You have expressed this opinion repeatedly, so I would like you to elaborate on it since it seems many people disagree on this point. Why would you fit large kinetics and smaller he ballistics? Small kinetics and large he ballistics have good efficiency, large kinetics and small he ballistics have either bad efficiency or terrible accuracy or both, or terrible range in case of the Storm Needler. Also hit strength is better if you put he in the large slots. Or do you skip He entirely?
I admit to being somewhat biased towards the Conquest here.
But even on Conquest, if I were to skip Squalls, I would definitely go with 2x Gauss Cannon or even 2x Mark IX over 2x HAG. Small kinetics may have better efficiency but they also have a whole lot less DPS and that's the thing that really matters(assuming the ship can eat the flux, but since capital ships are designed to use large weapons in the first place they usually can) Besides, even the least efficient large kinetic is still more efficient against shields than the most efficient large explosive; and winning the flux battle is winning the entire battle.
Is that really an unpopular view?
As if that wasn't enough, the fact that large kinetics are... large means they do a lot of damage per shot anyway so they can usually get through armor regardless. Mark IX has ~2.5x more anti-armor DPS than the Light Assault Gun(lol) and the Gauss Cannon outperforms the Heavy Mauler. Hm, all this talk makes me want to try a Gauss Conquest again.
How do you fit an Onslaught or a Retribution?
I don't :P
Well, that's half true. My go-to Onslaught fit was HAG, 3x HAC, 2x HVD, rest basically PD. I never used it much though because AI underperforms with the Onslaught.
Retribution is a pure flagship so I don't care about it much.