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Author Topic: The Domain Sent Magpies: Exhibit PROOF  (Read 712 times)


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The Domain Sent Magpies: Exhibit PROOF
« on: May 03, 2023, 12:09:21 PM »

It's known that Old-Earth lobster and a mix of other species (plus "creativity", whatever animal that is) became what we have come to know as Volturnian Lobster today. However, it seems odd that the domain would send only various crustaceans to assist in populating the more habitable worlds of the sector, so what other genetic abominations would they have sent? For that matter, what already existed when they arrived? You've got to wonder why the jungles of Jangala were just manageable enough to set up shop there.

What do you think of birds? I like magpies, myself. The cunning, devilish gold diggers they are. Beautiful, too. Shimmering blue/green and black wings and tail as if they were purposefully accented, contrasted to snow white feathers covering the bulk of their body. A black head, disguising the eyes from first glace, they're tricksters really, that's why they hide the eyes - windows to the soul. And yes, I say these birds - magpies, that is - damn well have souls! It takes a soul to be a bastard, to be a lecherous thieving git. No husk could plot and steal like a magpie plots and steals and schemes and craves and hoards.

The domain would have sent magpies, that's all I'm saying. Crows, too, and other corvids. Intelligent, strong, beautiful, graceful, active pest control. There's no good reason not to have sent them, or at least some modified version of perfection (if there exists such a thing). Some loon would've trained them, made them talk, dance and sing. Made them load missiles! Really! I believe they're better than men. Better than AI. And they were too powerful! Wiped out in the war. The other one. They killed off the magpies because they were too stunning and clever for their own good, poor sods.

Here's proof. Corvus. Corvus. Crow family, the family magpies are in. Why ever would they name the star and it's entire system Corvus if it had no meaning? Think about who we're dealing with, the Domain. Suspicious, forward-thinking, ever practical and meaningful. There were birds on Asharu and Jangala, let me tell you. I've seen them in books - paper books, illustrations of them. Asharu was always meant to crumble because the magpies grew too strong, they thought too freely. How about Jangala? Does the staion really just "cut the grass", just beat back the jungle to protect human civilisation? They're eradicating magpie strongholds, that's what. The last bastion of corvid kind in the entire sector. You've been rused, manipulated into a cognitive blind spot, fallen into a chasm of tricks. The magpies will rise again, and the moment they let me back on Jangala you'll see. You'll all see.


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Re: The Domain Sent Magpies: Exhibit PROOF
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2023, 12:20:59 PM »

Well, my good man*, you are in luck! I'm just planning out a new run to the Corvus system, so if you need transit to Jangala sans Hegemonic entanglements, it can be yours! For a nominal fee, of course. Speak to my bursar in the bar at Derinkuyu Mining Station to finalize arrangements.

*Or woman, or non-gendered individual who is definitely not two gamma cores and a magpie in a trenchcoat, as the case may be.
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: The Domain Sent Magpies: Exhibit PROOF
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2023, 01:31:37 PM »

...this post makes me want to make a Crow ship.

Oh dear, I already did that once:

But, maybe bigger and more crow-y. Go-go gadget AI art tools, and voila:

The Corvoids are an ancient secret, hiding in the depths of the Sector. They are an unique blend of genetically-manipulated Blue Ravens, Common Magpies and Ravens, bred for intelligence and hardiness. However, they accidentally passed the Thurman Intelligence Quotient Scale, long-used by the Domain's AI Genetic Remixers to produce species that were seen as "useful, but not dangerous", some time before the Collapse.

Being intelligent and agile enough to utilize all sorts of technological devices, mimic human voices with incredible accuracy, and aware that humans would probably exterminate them if their IQs were ever measured properly by the aging Domain Biological Monitoring Stations that watched the GMO'd species on most settled worlds... the Corvoids decided on a radical plan of action: they, along with the Parrotrons, became Pirates!

At first, they simply commandeered small craft and used them to raid for supplies in deep space, while avoiding Hegemony patrols. They used their ships' systems to create convincing deepfake human personality constructs, and conducted their business with human Pirates largely via remote robotics and automated shuttlecraft. As this was not uncommon behavior amongst Pirates, being a paranoid lot, they went unremarked, other than the odd complaints about "bird stuff" on the packages of contraband, which they promptly turned into part of their legend: from mere "human pirates", they became the "Bird Keepers"- a special brand of deep-space lunatics who always appeared on comms with a raven perched on their shoulders or vast flocks of them flying behind the deep-faked humans roaming the cargo bays.

After some time, they became wealthy enough to commission custom ships from Atnak Industries, a well-known custom shop renowned for turning the silliest ideas into functional reality. Whilst their Corvus cruisers are nothing more than ancient A-100 Freighter (Mod E) frames stuffed full of powerplants and shield generators, the look of the ships is distinct enough that their appearance has caused many a Ko Combine hauler to cut thrust and start jettisoning cargo, rather than "being served to the ravens".

[EDIT]I am totally turning this into an actual ship, lol.

Also, I think Atnak Industries is very amusing and should be canon.

It flies.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2023, 03:33:35 PM by xenoargh »
Please check out my SS projects :)
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