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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content  (Read 231918 times)


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2023, 06:21:06 AM »


Im playing a game with random sector, the seemingly quest hub of Kesteven is Land's End Outpost, with 3 contacts talking about "operations work".
I accepted the "enemey Unknown" quest and went on my merry ways, only for ORA to invade them.
After the invasion the quest disappeared along with all contacts on the planet.
Ive since grown big enough to recapture the planet and give it to Kesteven, but the quest givers and quests are still gone... is there anything I can do to fix this?  :'(

You found the questline. Outpost is normally used as a backup for the quest NPCs, if they lose Asteria on normal world gen, but on random core it becomes the main hub. Sadly this means that if they lose the outpost on random core the questline is over for that playthrough.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #91 on: November 09, 2023, 09:51:27 AM »


Im playing a game with random sector, the seemingly quest hub of Kesteven is Land's End Outpost, with 3 contacts talking about "operations work".
I accepted the "enemey Unknown" quest and went on my merry ways, only for ORA to invade them.
After the invasion the quest disappeared along with all contacts on the planet.
Ive since grown big enough to recapture the planet and give it to Kesteven, but the quest givers and quests are still gone... is there anything I can do to fix this?  :'(

You found the questline. Outpost is normally used as a backup for the quest NPCs, if they lose Asteria on normal world gen, but on random core it becomes the main hub. Sadly this means that if they lose the outpost on random core the questline is over for that playthrough.

Ahh.. yeah thats what I was afraid of, but it makes total sense. Thanks for replying!


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #92 on: November 10, 2023, 10:51:53 AM »

The big patch is finally here!


   - New spooky content to discover
   - Fixes a long list of issues


Version: 0.6.0d


Version 0.6.0d
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Fixed the Peacekeepers bounty not despawning in some edge cases
- Mysterious signals intel is now removed when you find the source
- Compressed some BG music, saving like 30mb of your precious RAM

Version 0.6.0c
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Fixed a possible crash when blacksite fleets couldn't find a random market

Version 0.6.0b:
-ONLY save compatible with 0.6.0x versions-

- Some visual changes and updates

- Reduced Mega Flux Rocket Rate Of Fire to 14s->17.5s

- Fixed a crash when hitting ESC on certain parts of the mothership fleet dialog

Version 0.6.0a:

- 2 new Enigma / (Pt) ships
   - Warfare-Class Destroyer - Heavy Gunship
   - Widow-Class Frigate - Gunship
- New custom bounty
   - Sunburst-Class Mothership
- Added "contract" contact missions for Kesteven, complete tasks for credits
   - Recovery - recover items from enemy fleets to complete
   - Elimination - destroy specific enemy ships or factions ships to complete
- Proc-gen objective defense "event"
   - Defend a station from enemy fleets to get big loot
- Added 2 "hidden" role-play endings for the questline   
- Updated Exotica support
   - Enigma ships can now spawn with two different unique upgrades - Temporal Conduits, Space Time Anchor

- Reduced Kingslayer armor 1,600->1,500, and flux cap 16,000->15,000
- Reduced Nighthawk flux cap 11,000->10,000
- Reduced Prosperity armor 1,600->1,500
- Increased Mercenary shipsystem cooldown between charge uses 2s->5s
- Reduced Sovereign DP & supplies/mo to 35->32
- Reduced Keres Storm Cannon sustained dps 112,5->100
- Increased Tremor missile damage 350->375
- Increased Bite ALG base range 350->400, Increased charge regen from 6s->5s
- Increased Temporal Paradox cooldown 15s->17.5s
- Increased Volatile Flux Injector s-mod penalty 15%->25%
- Abyssal tech type renamed to Void
   - Void ship Cruiser and Destroyer phase upkeep reduced, frigate is unchanged
- Reduced shipsystem base range of Causality and BF Pulse
   - Now scales with shipsystem range modifiers (like Sys-Ex)
- Installing SO on Enigma ships now has a CR malus

