Bug report:"Gregariousness" mission don't work well. The mission don't end after victory so you have to use console command. Plus , the command "nuke" and "kill" don't work( not cool) and ( did you disable Super weapons not being effective on your fight? Maybe bug compatibility or just my AMD laptop doing *** as usual.)
And aslo , where is the reward? Dit it comes later or is this also a bug?( unless there none which would be rude to say the least since the bounty can tank omega weapons.
Other bug: ia core not returning normally to cargo when you remove them from a ship, it eventually return at a moment but don't know what trigger that.
Ps. question: does AI time dilatation is apply to a neural liked ship whit AI integrated on it (on both ship)?
And does time dilatation accumulate to other ship that already have smal time dilatation bonus? Like ( the Great house ships, Valkazard , or Sierra's ship?
Thanks for this great mod and your work.