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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.9.5  (Read 233983 times)

Penny Royal

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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.1
« Reply #90 on: February 26, 2024, 09:22:44 AM »

Sick mod!

What type of ships can you use the abomination interface hull mod on and what does building it into the hull actually do?

TY <3


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.1
« Reply #91 on: February 26, 2024, 04:22:10 PM »

Sick mod!

What type of ships can you use the abomination interface hull mod on and what does building it into the hull actually do?

TY <3

basically any ships that cant use AI integration like others added by mods and such. lets you pick one of the remnant/emergent hullmods. you can only have one ship with it at a time, unless you smod it in to build it in which lets you pick an additional one (and so on). very much worth it.


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.1
« Reply #92 on: February 29, 2024, 08:20:55 AM »

I've been enjoying the 9th since ye olden days (RIP to the Eyrie system), and been playing again and boy oh boy, they're a tough cookie - they've wiped out Carter's Free Traders, sniped a system on the far side of the Persean League, and then have started taking shots at Culann; those failed, but they hit Skathi right after and established a beachhead in Hybrasil. Fun stuff! :D

It actually tempted me into doing a little something - Nexerelin has this little feature where planet descriptions can be updated based on who controls the market, and I couldn't help but write one or two for everyone's favorite boys in black and green.

In regular form:

A cursed world of emerald jungles and embattled cities forever at war with its native xenolife, Jangala is home to both the darkest and most glorious days of the Ninth. It was here that they first made contact with and were defeated by their wayward 'brothers' of the Fourteenth Fleet, driven into exile in the Zorya system...but now, they return in triumph. The false phoenix has been cast down, and the banner of the true Domain hoisted upon its surface. Taking it was one thing, however, and holding it is another - those soldiers of the Fleet who might occupy Jangala know it to be a green hell, locked in battle with the Hegemony's stay-behind troops, the infamous Seventies.

The seats of the Ninth Fleet on this world, Jangala's fortified cities are akin to islands, surrounded by green jungles that stretch forever onward without end. There, the ever-watching eye of the Panopticon can root out insurgency, allowing disciplined ground troops to maintain a harsh, but not entirely unfair, order. There, the Ninth has won. Beyond their sealed confines, the war for Jangala rages on - commanded by the Hegemony's own Field Marshal, the formally named 70th Ground Defense Garrison, named in honor of the Ninth's defeat decades before, continues the fight. Weapons fire and explosions can be heard all over the planet, the Seventies determined to make sure that the Fleet's occupation of Jangala proves to be a temporary one, and even the Panopticon struggles to keep track of the insurgents as they fleet into the jungles, leaving nothing but dead troops and burning strongholds in their wake.  A refit program for Jangala Station promises to bring an end to the war via the power of orbital fire, but for now at least, the battle of Jangala has only just begun.

In a surprising fit of sentimentality, the Ninth Fleet have constructed a war memorial on the surface, commemorating the brave officers and crew who lost their lives in the Fleet's first defeat over Jangala. Those who lay down their lives in service to the true Domain are forever remembered here.

In code form:

planet_jangala_9th,CUSTOM,"A cursed world of emerald jungles and embattled cities forever at war with its native xenolife, Jangala is home to both the darkest and most glorious days of the Ninth. It was here that they were first made contact with and were defeated by their wayward 'brothers' of the Fourteenth Fleet, driven to exile in Zorya...but now, they return in triumph. The false phoenix has been cast down, and the banner of the true Domain hoisted upon its surface. Taking it was one thing, however, and holding it is another - those soldiers of the Fleet who might occupy Jangala know it to be a green hell, locked in battle with the Hegemony's stay-behind troops, the infamous Seventies.",,"The seats of the Ninth Fleet on this world, Jangala's fortified cities are akin to islands, surrounded by green jungles that stretch forever onward without end. There, the ever-watching eye of the Panopticon can root out insurgency, allowing disciplined ground troops to maintain a harsh, but not entirely unfair, order. There, the Ninth has won. Beyond their sealed confines, the war for Jangala rages on - commanded by the Hegemony's own Field Marshal, the formally named 70th Ground Defense Garrison, named in honor of the Ninth's defeat decades before, continues the fight. Weapons fire and explosions can be heard all over the planet, the Seventies determined to make sure that the Fleet's occupation of Jangala proves to be a temporary one, and even the Panopticon struggles to keep track of the insurgents as they fleet into the jungles, leaving nothing but dead troops and burning strongholds in their wake.  A refit program for Jangala Station promises to bring an end to the war via the power of orbital fire, but for now at least, the battle of Jangala has only just begun.

