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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative 0.6.2 "Answer Of Disloyalty"  (Read 135552 times)


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By TouchOfVanilla#9615

The Volantian Reclamation Initiative is the relatively new scion of the fallen Volantian Empire, a long-dead polity that traces its origins back to the first sporeships that reached the Persean Sector, long before the reign of the Domain of Man. The VRI slowly reclaims the husk of their former empire, rapidly growing into a power of the sector and restoring their former heritage. Their liberal use of barely-legal AI and “unsanctioned” privateering and raiding has created several enemies- which the VAF works valiantly to keep at bay-but their openness to trade and collaborate have earned them a sizeable backing from the other polities of the Persean Sector.

Dependencies: Magiclib, Graphicslib, Lunalib, and Lazylib

What does this mod add?

-A high tech/remnant faction southeast of the core worlds
-Lots of new remnant hulls



The Illustrious Volantian Fleet



Additional Info

Change Log
- Version 0.6.2 "Question Of Disloyalty"
- Version 0.6.1a "30-50 Feral Hogs"
- Version 0.6.1 "Unforeseen Nyansequences"
- Version 0.6 "Hostile Nyactivity"
- Version 0.5.1 "Neon Genesis Volantian"
- Version 0.5a (hotfix)
- Version 0.5 "In our world bones equal dollars"
- Version 0.4.1 "Bultashes of the Coalition" (Discord only)
- Version 0.4a (Hotfix for blanche and espoz)
- Version 0.3.2 "VIndication"
- Version 0.3.1b (Minor content and fixes)
- Version 0.3.0b (fixed the crashing issue when buying or recovering VRI hulls)
- Version 0.3.0a (hotfix for broken settings.json and fixed the .jar)
- Version 0.3.0 "Alright yeah that's nah that's a pretty good job"
- Version 0.2.0 "We swear we got it this time"
- Version 0.1.0a (Fix crash cause by Kaiken and Phaeton null mount)
- Version 0.1.0 (Released)

New Things In this update!
-Crossmod compatibility for AOTD Question of Loyalty



A massive thanks to our mod team, for without you all this would not be possible

My beloved Co-Author, who hath returned, Mechanica

The artist who brought our characters to life, Kumonami Siege

Our valiant spriters, who work tirelessly to escape the clutches of unpaid labor
Platius "The Many" Cyndar

The code oracles who probably know how the mod works better than I do
Devas Terror

Our amazing writers
Liselotte Dzemael

Shout out and huge thanks to fellow modders

Tim and Ava, the coolest people ever
Scripting aid, advice, and feedback

Scripting aid.

Scripting Aid

General Mod Example, Scripting Aid, Corporate Rivalry


Alfonzo, probably the awesomest person
Several HMI Sprites

Several amazing sprites and resprites

Sprite work and ideas :3

Code and coding support


Code and EHM-level shenanigans

And a huge thanks to the Discord community for feedback, help, and support!

Lastly, thanks to all of our playtesters!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 03:37:13 PM by touchofvanilla »


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let's go
VRI time


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Oh damn, those are some sweet looking sprites.

Great Wound

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I much prefer the old Claymore, beyond that my position hasn't really changed.

These ships look fantastic. The Claymore in particular is what I would consider a flagship for this mod, a hybrid of low-tech and salvaged [REDACTED] from the AI wars. Although I have to say it doesn't feel like a faction at the moment, take a look at rest of your cruiser line-up, you have (modified):

Mora - Low-Tech
Champion - Mid-Tech
Fury - High-Tech
Indomitable - Mod-Tech

Not to mention there's 12 cruisers. It doesn't fell like there's a sense of direction, more like you're throwing everything in the pot. I would suggest removing the mod ships (players aren't going to know the originals unless they run those mods) and streamlining the amount of ships down to those that fit in with the factions themes. I find 5/4/3/2 top be a good weighting for ship classes (+2-3 logistics ships), It's enough ships to make a distinct faction without it feeling like you're going Mary-Sue.


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Hi, I made some art for this mod


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Seems like you put an extra zero after every ships base value in ship_data.csv. Is this intentional? Really don't think a Sunder should cost 450K even if it's on steroids  ;D
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 02:55:17 PM by NeuFlaas »


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Not too relevant but the title post font violently reminds me of spongebob and I can't get that out of my head.


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This mod is great, but it crashes on linux due to inconsistent capitalization.
Some ship sprite references in code are written in lowercase while actual ship sprite names start with uppercase, which crashes the game on startup.

Sprites in question:

Renaming these sprites to lowercase fixes the issue.


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0 "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2023, 10:31:34 PM »

Just found about this mod from a discord update.

