Is elite combat endurance worth it? Just at a glance it seems like you'd be better off getting elite target analysis for the emp component of the HVDs and Pilums but I can't know just based off the screenshots.
Jury's still out on that. My current build in fact puts in Damage Control and Reinforced Bulkheads as well. This is because hull tanking is in fact quite viable when paired with a strong shield, but even more so because it happens in extended Ordo fights that you eventually get Reapered a few times or isolated from comrades and must be able to survive. I also took out Sarissa because performance was underwhelming. But I'm having trouble taking out 4 Ordos which is the next step and this should be capable of. Problem is choking on Remnant chaff despite being quite good at destroying bigger ships. Will need to think about it.
Sindrian Diktat supremacy
That's awesome!
I like the elite armor skill negating the need for Aux Thrusters. Conflicted on the CH Sarissa - in actual game fleets I'd bring dedicated Herons instead, and spend those OP on maxing out flux capacity to really abuse the ship's shield efficiency. With max shields and enough mobility boosts you can totally make Gigacannons work. Their flux efficiency is valuable!
Running a HEF ship as a ballistic artillery boat is real strange, but 5 forward-facing ballistic mounts speak for themselves.
Which brings us to the most important question: can this run as an Antimatter Blaster boat?
Well I for one have been unable to make Gigacannons work well in any high level build but if you want to meme vs weaker fleets it's perfectly viable. My 5 Gigacannon Radiant, the LGS Lobsterius Prime, was even somewhat capable at fighting Ordos. It could take on anything else but problem was just that it could do nothing to Radiants.
Re weapon choice, it was in fact the results from the Pegasus that made me convinced Executor is golden. Since it turns out the non-missile weapons were responsible for most of the damage output despite it being a missile ship, specifically IRAL did a ton of hull work and HVD most damage of all weapons. So why not swap to Large Energy to have the same but with HIL so you don't need to worry about ammo? The Supreme Executor is a genius.