Not sure if it's a bug or an incompatibility issue, but whenever I mouse over one of the ships added through this mod or enter combat where they are present, I crash with a null pointer exception. Any ideas what might be causing this? Logs below, holler if more is needed 
It does look like an incompatibility bug with another mod. You could try re-downloading the mod and see if that makes a difference, but I doubt that'll fix it. Unfortunately without being able to go through loading one mod at a time alongside ET it'll be hard to tell what's causing it. Does this bug still occur on a fresh install when it's the only mod (plus dependencies) loaded?
Awesome mod! I’m definitely going to use this in my current playthrough.
I’m wondering what the triggers for all six bounties are, because I’ve seen/done half of them, but Gaining Vantage, A Diamond In The Dark, and Cleaning Up a Mess never seem to show up for me.
Are there any reasons for their (perceived) absence from the bounty boards?
I'm glad you're enjoying the mod

All the bounties have the base requirement of player being at least level 8, and being at any one of the core game major faction markets (including independents or pirates). The bounties occur in a chain and need the previous one to be completed first:
1 To Hunt a White Whale
2 High and Mighty
3 Gaining Vantage
4 A Diamond in the Dark
There are also two branching bounties:
3b Shattered Fortress (Requires finishing High and Mighty)
4b Cleaning up a Mess (Requires finishing Gaining Vantage, Hazard Mining Initiative mod)
I've had cases in the past of bounties not spawning properly, but have unfortunately not been able to find the exact cause. Over the course of making this mod I uncovered a few bugs with how bounties were being spawned with MagicLib, so this could be a related issue, but it's been very tricky to pin down. In any case make sure your version of MagicLib is up to date and it
might help.