Just discovered this game about a week ago, and after some rough starts, running out of supplies, fuel, cash, etc....I'm really starting to dig it. I've been trying to find answers to these prior to posting without much luck. I've watched several of the tutorial youtube videos, and they are mostly pretty helpful, but still don't answer a few of my specific questions. I've also read through quite a bit of the forum already, and again, the answers are either out of date (previous version) or I can't find them.
First off: missions. Specifically, the merchant convoy missions that pop up. Are those actual missions that one can join and if so, how? I've managed to get to the start system where the mission was spawning. Looked in the bar, the comms, tried to use comms on the convoy itself, all with no luck.
I feel like the way the game difficulty is pretty high, in terms of pirate/opposing faction fleets as well. I am just starting to try the commission (Hegemony) missions, so maybe that will improve, but a lot of the random missions seem like they would require a huge fleet with capital ships, and I haven't even got a cruiser yet (started with the Hammerhead Fleet). I'm not sure if I'm missing something again, but it seems to be a theme in several threads here, so I'm going to chime in and agree with those. I don't mind a steep learning curve, and it may turn out that this game isn't for me, but I really like a lot of what I'm seeing so for, so I have high hopes.
For my more esoteric questions.... I like to play a little more hands off in combat, and just sit back and watch the battles (I'm a sucker for Gratuitous Space Battles 2). The AI, however, seems to have some odd ideas on how best to use a ship in combat, and I'm not that skilled. Some of them do really well, depending on the loadouts, and I have already found myself adjusting the armaments on some of the ships after running the battle simulations to see how the AI handles it.
I know, from watching the tutorials, that once I get colonies, I can adjust the aggressiveness of my fleets, but is there a way to set the aggression level on individual (non-NPC officer) ships? If not, I suggest maybe something to add in the future? I don't think it should go into the level of detail that the AI adjustments in GSB does, but just a general level other than through the command screen, maybe?
I want to make a carrier based fleet, and I'm trying to figure out how to make the AI handle them most effectively because I love watching swarms of fighters going after ships and seeing the PDS and opposing screening craft fight it out.

Is there a good way to do this, or does the current AI not really support this play style?
Another thought I had: I would like to try to build an explorer fleet. The idea (I think) is that I would need a lot of cargo space for supplies, machinery, and extra crew. I imagine one or two fighting ships for defense (mostly, I'd be running when I can) and the rest support vessels for doing surveys and getting really long range. Question: If I take fuel and supplies to a system, jettison them, and stabilize their orbit, could I basically build myself a chain of supply caches that would get me close to the edge of the map, and more importantly, back? It seems like it would require a lot of patience, which I can manage, and money, which would be harder to do.
Thanks in advance. Off to watch more of Hit Point Inn Gaming's 11 hour tutorial!