it, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to find the file for it. Is it even a part of this mod?


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #184 on: September 26, 2024, 01:49:33 PM »

I noticed a slight typo with the Pirate variant of the Harbringer where its spelled Herbringer instead. I thought I'd just quickly pop into the files and fix it, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to find the file for it. Is it even a part of this mod?
Lmao yea its there. Its a .skin rather than .ship. Youll find it under data\hulls\skins. The typo is fixed in the next update which is still unreleased. A quick fix is to change the hullname. No need to go and change all the IDs
I'm Minideth. I do things.


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.6.1)
« Reply #185 on: October 03, 2024, 01:06:38 AM »

This hull has undergone significant modifications, it's pirate crew prioritizing showy weapon systems and high-speed engines over frivolous things like ""reliability"", ""Hull Integrity"", and ""Flux Capacity"".

Hull and Armor penalty further increased to %s. Flux Capacity penalty further increased to %s, Flux Dissipation bonus further increased to %s. Increases max speed by %s.

First one should be "its" rather than "it's". First is possessive whereas the second is a contraction of the words "it has/is".

Second highlights should all be lowercase. Personally I think you can also remove or change some of the wording into something like this;

I'll add another one, grammarly this would be a lot better if it's as following:

This hull has undergone significant modifications. Its pirate crew prioritizes / prioritized showy weapon systems and high-speed engines over frivolous things like ""reliability"", ""Hull Integrity"", and ""Flux Capacity"".

I see this file, it is under the folder: mod/PMMM/data/hullmods/hull_mods.csv and being editable.

Also the typo of "Harbinger" over "Herbinger" is under the folder: mod/PMMM/data/hulls/skins/  In case author's too busy, for anyone reading this you can just open this ".skin" file with text editor(!) and change the word "Herbinger" back to "Harbinger" and it's done, easy.


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #186 on: October 22, 2024, 08:50:18 AM »

Hello there!

I was wondering if I could add to the Prometheus Mk III. discourse with some ideas that have been bouncing around in my head:
  • replace some of the weapon mounts with lighter variants and up its durability so its more of an explicit frontline battering ram
  • give it salvage gantries so that its more of a piracy shipbreaker than a true warship
  • as a more memey option, give it pirate hound freighters as built in fighter wings (which in turn have their own hook fighters)
Whatever happens with it, I hope you end up figuring it out in a way you're happy with!


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Re: [0.97a] Pirate Mini Mod (1.7.6)
« Reply #187 on: December 31, 2024, 10:42:00 PM »

Hello,I found a bug that will crash the game when you install shield shunt in master'module,and also a problem in master,it's module will occupy dp in battle but not at deployed,If it's intentional,why not add the module's dp to itself,it resolves the problem anyway that the extra dp becomes invalid when you finally deploy it,or to balance you can raise to 35dp not 50dp or some.or it just a mistake?
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