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Author Topic: Expand difficulty settings  (Read 931 times)


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Expand difficulty settings
« on: March 30, 2023, 02:06:07 AM »

A lot of player complaints that I have seen have been about difficulty. Some people saying the game is too hard or they don't feel strong or some aspects of the game drag down the rest or the game is too easy or only the redacted are difficult or the campaign layer is too easy and industry skills are useless.

Currently there is just normal and easy mode with easy mode giving you some bonuses. I think an even easier mode called experimental or similar with campaign bonuses (like being able to recover ships even after losing a battle) would be good for people learning or wanting to try stuff and a harder mode with a DP and max CR penalty.
Even better would be to also be able to customize the settings so you could choose like unlimited command points but every enemy fleet is 50% bigger, to make the each part of the game the right level of difficulty. Though these detailed settings shouldn't be thrown at new players.
Being able to change the settings mid game would be pretty important as people get better during a game and need more difficulty but don't want to start over again.


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Re: Expand difficulty settings
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 01:59:31 PM »

You know how in stellaris there's scaling difficulties where modifiers for AI kick in later in the game?

I feel like we need reverse scaling to get over the earlygame "no weapons no military hulls" hump


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Re: Expand difficulty settings
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2023, 01:39:12 AM »

You know how in stellaris there's scaling difficulties where modifiers for AI kick in later in the game?

I feel like we need reverse scaling to get over the earlygame "no weapons no military hulls" hump
Yeah, I would like a vanilla starpocalypse expirience. It actually makes a lot of sidehustles like getting weapons via bar event worth it.


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Re: Expand difficulty settings
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2023, 09:51:52 AM »

I would love for there to be a harder difficulty option. Like say a mode that makes the autofits on enemy ships more dangerous and competitive on average, and makes their fleets larger.


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Re: Expand difficulty settings
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2023, 02:11:31 PM »

I'd be entirely on board for more adjustable difficulty settings - and, critically, for said difficulty settings to be something you can change without starting an entire new game.

(While it'd probably be pretty trivial to mod something like this in, I do feel strongly that 'adjustable difficulty' is something that should be part of the base game. A new player isn't likely to be running mods, after all, and new players are the ones who'd benefit most from being able to decide that, well, actually, they really should have been playing on easy, without having to start an entire new game.)
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.