Misc. ship / weapon pack. Adds ballistic-using automated ships that rarely show up Remnant fleet, a Conquest-like battlecruiser that you don't have to broadside with, a heavy cruiser for the Luddic Church since they have the Dominator taken away, and a light cruiser to pad out Remnant fleets.
Adds several hullmods that can be found through exploration, some ships, and two mini-remnant factions to blow up.
Download-Magiclib, Lazylib, Lunalib, Graphiclib reqs.
Quest class battlecruiser, for when the Conquest gets too asymetrical.

Various weapons can be found through exploration.

Balance status: still silly.
Thanks to DarkRevenant for code snippets.
Tomatopaste and ruddythegreat for troubleshooting,
SirHartley for armor regen code.
On-hit effect, damage listeners copied from BadDragn's Apex.
Aero for helping standardize
Lukas for custom system stuff
TheDragon for fancy graphics
Tarfilette for the very cool Victus system