So, I'm at point in game where I need to start thinking about putting together a proper combat fleet because those bounties are starting to get tough. Up until now I was running around with whatever I salvaged, except civilian ships(tanker/hauler).
My fleet looks like that:
Onslaught XIV:
- railgun x6, 2x H. mauler, 2x devastator, Hellbore, 4x Typhon Reaper Launcher, 7x HMG. I put officer with elite Point Defence on it so HMG's have simlar range to rest of my guns. Perks: E magazines, Bulkheads and ICU build-in; ECCM, EMR, ATG, AWM, Soalr shielding, ARU
-2x Legion XIV
4x Railgun (front mounts), 4x Vulcan (sides), 5xHMG, 2x Cyclone Reaper Launcher/ CRL +Dragonfire Torpedo Pod (because I dont have 4th CRL), 2x broadwing, 2x warthog
IPDAI, Bulkheads, Heavy armor build in.
EMR. ITU, ECCM, RFC, Solar Shielding
-2x Dominator
2x Mark IX, 5x railgun (front), 2x H. Mauler, 3x TRL, 4x Vulcan (back)
build in: AWM, ITU, Bulkheads
Balistic Rangefinder, ECCM, EMR
-2x Eradicator
-H mauler x3, plus mix of Railguns and small Needlers in front/sides, 2x vulcan on the back.
ITU, Bulkheads, Hardened Shields build in
RFC, ATG, AWM, Solar shielding.
Other ships I have: Manticore (p), 2x Enforcer, Sunder, Eagle, Shrike, 2x Brawler TT, Omen
Once I gather enough money I plan on adding Invictus to my fleet.
So any suggestion on what to change/add? I was thinkign about having at least 2-4 fregates for point capture, and at least 6 crusiers to act as escort for my capitals. I'm not sure if it's worth keeping destroyers, at this point, They dont seem to be doing much (thougth it migth be because they loadouts are just random stuff), especially vs Renmants.