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Author Topic: Bulding proper fleet  (Read 858 times)


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Bulding proper fleet
« on: June 16, 2023, 12:52:04 PM »

So, I'm at point in game where I need to start thinking about putting together a proper combat fleet because those bounties are starting to get tough. Up until now I was running around with whatever I salvaged, except civilian ships(tanker/hauler).

My fleet looks like that:
Onslaught XIV:
- railgun x6, 2x H. mauler, 2x devastator, Hellbore, 4x Typhon Reaper Launcher, 7x HMG. I put officer with elite Point Defence on it so HMG's have simlar range to rest of my guns. Perks: E magazines, Bulkheads and ICU build-in; ECCM, EMR, ATG, AWM, Soalr shielding, ARU

-2x Legion XIV
4x Railgun (front mounts), 4x Vulcan (sides), 5xHMG, 2x Cyclone Reaper Launcher/ CRL +Dragonfire Torpedo Pod (because I dont have 4th CRL), 2x broadwing, 2x warthog
IPDAI, Bulkheads, Heavy armor build in.
EMR. ITU, ECCM, RFC, Solar Shielding

-2x Dominator
2x Mark IX, 5x railgun (front), 2x H. Mauler, 3x TRL, 4x Vulcan (back)
build in: AWM, ITU, Bulkheads
Balistic Rangefinder, ECCM, EMR

-2x Eradicator
-H mauler x3, plus mix of Railguns and small Needlers in front/sides, 2x vulcan on the back.
ITU, Bulkheads, Hardened Shields  build in
RFC, ATG, AWM, Solar shielding.

Other ships I have: Manticore (p), 2x Enforcer, Sunder, Eagle, Shrike, 2x Brawler TT, Omen

Once I gather enough money I plan on adding Invictus to my fleet.

So any suggestion on what to change/add? I was thinkign about having at least 2-4 fregates for point capture, and at least 6 crusiers to act as escort for my capitals. I'm not sure if it's worth keeping destroyers, at this point, They dont seem to be doing much (thougth it migth be because  they loadouts are just random stuff), especially vs Renmants. 


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Re: Bulding proper fleet
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2023, 04:06:30 PM »

Annihilators are better on the Onslaught. You have way too many HMG. I'd remove the HMGs in favor of two flaks, since those are more efficient and deal area damage. Put Ballistic Range Finger to buff your railguns. Remove ECCM. You aren't using guided missiles and Typhoons still take a bit of time for reapers to accelerate to top speed. Like I said before, just use annihilators for best OP for buck. You should have saved enough OP from removing the HMGs for heavy armor. I guarantee my setup will be much more effective.

For Legions, remove your HMGs and add Ballistic Range Finders. Instead of broadwings and warthogs, get Sarrisas.

For your Dominators, replace your Mark IXs with HellBores. These are very efficient at destroying armor and will melt through any fighters that stand in their way. Your railguns will do a good enough job at dealing kinetics. Add Ballistic Range Finder to buff them. Remove all your light needler. You are way overfluxing the Dominator. Save the OP on more vents and caps and heavy armor. I would replace the heavy maulers with flak cannons and remove the two vulcans in the back as if you are flanked already, your ship is already dead.

For Eradicators, don't have small needlers. Use Ballistic Range Finders to buff them. Your Heavy Maulers are okay here.

Don't bother with Enforcers. At this stage in the game, they will only be meat shields and conflict with the battles lines. You should get support ships that can prevent ships from flanking your lines and be mobile enough to support other ships on the other side. Enforcers are too slow to do this unless they have unstable injectors or safety ovverride. Brawlers and omens are good examples. The rest of the ships are odd but usable. I would scrap the Shrike as it can be deleted in two seconds against any serious threat.

Don't get the Invictus. You already have an Onslaught.

I didn't go through all the possibilities or the specific reasonings for why I preferred certain changes but what I posted above should dramatically increase your fleet performance.