Though I have a question:

This mod weights 180mb (most of it coming from two separate 70mb jar files), nearly 100mb bigger than the formerly biggest faction in my list, UAF at 87mb.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 11:43:57 PM by Shinr »

El Jojo

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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0 "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2023, 03:04:29 AM »

Newest version causes an immediate crash even before the loading screen, I identified the problem:

in the settings file "VRIaux_package": "graphics/icons/cargo/vri_aux_bp.png", did not feature that comma at the end thus causing the crash, adding it in manually makes the mod work


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0 "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2023, 09:26:28 AM »

Just found about this mod from a discord update.

Though I have a question:

This mod weights 180mb (most of it coming from two separate 70mb jar files), nearly 100mb bigger than the formerly biggest faction in my list, UAF at 87mb.


Newest version causes an immediate crash even before the loading screen, I identified the problem:

in the settings file "VRIaux_package": "graphics/icons/cargo/vri_aux_bp.png", did not feature that comma at the end thus causing the crash, adding it in manually makes the mod work

Both of these have been fixed!


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0a "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2023, 10:12:40 AM »

Is it safe to assume that it's unintentional for the VRI faction to have access to any and all modded faction ships and the Remnant Prismatic variant in addition to their own and anything labeled high-tech?

I see them both fielding and selling ships and weapons from every faction mod I'm running, as well as a considerable number of Explorarium drones. I'm not sure if the Explorarium ships are there because I'm using the Domain Explorarium Expansion mod or if those would be appearing normally, though I suspect it's because of the mod since it adds a blueprint for every Explorarium ship and I do see VRI running ships unique to the mod about as much as I see vanilla ones.

From a practical perspective it makes it extremely tedious to acquire VRI's hardware even before the exorbitant price tag on half the ships, and from a role-playing perspective it just doesn't make sense and feels really weird (and does nothing to help the concern brought up by Great Wound in the past).
Mora - Low-Tech
Champion - Mid-Tech
Fury - High-Tech
Indomitable - Mod-Tech

Not to mention there's 12 cruisers. It doesn't fell like there's a sense of direction, more like you're throwing everything in the pot. I would suggest removing the mod ships (players aren't going to know the originals unless they run those mods) and streamlining the amount of ships down to those that fit in with the factions themes. I find 5/4/3/2 top be a good weighting for ship classes (+2-3 logistics ships), It's enough ships to make a distinct faction without it feeling like you're going Mary-Sue.
On the subject of mod ships, I would say you could consider keeping them in the mod but implementing them in such a way that the faction will only use or sell (in market or special production contract) them if the player has enabled the mod the ship is originally from. That's just an idea, though, and I know for sure making that work would be many times more laborious than I could guess.

A couple other concerns.... It may be intended, but there's no base officials that allow for turning in AI cores; just thought I'd mention it in case it's an oversight. Also, the Karambit and planet Tally (and potentially one or two other ships, I can't remember) are missing descriptions; Eminence is missing the orbiting debris typically accompanying ruins; there are several colonies that don't spawn any base officials at all; and the Trident railgun isn't counted as either ballistic or energy for stat calculation (every other hybrid-mount weapon I've seen is considered one or the other for stat bonuses), meaning it cannot be affected by most or all range modifications. The Trident is also insanely quiet but that's not much of an issue really.

I'm loving how the mod's coming along, though. Love the general aesthetic and the market music, and I'm looking forward to seeing it all get more developed.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the Prismatic's name seems to be bugged when it's displayed in the market. It's displayed as "prsm (VRI)."
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 11:11:24 AM by Lappers »


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0a "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2023, 02:20:54 PM »

Is it safe to assume that it's unintentional for the VRI faction to have access to any and all modded faction ships and the Remnant Prismatic variant in addition to their own and anything labeled high-tech?

I see them both fielding and selling ships and weapons from every faction mod I'm running, as well as a considerable number of Explorarium drones. I'm not sure if the Explorarium ships are there because I'm using the Domain Explorarium Expansion mod or if those would be appearing normally, though I suspect it's because of the mod since it adds a blueprint for every Explorarium ship and I do see VRI running ships unique to the mod about as much as I see vanilla ones.

The VRI does have a 0.05 rare_bp frequency in their factional fleets, which is intentional, it's more of a mechanism to highlight the 'salvager' aspect of the VRI. The only BP's that the VRI Has access to is its own, and rare_bp, at the previously mentioned frequency. Not sure why they're fielding explorarium derelicts, but, yknow, that's just how things work when you start throwing a bunch of mods together, and in this case, it's a pretty big risk doing this with VRI, because rare_bp covers a LOT of hulls. Considering removing this.

From a practical perspective it makes it extremely tedious to acquire VRI's hardware even before the exorbitant price tag on half the ships, and from a role-playing perspective it just doesn't make sense and feels really weird (and does nothing to help the concern brought up by Great Wound in the past).