- Fixed game freeze when joining battles against Kesteven/Enigma (Finally, this one was ***)
   - Also fixes disappearing ships / impossible to end battles
- Fixed a possible crash when raiding a certain market
- Fixed a possible crash with the Inertial Supercharger hullmod
- Fixed a rare crash when using the artifact exchange
- Fixed a rare crash when starting the main questline
- Fixed Enigma not being hostile to some factions
- Fixed jank with fleets not supporting the player against Enigma
- Fixed r&d facilities and other entities sometimes having ridiculous orbit speeds
- Rewrote all Prototype weapon and hull descriptions
- Small additions and changes to questline dialog
- Added the ability to skip fleet size requirements with story points during the questline
- Made some fleet Intercept AI more fair
- Improved wandering Enigma fleet behaviour
- Stalker Enigma fleets are now more aggressive against NPC factions
- Enigma ships will now reveal their hidden stats if you use them in combat
- Made some edge case quest failure states more clear
- Made questline ending intel clearer
- Enigma AI captains now correctly have all elite skills, like other AI captains


« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 11:57:50 PM by Kissa_Mies »


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content [NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #93 on: November 20, 2023, 02:46:42 AM »

Thank you. Nice mod.

Quick Tip for players: It gets even better when you clear the file LOST_SECTOR-0.6.0d\data\strings\tips.json  :P


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content [NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2023, 05:13:54 PM »

Hopping on Starsector to relax after a tiring day of playing League in midlane... ships start using Zhonyas  :'(

Loving the mod, always nice seeing stuff that expands on exploration as it's definitely the game's strong suit


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content [NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2023, 06:51:23 AM »

Hopping on Starsector to relax after a tiring day of playing League in midlane... ships start using Zhonyas  :'(

Loving the mod, always nice seeing stuff that expands on exploration as it's definitely the game's strong suit

Haha, thanks. The League jumpscare is real


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2023, 07:45:42 PM »

Thanks for the mod, It was alot of fun. I had a blast going through it.


I did a 240dp low tech only vanilla only run, you weren't kidding with the difficulty being set higher than vanilla, I barely cleared the content on normal, don't think I can on hard.  There's a couple of ships that hard counter dakka spam, which was my entire fleet, the fights with them were basically a coin toss.  Never before have I wished for a HIL so badly.  The last story quest took me 5 tries, every ship in the fleet got blown up except the invictus, lost 1800 crew in one fight.  I really did pile up a mountain of corpses.  At the end of that fight I played run around the Onslaught with a Minokawa that kept skipping to the other side when I orion drived over to it, we were like kids running around a table, it was hilarious, well not for the onslaught crew but they died 15 seconds later to an Eternity.  They got to see the Minokawa break up first atleast. That eternity wiped out the Onslaught, then myself in a Retribution rapidly (I regretted not taking accelerated shields something like a dozen times that game), it just barely outkited the shield arc. Then it took out the fleet survivors, up till it came up to the Invictus, which being a big dumb armored brick was able to take it out with devestators after several passes. Devestators beat supermaneuverability, honestly didn't expect it to go that way. Gotta wonder if the Eternity can solo an entire Heggie task force on its own under ai control, might console it in later to test. The Invictus stood alone, proving its name amidst the outgassing wreckage of my fleet and the enigmas.  Those Minokawas are crazy good at protecting flanks, they turn quickly when officered and the dmg when moving with the system and their own stats means picking off the juicy smaller ships is often too risky, I played around with it in the sim just destroying ships with only the jump system.  What exactly does final protocol do?  Aside from the one second phase and reducing some of the flux (the biggest danger of it imo), I noticed a few low cr destroyers, think they might've had that triggered and failed to die.

The phase bounty was similarly really tough, who knew afflictor+'s with the harbinger's system would be so deadly. That and the other ship with a system that hard counters shooting at it without beams, the arc from that would jump across half the fleet disabling weapons and wiping out armor and health. One shot from that and my poorly armored Retribution would lose armor on half its sections and the horrible shield arc wouldn't protect it. The dmg from that gets reallly high if you keep firing guns at it, and my Retribution is all machine guns+ devestators.  The best tactic for that fight was for me to just run away and fight everyone else while the fleet hopefully dealt with it.  Again the invictus was the answer being the only thing tanky enough. Still took a bunch of tries. Also that harbinger+ system got me mid orion burst, I got flung spinning wildy across the battlespace at 600su/s with an afflictor+ doing its best to chase me down.

