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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?  (Read 3967 times)


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There are a healthy number of ships at this point but still some gaps that could be filled, imo.
  • A heavy destroyer, no, Enforcer is not classified as heavy. We've got heavy frigates, heavy cruisers but no heavy destroyer. Starsector's weakest ship size, imo. Possibly high tech, superb shields/defensive system, real late game staying power.
  • A high tech carrier. Make it unique with a cool ship system, likely cruiser sized.
  • Another phase combat destroyer or cruiser. You go from 3 phase frigates to a single destroyer, cruiser and capital. Very, very anemic line-up. Not counting the two ships that don't even have weapon slots for obvious reasons.
  • Another heavy fighter wing that doesn't get obliterated in 0.5 seconds in large battles. Point Defense power creep is getting out of line.
  • Some more "hero" ships that you acquire from questlines and special circumstance. Major campaign stuff, super awesome rewards. Ziggy-tier but don't need to be capitals—could be any ship size, just very powerful/unique.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2023, 06:01:22 PM »

Midline missile destroyer. I'd make it a dampener field ship as well.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2023, 07:23:36 PM »

A combat freighter Cruiser.
A factory/engineering ship, to help with fleet maint and repairs.
A Midline Carrier Capital.
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Rusty Edge

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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2023, 07:50:07 PM »

A low tech frigate that can compete in late game.

A fast, defensive drone ship that is late game viable, designed to escort frigates and vulnerable assault ships like the sunder. Something like a Shepherd's bigger brother.

And having both of these ships and their blueprints be fairly hard to get would make them more interesting as well.

I also like the ECM and Nav mechanics, having a couple more possible support networks would be interesting.

I almost want more hullmods than more ships, especially the wacky full conversion hullmods like Safety overrides, converted hangar and Shield Shunt. Hullmods that allow you to fundamentally change a ship's function in battle are almost like whole packs of new ships wrapped up in a single feature.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2023, 08:09:51 PM »

Stuff using BUILT_IN. Spinal mount Death Rays, Armageddon Launchers that are bigger than a Frigate and blot out the sun. Weapons that transport the target into Phased Space, doing no damage, but shoving them back 1000 su. Basically, stuff that's weird and you can't mount it elsewhere, so the ship can be balanced around it- the Monitor, only in terms of offense.

Ships that actively effect the ability to see on the battlefield. Apogee used to do that; I want to see ships that do that in reverse to the enemy, or that can suddenly clear the Fog of War over large areas, or can blind missiles or give fighters false orders for 30 seconds or whatever. This is an area where it seems like there are lots of niche ships that might be fun.

Destroyers that can actually be late-game player ships. I think piloting Cruisers and Capitals is boring, personally, and ever since stuff like Hyperion / Tempest were nerfed into almost irrelevancy for anything past early midgame, I've missed having things that can fight, kite and dodge, but take some hits without wilting. I don't really care if it's a super-Destroyer that costs a lot deploy or whatever- I want stuff that's fun to fly and can kill things well in player hands, not yet-another group-juggling exercise that lumbers along. Preferably with a gimmick System that the AI won't really "get".

Stuff that's not boardable and is truly terrifying. [[REDACTED]] is scary, because it has a cute gimmick, but I want to see stuff where I'm pretty sure nobody can beat it... then see somebody's silly thing that can. I feel like Derelict leaves too much on the table; it's meant to be like an easy [REDACTED], which is supposed to prepare you for [[REDACTED]]. IDK, I guess I want to see something that looks like a mountain of used copy machines with engines or Doritos served up with a Spicy Pizza Slice. Something that makes me go, "uhhhh, what just happened to my fleet, lol".

Utility ships that have a point on the battlefield. I built repair-ship mechanics... 9 years ago. We still don't have them in Vanilla today. Ammo-reload vessels, ships that deliver magical boxes that restore fighters or CR, ships that provide movement buffs, better ranges, inflict debuffs on enemies... the list could go on and on. This is maybe the biggest missing thing- that the utility vessels are meant to be seen, but not used, is a problem. Part of it is that the ones that are in are so horrible in a fight that players naturally conclude that they should never ever be used that way.

I still think my in-game capture system was more fun than a dice-roll, too.
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Lawrence Master-blaster

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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2023, 08:55:41 PM »

"Premium"(6+ DP) lowtech frigates.

Frigate minicarrier.

A "command destroyer" with built-in Operations Center. Flagship for those who don't want to fly a ship.

Cruiser/capital surveying equipment/salvage gantry ships.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2023, 09:04:00 PM »

Stuff that's not boardable and is truly terrifying. [[REDACTED]] is scary, because it has a cute gimmick, but I want to see stuff where I'm pretty sure nobody can beat it... then see somebody's silly thing that can. I feel like Derelict leaves too much on the table; it's meant to be like an easy [REDACTED], which is supposed to prepare you for [[REDACTED]]. IDK, I guess I want to see something that looks like a mountain of used copy machines with engines or Doritos served up with a Spicy Pizza Slice. Something that makes me go, "uhhhh, what just happened to my fleet, lol".

This please! Spare a thought for players who like the endgame and are contemplating fighting 10 Ordos for a challenge. The special Dorito bounty is good, it reminds me of the Alien hunt at the end of Escape Velocity. The problem is Doritos are too weak. I am not sure they are even stronger than the most dangerous Radiants.