In a surprising fit of sentimentality, the Ninth Fleet have constructed a war memorial on the surface, commemorating the brave officers and crew who lost their lives in the Fleet's first defeat over Jangala. Those who lay down their lives in service to the true Domain are forever remembered here.",

In regular form:

One of the first planets targeted for colonization in the Sector, Chicomoztoc was selected to become a center of industry, host to a nexus of huge nanoforges. Only a marginal terraforming candidate upon discovery, rapid early industry and later war has left the atmosphere polluted and desolate, but this is merely a beginning. What was once the beating heart of the Hegemony has become a major component of the Ninth Fleet and its reborn Domain, providing Fleet Command with the resources to escalate their campaign of conquest and push onwards towards the total unification of the Persean Sector.

The enormous population of Chicomoztoc live in vast underground arcologies, ruled by a combination of district commanders appointed by the Fleet and (begrudgingly on both sides) local administrators from before the Ninth's takeover of the planet, a combination of Hegemony officers and local strongmen who saw the way the wind was blowing. Whatever the leadership, Chicomoztoc's vast urbanization means that it is a conquest that even the Ninth must digest slowly, its newborn branch of the Panopticon slowly but surely integrated into local hive security systems...a thing that local Fleet garrisons eagerly yearn for: the war for Chicomoztoc is not yet over, and the hive-scum Hegemon has returned to his roots, leading a guerilla war from the shadows.  For all their effort, the Fleet has yet to truly slay the Phoenix, and it threatens to rise from the ashes beneath their feet. No knock raids, 'special' interrogation sessions and a veritable flood of Fleet propaganda are all daily facts of life on Chicomoztoc, now, efforts by Fleet Command to snuff out the final embers of their most hated enemy.

But between gunfire exchanged by marines in orange or green, extolling the virtues of a Ninth or Fourteenth fleet, life continues with surprising normity on Chicomoztoc. The forges still burn, albeit for a new master, and work continues ever onwards.

In code form:

planet_chicomoztoc_9th,CUSTOM,"One of the first planets targeted for colonization in the Sector, Chicomoztoc was selected to become a center of industry, host to a nexus of huge nanoforges. Only a marginal terraforming candidate upon discovery, rapid early industry and later war has left the atmosphere polluted and desolate, but this is merely a beginning. What was once the beating heart of the Hegemony has become a major component of the Ninth Fleet and its reborn Domain, providing Fleet Command with the resources to escalate their campaign of conquest and push onwards towards the total unification of the Persean Sector.",,"The enormous population of Chicomoztoc live in vast underground arcologies, ruled by a combination of district commanders appointed by the Fleet and (begrudgingly on both sides) local administrators from before the Ninth's takeover of the planet, a combination of Hegemony officers and local strongmen who saw the way the wind was blowing. Whatever the leadership, Chicomoztoc's vast urbanization means that it is a conquest that even the Ninth must digest slowly, its newborn branch of the Panopticon slowly but surely integrated into local hive security systems...a thing that local Fleet garrisons eagerly yearn for: the war for Chicomoztoc is not yet over, and the hive-scum Hegemon has returned to his roots, leading a guerilla war from the shadows.  For all their effort, the Fleet has yet to truly slay the Phoenix, and it threatens to rise from the ashes beneath their feet. No knock raids, 'special' interrogation sessions and a veritable flood of Fleet propaganda are all daily facts of life on Chicomoztoc, now, efforts by Fleet Command to snuff out the final embers of their most hated enemy.