The hardest fight was void commander Umbra, mostly because the much higher fleet size. Got lucky on the Eternity this time, it wiped out my Onslaught with ease but the invictus overloaded it near me, so I was able to orion drive over and kill it, while being nearly killed by three destroyers. A strange thing with this run was how useful the Invictus was, thought it was just a useless dumb brick with horrible logistics that costs 50k just for the crew salary, but it kept outshining the Onslaught.  Now I look at it at and wonder how the Onslaught got outclassed in both frontal firepower and being an armored brick, poor Onslaught.  Invictus isn't even as weak in the rear as an Onslaught.  This was the first fight I've ever had where I was unable to pursue cuz the enemy killed too many of my ships, didn't know the enemy got clean disengage. On that note why do the Enigma retreat? Other ai don't.

I have a suspicion the Enigma are just a bunch of chuuni ai cores. They've spent the 200 years post collapse watching anime and decided to larp as treasure guardians. Really feels like they selected the chip as a treasure specifically because the post collapse sector would view it as the highest value treasure one can find. I dunno what the domain would use one of those chips for either, they're the corps biggest customers, they have access to all the bps without stuffing them on a single flash drive. Someone got lazy and didn't wanna reach for the individual bp chips or something? They didn't need to guard the chip, coulda tossed it into a sun somewhere. They clearly didn't want to use it. They even left breadcrumbs to find the thing and challenged you telling you to dare to take it from them. I bombed their home and built my own house on the ashes. I wasn't gonna do the colony game this run but that system has the best music in the sector, and surprise surprise the music stays even in the colony screen.  I now have the chillest refit music ever.

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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2023, 12:20:23 AM »


Is this still broken if you discover lost secotr (hidden "star ssytem") , defeat AIs without doing any quest ? - for eample just yellow ! , but cant do anything with the drifiting cores.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2023, 02:35:22 AM »

Thanks for the mod, It was alot of fun. I had a blast going through it.

Thanks for the write-up. Glad you enjoyed it.

I did a 240dp low tech only vanilla only run, you weren't kidding with the difficulty being set higher than vanilla, I barely cleared the content on normal, don't think I can on hard.

You're playing the mods as intended pretty much. It's pretty tough, but some high tech stuff really helps against Enigma, EMP is pretty mandatory, phase ships especially hard counter them. Also wolf-pack is super efficient agains their low numbers.

What exactly does final protocol do?  Aside from the one second phase and reducing some of the flux (the biggest danger of it imo), I noticed a few low cr destroyers, think they might've had that triggered and failed to die.

Final Overdrive recovers 33% hull, sets all damaged armor cells back to 75%, dumps 50% of current flux, sets remaining PPT to nearly zero, and gives a big all stats up to the ship.

On that note why do the Enigma retreat? Other ai don't.

That's a bug, I forgor to give the no retreat config to some fleets.

I have a suspicion the Enigma are just a bunch of chuuni ai cores. They've spent the 200 years post collapse watching anime and decided to larp as treasure guardians. Really feels like they selected the chip as a treasure specifically because the post collapse sector would view it as the highest value treasure one can find. I dunno what the domain would use one of those chips for either, they're the corps biggest customers, they have access to all the bps without stuffing them on a single flash drive. Someone got lazy and didn't wanna reach for the individual bp chips or something? They didn't need to guard the chip, coulda tossed it into a sun somewhere. They clearly didn't want to use it. They even left breadcrumbs to find the thing and challenged you telling you to dare to take it from them.

I mean - that's only half wrong, there's some new lore hints on the latest patch.


Is this still broken if you discover lost secotr (hidden "star ssytem") , defeat AIs without doing any quest ? - for eample just yellow ! , but cant do anything with the drifiting cores.