There's so much more stuff a high level military contact could give you. Like imagine, secret Domain dreadnought stashed by the Hegemony in some faraway system. Derelict station that keeps cranking out mean drones while you fight it. Brother Cotton's own fleet that has optimized LP layouts, no Ill-advised and the AI is special cased to never retreat from anything. Pirate lords' personal ships like a Falcon (P) with super safety overrides and PCLs. Cranky Lobster Guy's prototype am weapon that instakills you at 700 range and is mounted on a slow capital.

I've been thinking about making a mod that would just add actually good loadouts to the game since many enemy loadouts are just not at all optimal, and enemy fleets with proper loadouts and S-mods. Have fun actually facing some of the ones that chew through Ordos under AI control.
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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2023, 09:37:58 PM »

Yeah, it is really hard to believe that the Onslaught is the only ship with a unique built-in weapon. Seems like a real wasted opportunity to not make at least 1 or 2 more. This would be a great thing to use for a new "hero" ship.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2023, 10:29:53 PM »

I'd like a phase ship that doesn't rely on AMB and or missiles. Give it like 10x faster firing for 3 seconds (with added recoil and no flux reduction) after leaving phase so you can put ballistics or other energy weapons on it.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2023, 12:44:34 AM »

We really have a healthy lineup since I'd say I'd be more excited about a new weapon, than a new ship. But that's a topic for another thread.

It would be nice to have a high tech cruiser, probably 25 DP which will have a large energy turret (first of its kind!!!) but no mobility system. Just a pure warship meant to bring the firepower without any zig zag gimmicks. Perhaps give it the hullmod some LG ships have, weaker version of Energy Bolt Coherer. Don't bother with synergy mounts because everyone will pick the missile in 99% of the time.

I see people suggesting low tech elite frigate, but that kinda goes against the whole idea behind low tech. Unless we give it Phase Skimmer it's going to get bullied by everything. Same as Vanguard which was supposed to be the elite frigate. Unfortunately armour stats demand much higher numbers if one hopes to stay alive in bigger fights.
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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2023, 12:56:10 AM »

We really have a healthy lineup since I'd say I'd be more excited about a new weapon, than a new ship. But that's a topic for another thread.

It would be nice to have a high tech cruiser, probably 25 DP which will have a large energy turret (first of its kind!!!) but no mobility system. Just a pure warship meant to bring the firepower without any zig zag gimmicks. Perhaps give it the hullmod some LG ships have, weaker version of Energy Bolt Coherer. Don't bother with synergy mounts because everyone will pick the missile in 99% of the time.

I see people suggesting low tech elite frigate, but that kinda goes against the whole idea behind low tech. Unless we give it Phase Skimmer it's going to get bullied by everything. Same as Vanguard which was supposed to be the elite frigate. Unfortunately armour stats demand much higher numbers if one hopes to stay alive in bigger fights.
The Champion is basically that. I consider it an honory high tech ship rather than a mid line one. Though a ship with more large energy slots than it can really use would be nice so that the paladin gets some love.

Ablative amour or probably better, self repairing armour would let a low tech frigate rely on armour without it getting annoyingly high. Though the vanguard was explicitly designed to be the premium high tech fragate so adding another one would be a bit awkward. I've wanted to try modding in an armour repair system to the vanguard but I have trouble modding simpler things.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2023, 01:33:02 AM »

+1 to lategame non-phase destroyer. Either a quest reward similar to Ziggurat. Or something available earlier, maybe taking Blackrock Desdinova (mod) as inspiration.
And a usable phase destroyer too (or revert some of Harbinger's nerfs).
Maybe also a good speed 10 destroyer to give player incentive to use something other than Falcon(P) or frigates early.

Other than new ship, I'd also like a bit more awareness from AI on how phase really works, from both phase and shielded ships. Because top-tier phase ship play is quite non-interactive - AI literally can't do anything to stop me, because it doesn't understand the nature of the threat. The only possible reason for dying is gross execution mistake on my part (killing a capital from too close, most of the time).
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 01:46:44 AM by TaLaR »


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2023, 02:17:48 AM »

Huh, now that I think about it, destroyer lineup really ends suddenly. Average DP cost is 10 I guess and the most "elite" ships are Manticore and Medusa at 12 DP. I know Harbinger is 20 but all phase ships are more expensive relative to their size class.
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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2023, 02:33:30 AM »

I'd like one new heavy/elite destroyer per tech level. Ships that are oversized for their class (like the aforementioned Desdinova) tend to be more dynamic, basically the inverse of the Falcon effect where it's pushed into a boring standoff role.


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Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2023, 03:29:59 AM »

-Phase [Redacted] of various ship classes, because the easiest way to currently beat them is with kinetic spam and highly armored phase nightmares would throw a wrench in that. It would also be absolutely evil and something an Omega Core would find funny. Especially a Phase Radiant with Damper Field as an active ability.
-35-60DP High Tech, decent mobility Battlecruisers. Would be nice if their total armament wasn't anything impressive but it featured some Universal mounts for them to be highly customizable

-one or two High Tech carriers because I'd rather not be stuck with the Astral until the end of time
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 03:32:58 AM by Arcagnello »
Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.
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