Not sure what you mean by this. I've made the prices reasonable as of the 0.3 update, nor do i get how else it could be difficult to acquire them. They're available on the open market, you can acquire their blueprints, and you can find them out in the sector pretty regularly in independent fleets, and as derelicts. The extreme pricing was initally implemented to prevent players from snowballing, due to the bonus of the VRI flux network, however, i've changed them back to reasonable levels due to the implementation of the FP limit.

On the subject of mod ships, I would say you could consider keeping them in the mod but implementing them in such a way that the faction will only use or sell (in market or special production contract) them if the player has enabled the mod the ship is originally from. That's just an idea, though, and I know for sure making that work would be many times more laborious than I could guess.

Mod ships that have (VRI) variants are, with permission from their authors, included because I like the mods they're from, and they happen to be some of my favorite ships in the modiverse. It's a great way to introduce people to absolutely amazing mods like HMI and Tahlan Shipworks, in the incredibly low chance they aren't already using them. I plan to collaborate with more mod authors in the future, as well as lots more cross-mod compatibility to come, for any who are willing to cooperate. We also trimmed down the roster quite a bit this update, and got rid of a few redundant hulls or ones that felt out of place.

A couple other concerns.... It may be intended, but there's no base officials that allow for turning in AI cores; just thought I'd mention it in case it's an oversight. Also, the Karambit and planet Tally (and potentially one or two other ships, I can't remember) are missing descriptions; Eminence is missing the orbiting debris typically accompanying ruins; there are several colonies that don't spawn any base officials at all; and the Trident railgun isn't counted as either ballistic or energy for stat calculation (every other hybrid-mount weapon I've seen is considered one or the other for stat bonuses), meaning it cannot be affected by most or all range modifications. The Trident is also insanely quiet but that's not much of an issue really.

The issue with the AI cores is definitely an oversight, thank you! As for the Karambit, Tally, those are things we missed. Not sure why Eminence doesn't have ruins, or why colonies aren't spawning base managers, or why the prismatic is doing that. I'll look at those issues, as well as the trident. Thank you so much for all of your feedback! I really appreciate the thoroughness and detail.


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0b "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2023, 03:19:26 PM »

Just gonna make a second post since you responded to my last one since I last checked (and as it turns out there's a lot more here than I could've just edited into the other post lol).

It seems like the problem with base officials not spawning is only a problem when adding the mod to an existing save. I just started a new one and they seem to have spawned fine.

Also, all I was talking about with the difficulty in acquiring their equipment is the fact that their markets seem to get overcrowded with stuff that isn't their own when you run other mods. The prices are more reasonable now, certainly. I really didn't need to include that bit because the only ridiculously expensive ship now is the VRI Chromatic, which I think kept its original 3mil credit price tag; maybe that was an oversight? With Nex I can get the Remnant version for only 300k from Dissonant if she offers it, so that doesn't seem to add up given the prices of the other Remnant conversions. The bigger problem anyhow was always getting the stuff to appear in markets in the first place.

Also, just to make sure I got the message across correctly, Eminence does have the Vast Ruins condition. It's only missing the debris around the planet on the campaign layer. It's not exactly an issue, just something I noticed.

And I think it would make some sense to remove the rare_bp chance. It makes sense given their status as salvagers, but then as soon as you start adding other mods and they start fielding and selling copious amounts of capital ships from other mods in fairly good gets a little funny.
On that note, the rare_bp frequency does confirm (I think) that the vanilla Explorarium drones were there because Domain Explorarium Expansion has two blueprint packs, one with every single Remnant ship and one with every single Explorarium ship (vanilla and any modded ones in both cases). I did eventually see one or two of the modded Remnant ships show up in markets or fleets once or twice, but probably the frequency of Explorarium drones was due to how insanely cheap they are.

I have barely the slightest idea how it works, but if it's possible to specify individual ships, maybe you could have them spawn some of the mining and salvage ships along with some high-tech and VRI hulls with several d-mods? It might also make some sense for them to have access to the mining/salvage ships from Vayra's ship pack if that mod is present, which would be fairly simple as they're all contained in their own blueprint pack ("deep space mining" is the name I think, not sure about the internal ID).
Then again there might not quite be enough vanilla ships fitting that description for it to work well without other mods running. I dunno, I'm just spitballing really.

Anyway, thanks for the response and for your time working on the mod!


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Re: [0.96a] Volantian Reclamation Initiative v0.3.0b "AYNTAPGJ"
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2023, 06:10:09 PM »

Thanks, again. Your feedback is super appreciated and It's people like you that help me make the mod awesome!
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