In-game time is now Apr 13, 208, played more than 40 hours in real-life I suppose, almost one third of it was spent in the simulation enjoying comparing different layout

Now I have a powerful fleet that no NPC can win, say, I beat the game

This is my fleet right now, with them I can beat almost everything!
BTW there's no Paragon-class for sale, I got this amazing ship very luckily: I encountered a tri-tachyon fleet just fought with some low-tech guys, escaping with a damaged Paragon-class and few other cruisers and destroyers. Then I save the game, cut them up, auto fight, loot; repeat until board the Paragon!

My onslaught layout, I call him Death because in simulation mode, even another onslaught can't stand a chance in front of him.
1 vs 4 cruiser(2x domination + eagle + venture), Death won.
1 vs 2 (another onslaught + conquest), Death won, without hull damaged.
So my suggestion is, buy a onslaught ASAP at middle game, it's amazing. hope it won't be nerf :/
My Paragon layout, guess what? Puuuuuuuuuuuure beam! That's why I call him Light.
I don't know how Advanced Optics and integrated targeting unit stacks, is it (BASE RANGE+200)*BONUS or BASE RANGE*BONUS+200?
Whatever, those mod makes Tachyon Lance a killer, the range of it now is 7800 or 7700, covers more than half a map. Light have TWO of it, baby!
My favorite fight style is let my fleet to deal with big ones
Then I can drive my lovely Medusa around, sniping out those poor ships run out of shield with a pair of antimatter blaster. That feels GOOD.
Then it's time to waiting for new release and tring out mods