AboutA Megamod that adds Factions, Exploration Content, Quality of life and more to the game.
Every feature in the mod can be disabled by the user through the
Lunalib Menu.
A short rundown of some of the content:- An entire new "dungeon" of systems to explore and its own enemy faction.
- A new mini-faction to discover.
- An alternative to colonies.
- New exploration content across the sector.
- A bunch of new skills and AI cores with their own set of unique aspects.
- New Ships and Weapons
- A large amount of unique hullmods.
- Dozens of new stations and planetary conditions.
- More starting options with Nexerelin.

The mod requires
MagicLib and
SupportIn case you are interested in supporting the mods development, you can do so in the belows Patreon link.
Any donations allow me to spend more time on creating and improving my mods instead of having to do a part time job.


CreditsMain ContributersLukas04: Code & Design.
SnazzyPantsMcGee: Spritework.
Haplogynae : Music & SFX.
Anulackk: Illustrations
Starsector Discord: For lots of feedback and bug reports.
KingAlfonzo: Helped write some of the interactions in Relics of the Past.
Selkie: Some background art & portraits.
Nes : Skin for a unique ship.
Loyse: For the 3D Render of the "Aboleth" ship used as a Banner on top of the post.
GMan: Did the sprites for previous versions of the mod.
Avanitia: Lots of feedback and bug reports.
Check out my other mods