But between gunfire exchanged by marines in orange or green, extolling the virtues of a Ninth or Fourteenth fleet, life continues with surprising normity on Chicomoztoc. The forges still burn, albeit for a new master, and work continues ever onwards. ",

Call it fanfic of a mod or something :P
« Last Edit: February 29, 2024, 01:58:26 PM by caekdaemon »


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.1
« Reply #93 on: February 29, 2024, 02:01:44 PM »

Yeah, I'm definitely a fan of having a nice aggressive antagonistic faction to keep things spicy!  Especially since Legio aren't very aggressive at all anymore.  Can you imagine what the sector would look like if those two allied?


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.1
« Reply #94 on: March 02, 2024, 01:45:31 AM »

Neat little thing I noticed in the latest version of Starsector: the Ninth Fleet can do the pirate crisis.

Eleven fleets of IX capitals? Now that's a spicy meatball! At least I got the pirate access bonus when I took out the raid :P


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #95 on: March 02, 2024, 05:33:50 AM »

IX Battlegroup runs off pirate code for their raiding behavior, which in 0.97 means they can also get roped into colony crisis events. This isn't exactly intended behavior and I might look into it at some point, but digging into how colony crisis works is going to take some time.

Also, new update :D


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #96 on: March 02, 2024, 05:42:35 AM »

I can only ask why the new Onslaught isn't based on the slick new Onslaught sprite, but on the old one?


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #97 on: March 02, 2024, 06:00:57 AM »

I can only ask why the new Onslaught isn't based on the slick new Onslaught sprite, but on the old one?

In-game reason because the ship is ancient, but the real reason is because I was too lazy to make it from scratch and used HELMUT's work as a starting point.


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #98 on: March 02, 2024, 06:31:31 AM »

IX Battlegroup runs off pirate code for their raiding behavior, which in 0.97 means they can also get roped into colony crisis events. This isn't exactly intended behavior and I might look into it at some point, but digging into how colony crisis works is going to take some time.
I loved the fighting so much I'd call it a feature, not a bug :P

Also, did you read the little planet descriptions in my post up there? I couldn't help but make another pair.

Regular form:

A dry and old world with a sluggish magnetic field partially stripped of volatiles by solar wind. There is evidence that this was once a world covered by shallow, warm seas: bleached dunes of salt, odd towers and ridges of uniquely crystallized silica, and a few briny aquifers tapped are exploited by human settlers, now in accordance with the greater plans of Fleet Command. Although of relatively little industrial or economic value in its own right, Ancyra's surface is home to a number of newly established supply yards and ammunition depots, ready to support operations far away from Zorya. Local industry is being retooled towards war production, a slow and steady mobilization towards a total war footing.

Code form:

planet_ancyra_9th,CUSTOM,"A dry and old world with a sluggish magnetic field partially stripped of volatiles by solar wind. There is evidence that this was once a world covered by shallow, warm seas: bleached dunes of salt, odd towers and ridges of uniquely crystallized silica, and a few briny aquifers tapped are exploited by human settlers, now in accordance with the greater plans of Fleet Command. Although of relatively little industrial or economic value in its own right, Ancyra's surface is home to a number of newly established supply yards and ammunition depots, ready to support operations far away from Zorya. Local industry is being retooled towards war production, a slow mobilization towards a total war footing. ",,,


Ancyra Station

Regular form:

Once a stronghold of advanced research and a prestigious post hungrily sought after by graduates of the few remaining universities of the core worlds, Ancyra Station has been transformed ever since the Fleet took over. Now enrobed in the emerald hues of the Ninth, its laboratories have been given over entirely to the purpose of war: newer and better weapons, shields, flux systems and so much more are always on the agenda here, and some tiny sliver of the Panopticon system's spare processing power has been 'generously' donated for research purposes, as much to allow work to be monitored very closely as it is to accelerate useful discoveries. Galatia Academy proper might remain beyond the Fleet for now, neutral as it is, but it is only a matter of time before Fleet Command turns its eyes towards their prodigious hyperphysics department, their best strategists fascinated by rumors of gate-based experiments and research...

