Do you feel that your positive relationship with a faction has little to no effect on the gameplay?
Do you get annoyed when your best friends send military fleets to bomb your colonies because you're producing too many cabbages?
This mod makes the factions you have good relations with less inclined to send raids after you. Under default settings, for anti-competition expeditions ("market share in exports") raids gradually scale down from 25 to 75 relations, and are never sent at 75 or above, and for anti-free-market expeditions start getting less common after 50 relations, down to 1/2 at 100 relations.
Hegemony's AI expeditions are also slightly slowed down after 50 relationship, down to 3/4 at 100.
All these numbers are configurable in the settings.
Not compatible with Nexerelin.Installing and uninstalling
Do not install or uninstall the mod while an expedition is ongoing!
Can be safely added to an existing game.
To remove it, first open settings.json and change "enabled" to false. Load your game and save again. After that, the mod can be removed.
Not compatible with Nexerelin, or any other mod that replaces PunitiveExpeditionManager.
Modded factions should behave the same as vanilla factions (provided they launch expeditions).
Setting "enabled" to false disables the mod.
"RelBase" setting is the relation level where the reduction starts, and "RelScaling" is the % reduction in frequency for every relation point beyond.