Lawrence Master-blaster

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Re: Bulding proper fleet
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2023, 05:44:31 AM »

At a glance, all these fits seem way overfluxed. Like, the Onslaught has 900 fux/sec with just the railguns. That don't seem healthy to me.


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Re: Bulding proper fleet
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2023, 06:22:46 AM »

ty for all the suggestions. Is Balistic Range Finder really worth it on ships without large slot? Bonus 100 range on just smalls doesn't seem that good to me.

Jihell Tharsis

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Re: Bulding proper fleet
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2023, 06:55:52 AM »

You have way too many HMG.
My take on this is different. With elite point defense a machine gun nest is a terrifying anti-shield weapon system. High flux efficiency, high kinetic dps.
I tried massing machine guns (both light and heavy) on the Onslaught and the Legion: it worked well. On the Onslaught, your Devastators already take care of the AOE PD role, no need for flak.

Annihilators are better on the Onslaught
When I pilot the Onslaught I prefer torps to rockets: the ability to dump huge amounts of explosive damage in a very short time span feels more useful in close range brawls. Note: though I don't fit my ships with phase-using ludd-revolting proximity charge launchers I hear they're good ;-) They provide the best of both worlds: the continuous pressure of annihilators and the big alpha strike of torps.

Remove ECCM. You aren't using guided missiles and Typhoons still take a bit of time for reapers to accelerate to top speed.
Here I agree with Tensicourt. Typhoons are amazing on their own. If you have the missile specialization skill, four launchers will get you 48 torpedoes for the price of 40 OP. Missile boosting ship mods are expansive, and as he said: not using them lets you put on extra armor plating. Heavy Armor is insanely good on the Onslaught. (and the Legion)

Instead of broadwings and warthogs, get Sarrisas.
Even if you keep the machine guns on your Legions this part of his advice stands: close range defensive fighters like the Sarrissa or the Xyphos are awesome on the Legion. Something I'm trying at the moment but not sold on yet is a 2* fighter (sarrissa and/or xyphos) + 2* torp bomber (daggers or tridents) mix. As you engage at ranges around 1k or below (elite PD, torps) the bombers will hide behind you but still fire guided torps when ordered to regroup.

So any suggestion on what to change/add? I was thinkign about having at least 2-4 fregates for point capture, and at least 6 crusiers to act as escort for my capitals.
Watch out for the 240DP soft limit: above that your Leadership skills will see diminishing returns, and you can't deploy your whole fleet in a fight anymore.
Concerning frigates: if you have the wolfpack tactics and coordinated maneuvers skills they're really nice : good peak operating time, navigation boost to the fleet, command point recovery. If you don't have those skills they're less impressive ships. Personally, If I don't have at least one of the frigate green skill I don't take any in my fleet but take a couple of fast cruisers instead.

Is Balistic Range Finder really worth it on ships without large slot? Bonus 100 range on just smalls doesn't seem that good to me.
The enforcer is a bit of a special case: with its dakka-dakka ship systemTM you want to do anything you can to maximize the time on target of your guns. So even if BRF is a bit expansive for only 100 range, it's 100 more base range on 3 front facing guns: not bad!

At a glance, all these fits seem way overfluxed. Like, the Onslaught has 900 fux/sec with just the railguns. That don't seem healthy to me.
The Onslaught can afford to be heavily overfluxed. Though I agree 6 railguns are overkill. As Cr00cy mentioned using elite PD, replacing 2 side small mounts from railgun to small machine gun can save a few OP and a good amount of flux. Running 2*dual light MG in the front small slots can also work.
When the Onslaught is overfluxed by its weapon systems you really need a good armor tank though: that way you can drop shields, vent to the face of enemies, etc. This means at least Heavy Armor, Armored Weapon Mounts, Resistant Flux Conduits, Automated Repair Unit, and optionally a couple of hull tanking mods.