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Author Topic: Atlas MK2 compares to cruisers  (Read 6751 times)


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Re: Atlas MK2 compares to cruisers
« Reply #45 on: April 12, 2023, 03:11:47 PM »

Atlas doesnt feel like a pirate ship to me and more like a free world ship, why? Simple

It doesn't fit the low sensor profile, high speed of pirate raider fleet need and usually go for. Most of pirate ship have burndrive(eradicator P) mobility booster(eagle P, mule P) or phase tech(gremlinP)but they are brittle and have lower OP and maintenance than the "best" same size ships becaus eof D-mod.

The promethean MK2 in comparison totaly fit the Ludic path concept, its fast, dangerous and crap hazardly keep duck taped in a single piece of a ship.and luddic path dotn try to hide themself

But for neutral world league? Its a super cheap capital both in price and DP that allow super long range in a pretty static fleet, perfect for planetary defences or sieges as it allow to help or attack space station more easily. And also its  an easy to get this Hull in lore!

Personally i think civilian hull is a bit of a problem in game it doesn't serve much purpose since usually civi ship are bad in combat so most of the time except if you make a trading/fuel fleet they serve no purpose that another mili ship wont do better. They are already undergunned OP starved and have often inferior stats to military ships, they dont need ot also have poor profile and sensor range.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 03:34:13 PM by Kanjejou »


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Re: Atlas MK2 compares to cruisers
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2023, 04:52:32 AM »

Atlas doesnt feel like a pirate ship to me and more like a free world ship, why? Simple

It doesn't fit the low sensor profile, high speed of pirate raider fleet need and usually go for. Most of pirate ship have burndrive(eradicator P) mobility booster(eagle P, mule P) or phase tech(gremlinP)but they are brittle and have lower OP and maintenance than the "best" same size ships becaus eof D-mod.

The promethean MK2 in comparison totaly fit the Ludic path concept, its fast, dangerous and crap hazardly keep duck taped in a single piece of a ship.and luddic path dotn try to hide themself

But for neutral world league? Its a super cheap capital both in price and DP that allow super long range in a pretty static fleet, perfect for planetary defences or sieges as it allow to help or attack space station more easily. And also its  an easy to get this Hull in lore!

Personally i think civilian hull is a bit of a problem in game it doesn't serve much purpose since usually civi ship are bad in combat so most of the time except if you make a trading/fuel fleet they serve no purpose that another mili ship wont do better. They are already undergunned OP starved and have often inferior stats to military ships, they dont need ot also have poor profile and sensor range.
Not sure if you noticed but the pirates love to gut ships up and put them back together to do some "cool ***" The Atlas and the Colossus MK III are pretty much very on that line. Filled with to the brim with guns and on the case of the colossus the cargo hold is now a fighter bay. Look at the falcon (P) too. They thought that substituting almost all of the mounts with missiles was a good idea... And it was!
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Re: Atlas MK2 compares to cruisers
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2023, 02:01:42 AM »

Alright, sorry for not reading anything but it's a LONG thread. :D

I found a derelict of one of these in my current run.

Outfitted it with 2 gauss, and I pilot it myself as a sniper and it's doing a pretty decent job at it.

Basically it's like a Conquest, except it's not awkward to pilot.

I like it enough to keep it in my fleet.

Edit: Do NOT give it to AI though, it does a really poor job surviving. Just like with Conquests. Hence why Conquest fleets are so easy to kill. Because the "capital" in it, isn't really used as such.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2023, 02:41:42 AM by Euphytose »

Antichrist Hater

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Re: Atlas MK2 compares to cruisers
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2023, 05:03:14 AM »

It's my all time favorite ship!

9 burn speed straight off the bat with the skill, 2 forward facing heavy weapons and 2 frontward, 4 broadside facing medium slots.
The amount of firepower it can dish out is VERY respectful especially if you line up the small cone of fire to have the two heavy weapons, 2 frontward facing light weapons and the 2 side ones firing all at once.
If you're crazy enough you could even add the back two light weapon slots to non-pd weapons for even more firepower at a reduced range because the ship is so looooong.
Not only that, it has accelerated ammo feeder so your firepower and flux reduction is increased even more!

The trick I have found is to have two Hephaestus Assault Gun, 6 light autocannos and then dual machine gun PDs on the rear 4 slots. When you add ballistic integration the small autocannons now have the same range as the Hephaestus guns and can fire all at once on the same target (minus the two slots on the other broadside). It's a constant stream of fire that never lets up and will not over flux you if you have the appropriate skills. You could even add militarized subsystems to get 10% more but then you'll lose your burn speed. It's unnecessary anyhow.

When comparing it to other capital ships, you must do so in a 2v1 scenario since you can field two of these for every 1 capital ship the DP cost is so low.

Oh, did I mention is has two large missile slots?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 05:21:33 AM by Antichrist Hater »
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