seems flux cost isnt quite being handled properly in the displays, at least for getBeamWeaponFluxCostMult.
Take a dorito (tesseract), add a rift beam. add a hullmod that applies stats.getBeamWeaponFluxCostMult().modifyMult(id,3f);
display says rift beam costs 1350 to fire per second. that is not correct! the actual value is 150*3, or 450. to test this, equip dorito with 4 riftbeams and install said hullmod. set dorito to 30 flux vents. it should have exactly 1800 flux dissipation, which with only the 3x mult and nothing else, is as much flux dissipation as the cost for the 4 beams. the result is that you gain no flux over time. if the display were to be trusted it'd be 5400 flux a second, and that'd be obvious if it were the case.