found an "oppressor_wing" in the scripts/world/corvus/ at line 470 causing an error, in addition to the one stated previously)
Wendigo A quick search of CAELUS files revealed no naming errors I could find, the only thing different about the Glaucous seems to be a strange
"position": null, that is in no other .ship; a quick forum search brought this up -
Traylobot i got this in my ship file in all Weapons code:
"angle": -90,
"arc": 90,
"id": "WS0002",
"locations": [
"mount": "TURRET",
"position": null,
"size": "SMALL",
"type": "ENERGY"
What is that: "position": null, ?
I use last version 2.3
@arcibalde: is it causing a crash?
Well i don't know. Mod isn't finished yet. I'll try this on finished mod and report what is happen.
EDIT: ok i putted line in one weapon slot code, played mission with ship that have that WS, use weapon, NO CRASH everything is ok.
add to that the current phase-ship discussion(unless they're talking about the Cerulean, or a phase ship I didn't see) it
shouldn't be causing a problem(aside: tried the TD_Glaucous to see if it would cause my version of CAELUS to crash[
it didn't];
So, Does the mod crash for you on
start up, when the
ship loads, or when
some other thing happens?