Let me start by saying testing a fleet against 5 Ordos doesn't have much particular practical purpose, since realistically the most you'll ever need to do is against double Ordos or possibly triple Ordos, at which point you've maxed out your fleet DP (maximizing your kill rate) and your XP bonus, unless you have a bunch of AI core officers. But it's fun to try to see how long you can go with your fleet.
This fleet is a modification of my flagship Onslaught / 3 Conquest / 2 Gryphon fleet that I found to be reliable for farming double Ordos with a high XP gain (~+450% XP bonus, usually takes around 4 minutes or 240 seconds or less per battle according to Detailed Combat Results). I basically used the same strategy and tactics, just with a loadout that's geared toward endurance rather than max DPS.
The star of the show is the Conquest. After 0.96a, I've found that a Squall/Locust pair does better than double Squalls, since the Locust will help finish off trash now that the Squall doesn't do as much to hull and armor, and since part of the reason for the Squall is to break up the enemy fleet and put them on the defensive, so the second Squall is a bit redundant anyway. Then it's the usual dual Mjolnir, dual HVD, and dual Harpoons. In this case, I set the missiles in their own groups for endurance; for max DPS (i.e. vs double Ordos) they would all be in the same group and linked, to make sure they're fired as quickly as possible.
I also stuck on some Tactical Lasers and a Graviton Beam. The Graviton Beam gives a bonus to anti-shield damage, of course. The Tactical Lasers are pretty inefficient at damage/flux, so they should be the first to go if you need some more OP (starting with the tail one), but I had some extra OP and flux so I figured I might as well. I don't know if Graviton Beam (for more anti-shield damage from all sources) or IR Autolance (to finish off ships faster) would be better, but I just stuck with Graviton Beam.
For the flagship Onslaught XIV, since it's for endurance, I put HVD's in the medium ballistic slots for max range, since staying farther away means I take less damage means I can last longer. Sadly, I lost most of my armor in the first few minutes due to the Novae anyway. Oh well. Note that I also chose to take more damage with my shield and rely on frequent venting, to make my armor/hull last longer as well. Usually, for double Ordos, it would be all 5 Heavy Needlers, or 3 Heavy Autocannon in the front and 2 HVD in the back, or all 5 HVD, which all seem to work well depending on what I'm focusing on -- the former is better for charging into big ships while the latter is better for picking off a bunch of weaker ships at long range, reducing the time it takes for me to switch from target to target.
The Hephaestus in the center large ballistic is for general-purpose killing, while the Proximity Charge Launchers are for big ships, or when I get in a jam and need some extra DPS, or for some anti-missile duty if I'm full on flux. Side Devastators are to take care of incoming from the sides, since I should be able to take care of incoming from the front via either shields or PCL.
The Gryphons are just the usual Squall/Harpoon/Breach/HVD Gryphon, they're basically there to grab objectives and chase down any ships that got away. I could probably use a different, better ship for it, I just haven't bothered to try other ships. That's where this fleet could probably improve.
The video can be found here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1tLbLe8iUYThe 5 Ordos total 2130 DP. It pretty much follows with my Ordos fleet statistics thus far (on average, an Ordos fleet will have 1 Radiant and 1 Nova) so it should be pretty representative.
It wasn't the best run, I took a lot of damage early on which I usually don't, so I had to stay farther away than I usually do, decreasing my DPS. Also, an Apex got away near the end because the Conquest was trying to flank (since it's broadside AI) and wound up behind the Apex, which is sort of dumb since I want the Conquest to block it, not go around it. But no way to tell broadside AI to do that, oh well. So that lengthened the run and exposed my left flank, which made the run take longer. But this overall shows how it can be done. Having a max DPS loadout against double Ordos is pretty much the same, except I don't bother to deploy the 4th Conquest (I only use 3 Conquests for more XP bonus), and it goes much faster.