Code form:

station_ancyra_9th,CUSTOM,"Once a stronghold of advanced research and a prestigious post hungrily sought after by graduates of the few remaining universities of the core worlds, Ancyra Station has been transformed ever since the Fleet took over. Now enrobed in the emerald hues of the Ninth, its laboratories have been given over entirely to the purpose of war: newer and better weapons, shields, flux systems and so much more are always on the agenda here, and some tiny sliver of the Panopticon system's spare processing power has been 'generously' donated for research purposes, as much to allow work to be monitored very closely as it is to accelerate useful discoveries. Galatia Academy proper might remain beyond the Fleet for now, neutral as it is, but it is only a matter of time before Fleet Command turns its eyes towards their prodigious hyperphysics department, their best strategists fascinated by rumors of gate-based experiments and research... ",,,

This stuff is fun to write, I gotta tell you. The Ninth make a neat, twisted mirror version of the Hegemony, what little softness they might have ripped out and replaced with a total dedication to the mission of restoring the Domain, whatever the cost might be. They make a great antag as a result. If you like, I could write up a few more for you, make a package big enough to give one for all the entries that the base Nexerelin file has? There's only 22 in the file, and I've already wrote four, so it wouldn't take me long to do the rest if you want to add support for that feature in Nex :D


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #99 on: March 02, 2024, 12:15:55 PM »

For anyone who had crash issues using the mod change reverter files in v0.5.2 of Emergent Threats, please redownload the mod. Some of the files were not updated to handle the new ET content.

IX Battlegroup runs off pirate code for their raiding behavior, which in 0.97 means they can also get roped into colony crisis events. This isn't exactly intended behavior and I might look into it at some point, but digging into how colony crisis works is going to take some time.
I loved the fighting so much I'd call it a feature, not a bug :P

Also, did you read the little planet descriptions in my post up there? I couldn't help but make another pair.

Regular form:

A dry and old world with a sluggish magnetic field partially stripped of volatiles by solar wind. There is evidence that this was once a world covered by shallow, warm seas: bleached dunes of salt, odd towers and ridges of uniquely crystallized silica, and a few briny aquifers tapped are exploited by human settlers, now in accordance with the greater plans of Fleet Command. Although of relatively little industrial or economic value in its own right, Ancyra's surface is home to a number of newly established supply yards and ammunition depots, ready to support operations far away from Zorya. Local industry is being retooled towards war production, a slow and steady mobilization towards a total war footing.

Code form:

planet_ancyra_9th,CUSTOM,"A dry and old world with a sluggish magnetic field partially stripped of volatiles by solar wind. There is evidence that this was once a world covered by shallow, warm seas: bleached dunes of salt, odd towers and ridges of uniquely crystallized silica, and a few briny aquifers tapped are exploited by human settlers, now in accordance with the greater plans of Fleet Command. Although of relatively little industrial or economic value in its own right, Ancyra's surface is home to a number of newly established supply yards and ammunition depots, ready to support operations far away from Zorya. Local industry is being retooled towards war production, a slow mobilization towards a total war footing. ",,,


Ancyra Station

Regular form:

Once a stronghold of advanced research and a prestigious post hungrily sought after by graduates of the few remaining universities of the core worlds, Ancyra Station has been transformed ever since the Fleet took over. Now enrobed in the emerald hues of the Ninth, its laboratories have been given over entirely to the purpose of war: newer and better weapons, shields, flux systems and so much more are always on the agenda here, and some tiny sliver of the Panopticon system's spare processing power has been 'generously' donated for research purposes, as much to allow work to be monitored very closely as it is to accelerate useful discoveries. Galatia Academy proper might remain beyond the Fleet for now, neutral as it is, but it is only a matter of time before Fleet Command turns its eyes towards their prodigious hyperphysics department, their best strategists fascinated by rumors of gate-based experiments and research...