You need to complete the Kesteven side of the quest up to a point to be able to progress from that. You get to skip most of the last quest if you find the Cache early.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 06:30:46 AM by Kissa_Mies »

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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2023, 02:53:21 AM »

You need to complete the Kesteven side of the quest up to a point to be able to progress from that. You get to skip most of the last quest if you find the Cache early.

you know there could be something like a check if you do not have completed / not started quest...etc...  with like text "what is that..."  and point you to the start of the questline / whatever, cause now i was looking at it for a while ,...and could not figured out, what to do....later i dicovered that i dicovered "lost sector" without doing a single quest (was looking for suitable system for my base of operations outside of the core worlds.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #100 on: November 29, 2023, 03:02:32 AM »

You need to complete the Kesteven side of the quest up to a point to be able to progress from that. You get to skip most of the last quest if you find the Cache early.

you know there could be something like a check if you do not have completed / not started quest...etc...  with like text "what is that..."  and point you to the start of the questline / whatever, cause now i was looking at it for a while ,...and could not figured out, what to do....later i dicovered that i dicovered "lost sector" without doing a single quest (was looking for suitable system for my base of operations outside of the core worlds.

Yea I should add something. The problem was how I would do it cleanly without having to write an entire quest for it.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #101 on: November 29, 2023, 10:00:22 AM »

Feel free to ignore the following feedback, I have a pretty conservative ideals for balance and it might not be what you are aiming at.

Kingslayer felt too dumb in my hands. Two cyclones and medium needlers, vulcans and some annihilators/modded kinetic medium missiles. I could keep the system on 247 and never use shields. You can travel from enemy to enemy, even kill and chase radiants with little issue. It's the amount of missiles that thing can load and the ~130 top speed mobility you have with zero flux boost skill. It plays like a frigate with capital grade weapons. I hardly ever get hit by torpedos or missiles either due to the insane pd you can have with the system on. Something feels broken when I could chase down frigates with a cap. This was before the 0.6 nerfs but I don't see -100 armor or -1000 flux affecting it much as you never really spend too much flux with a missile heavy loadout and you can still get over 2k armor with hullmods.

The large hardpoints can't really be composites, or the system needs a total nerf or cooldown. It's way too cheap at 40dp for what it brings in player hands.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 10:01:58 AM by toopok4k3 »


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #102 on: November 29, 2023, 02:08:21 PM »

Feel free to ignore the following feedback, I have a pretty conservative ideals for balance and it might not be what you are aiming at.

Kingslayer felt too dumb in my hands. Two cyclones and medium needlers, vulcans and some annihilators/modded kinetic medium missiles. I could keep the system on 247 and never use shields. You can travel from enemy to enemy, even kill and chase radiants with little issue. It's the amount of missiles that thing can load and the ~130 top speed mobility you have with zero flux boost skill. It plays like a frigate with capital grade weapons. I hardly ever get hit by torpedos or missiles either due to the insane pd you can have with the system on. Something feels broken when I could chase down frigates with a cap. This was before the 0.6 nerfs but I don't see -100 armor or -1000 flux affecting it much as you never really spend too much flux with a missile heavy loadout and you can still get over 2k armor with hullmods.

The large hardpoints can't really be composites, or the system needs a total nerf or cooldown. It's way too cheap at 40dp for what it brings in player hands.

I see the issue now, yep there is no way the ship can be balanced with comp slots.
Also the feedback is very welcome, nice to have something formatted in a way where it tells me more than x OP halp.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #103 on: December 01, 2023, 11:53:16 PM »

If you time out of the "hostile takeover" quest where you need to destroy the TT fleet, is that it for the entire Kestiven quest line in that playthrough? I reported back to Asteria after the mission timed out and after speaking to the initial quest giver, nobody is offering any more "operations work". I also noticed that the TT fleet itself left the system over 10 days prior to the mission failing as I reloaded a save to check if I could divert there to catch it and finish the mission.


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Re: [0.96a] LOST_SECTOR - Exploration and Quest content
« Reply #104 on: December 02, 2023, 05:09:31 AM »

If you time out of the "hostile takeover" quest where you need to destroy the TT fleet, is that it for the entire Kestiven quest line in that playthrough? I reported back to Asteria after the mission timed out and after speaking to the initial quest giver, nobody is offering any more "operations work". I also noticed that the TT fleet itself left the system over 10 days prior to the mission failing as I reloaded a save to check if I could divert there to catch it and finish the mission.

Nah, you're fine. The next mission always takes about a month to show up.
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