(I could also call it "Ludo-narrative dissonance" but I do in fact shave my neck regularly)
All Lion's Guard ships come with the Special Modifications D-mod which decreases flux dissipation by 5% and increases repair time for weapons and engines by 25%. This is because Phillip Andrada, in his dictatorship wisdom, wanted to protect the crew from "exposed conduits running along the passageways" even though he doesn't know much about spaceship design. Which is fine, but somehow the D-mod also
increases crew casualties by 10%.
I'm confused. How did something that was supposed to help save crew lives ended up creating more casualties? I get that the whole idea was to show dictatorship incompetence but that is already covered by the - much more gameplay-significant - flux dissipation and repair speed penalties. Trying to achieve something but ruining few other things in the process AND the result is the exact opposite of what you wanted to achieve... that's not even incompetence anymore, that's a
(This is also a missed opportunity to poke some fun at the player: since anyone who wants to use LG ships will remove the D-mod regardless, if it actually decreased casualties as it logically should, Restoring it away would be a tacit admission that you care less about human lives than a guy calling himself "Supreme Executor")
Then, we have the Energy Bolt Coherer. This is even more bizarre because on LG ships it increases casualties in combat by a whooping 50%. At this point I don't understand Mr. Andrada at all - apparently he cares so much about his "brave and loyal crew" that he directly meddles in spaceship design, but also apparently has no qualms about putting said crew at massive risk by using dangerous piece of technology on ALL his ships. Which one is it?
Well, maybe Special Modifications were made to counteract the effects of the Energy Bolt Coherer in the first place. But there's still no reason for them to increase casualties instead.