Code form:

station_ancyra_9th,CUSTOM,"Once a stronghold of advanced research and a prestigious post hungrily sought after by graduates of the few remaining universities of the core worlds, Ancyra Station has been transformed ever since the Fleet took over. Now enrobed in the emerald hues of the Ninth, its laboratories have been given over entirely to the purpose of war: newer and better weapons, shields, flux systems and so much more are always on the agenda here, and some tiny sliver of the Panopticon system's spare processing power has been 'generously' donated for research purposes, as much to allow work to be monitored very closely as it is to accelerate useful discoveries. Galatia Academy proper might remain beyond the Fleet for now, neutral as it is, but it is only a matter of time before Fleet Command turns its eyes towards their prodigious hyperphysics department, their best strategists fascinated by rumors of gate-based experiments and research... ",,,

This stuff is fun to write, I gotta tell you. The Ninth make a neat, twisted mirror version of the Hegemony, what little softness they might have ripped out and replaced with a total dedication to the mission of restoring the Domain, whatever the cost might be. They make a great antag as a result. If you like, I could write up a few more for you, make a package big enough to give one for all the entries that the base Nexerelin file has? There's only 22 in the file, and I've already wrote four, so it wouldn't take me long to do the rest if you want to add support for that feature in Nex :D

Thanks for writing these. I will think about what to incorporate but I do like the idea. I might poke you again close to the next release  :)


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2024, 01:54:04 PM »

I dont understand the AI subsytem integration, how does it work? I just install it as a built in mod? dont you still need to connect it to an AI somehow? what are its skills?
thanks for any help.

Takion Kasukedo

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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #101 on: March 02, 2024, 03:22:18 PM »

I dont understand the AI subsytem integration, how does it work? I just install it as a built in mod? dont you still need to connect it to an AI somehow? what are its skills?
thanks for any help.

You need to build it into the hull it's on, pretty much.

Then you can add AI ship skills (like that you'd see on the Remnants)
If it ever seems like I'm not doing something you've asked/I said I'll get around to doing, it's because my time is occupied by other things that interest me in that current moment in time. Kindly be patient, or don't ask at all. Thank you.


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #102 on: March 02, 2024, 07:20:11 PM »

I dont understand the AI subsytem integration, how does it work? I just install it as a built in mod? dont you still need to connect it to an AI somehow? what are its skills?
thanks for any help.

You need to build it into the hull it's on, pretty much.

Then you can add AI ship skills (like that you'd see on the Remnants)

Ok, but how do you add the skills?  sorry if it's obvious but i dont know how. And thank you again for taking the time to answer!


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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #103 on: March 03, 2024, 11:13:43 AM »

Ok, but how do you add the skills?  sorry if it's obvious but i dont know how. And thank you again for taking the time to answer!

Refit screen at the top, 'additional options'.

Uther Phobos

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Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.5.2
« Reply #104 on: March 03, 2024, 04:33:55 PM »

I dont understand the AI subsytem integration, how does it work? I just install it as a built in mod? dont you still need to connect it to an AI somehow? what are its skills?
thanks for any help.

You need to build it into the hull it's on, pretty much.

Then you can add AI ship skills (like that you'd see on the Remnants)

Ok, but how do you add the skills?  sorry if it's obvious but i dont know how. And thank you again for taking the time to answer!
It's the "Adaptive x" hullmods. They all cost 0 OP but you can only pick one and it will automatically replace any existing ones if you pick another.
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