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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 414462 times)


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #945 on: May 14, 2023, 01:53:14 AM »

How about an ''Anti-Flare'' as a system for the pegasus? As in you shoot a thing that sticks to a ship that makes the pegasus missiles follow it faster and better (and try to go for specifically that spot if possible)
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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #946 on: May 14, 2023, 02:19:12 AM »

How about an ''Anti-Flare'' as a system for the pegasus? As in you shoot a thing that sticks to a ship that makes the pegasus missiles follow it faster and better (and try to go for specifically that spot if possible)

Kinda like the mote attractor on the [redacted]? That is a cool idea. Zap a target and missiles in flight just beeline to it at insane speed and tracking with better damage, as a bonus lets also make it ignore intervening ships as well.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #947 on: May 14, 2023, 02:24:10 AM »

poor poor pegasus :(

now it has the exact same missile slots as a conquest ! makes 0 sence ...

just put it at 60 dp and nerf the regen rate of the system charges, end of story.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #948 on: May 14, 2023, 02:29:57 AM »

One thing I might need to do is re-implement the Executor as a separate ship rather than a Pegasus skin; that's making some things unnecessarily complicated.
Could you please elaborate on this? Because from a thematic perspective the current design does a lot of storytelling work, I think it would be a shame to see it go. I'd prefer SD getting another, more straightforward capital design. Sure, it might be a small faction, but one that plays a central role in the current setting, one that's really focused on warfare to boot. I'm sure at least SD fanboys would appreciate it. Would that be too much unnecessary work for you?


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #949 on: May 14, 2023, 02:35:50 AM »

How about an ''Anti-Flare'' as a system for the pegasus? As in you shoot a thing that sticks to a ship that makes the pegasus missiles follow it faster and better (and try to go for specifically that spot if possible)

Kinda like the mote attractor on the [redacted]? That is a cool idea. Zap a target and missiles in flight just beeline to it at insane speed and tracking with better damage, as a bonus lets also make it ignore intervening ships as well.
Something like that yeah, my idea was for the thing to be some sort of projectile shot from the ship rather than a zap like the [HYPER REDACTED] And that it only affects missiles shot by the pegasus itself. Now that i think about it shields might complicate things though.
Quote from: Doctorhealsgood
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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #950 on: May 14, 2023, 02:41:46 AM »

     Fast missile racks make ship OP as torpedo/whatever spammer - so capping its usage to or swapping for some new subsystem is more logical if not easiest way to fix the problem. Maybe just nerf fast misisle racks to work only on missiles but not torpedoes as torpedoes is the worst case scenario. Personally i like the idea of moving forward missile racks back or change their direction sideways so they dont face forward direction making them less usable as torpedo mounts.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #951 on: May 14, 2023, 03:04:29 AM »

If it is the FMR breaking the game balance on pegasus, replacing it sounds more reasonable than eliminating the unique 4 large missile design. FMR is a boring system IMO, to be honest.
*cough* try tossing the PK into a black hole *cough*


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #952 on: May 14, 2023, 03:12:43 AM »

So, we now have 5 pages of sadness about the Pegasus from different posters and I don't think there has been a single post expressing satisfaction with the change. Has anybody found that they like it?
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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #953 on: May 14, 2023, 03:32:36 AM »

I will say I'm not 100% convinced yet that Fast Missile Racks + 4 Large Missiles is all that game-breaking considering how it seems to have been a player-only strategy and there are plenty of other player-only ways to overpower the game. Yes there were a lot of players talking about how good it is but that's common with any new shiny toy. Having said that, I haven't really tried it much myself though so maybe I'll change my mind once I get to try it.

If FMR + 4 LM is the issue, though, maybe it's just a matter of adjusting how FMR works. It seems like part of the issue is that its flux cost is way too low; 25% of base flux capacity when the ship sports a single Medium Missile or something is fine, but too low of a cost when the ship has 4 Large Missiles. So perhaps it's a matter of changing the skill so that the flux cost depends on the size of mounted weapons (for example, each Small costs 2%, each Medium costs 5%, each Large costs 10% of base capacity) or is a flat rate (for example, each Small costs 200 flux, each Medium costs 500 flux, each Large costs 1000 flux). This way it won't cripple the other ships that have FMR, but the player using Pegasus will end up with full flux real fast when using multiple charges at once.

Also, I think it's odd that the Pegasus has 0.6 shield efficiency, which is usually the province of good high-tech ships, and when it relies on missiles for a lot of its damage instead of brawling. That makes it too easy to survive; something between 0.8 and 1.0 would probably be better I think.

Along somewhat similar lines, I don't see why Invictus should have the same turn rate as the Onslaught with much better accel/decel and top speed. I think it'd be better if some or all of its max speed/accel/turn rates were decreased to make it more ponderous of a vessel, befitting its super long weapon range.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #954 on: May 14, 2023, 03:36:22 AM »

Making a deal with a pirate king at a nearby station
Reaching an understanding with the Luddic Path reduces progress by 30 points; 100 points if the understanding is permanent

Now that is cool! Already tried the pirate deal when I found a great planet right next to a pirate base so it just made sense. I was also friendly with the pirates, I knew this would pay off eventually!

Increased immediate effect of gaining Kanta's Protection to 100 points (was: 50)

Still need to try this one out.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #955 on: May 14, 2023, 03:47:06 AM »

25% of base flux capacity when the ship sports a single Medium Missile or something is fine, but too low of a cost when the ship has 4 Large Missiles
It's less about the number of missiles, and more about the proportion of base flux to total flux. Pegasus has very high shield efficiency with a very low base flux pool. This means most of its flux ends up being from capacitors/hullmods/skills, so 25% base flux ends up being a rather small number.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #956 on: May 14, 2023, 03:58:57 AM »

Oh, good point, it is weird that the Pegasus has Paragon/Radiant -level shields! Why? Give it Conquest shields and Retribution grade hull and that will go a long way to balancing the ship with its original design while also fitting in better with midline ships. From using it for Ordo farming it is not just the missiles but also the ability to tank significant damage on shields that make it strong.
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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #957 on: May 14, 2023, 04:02:11 AM »

Found some (potential) issues. Not sure if they're new or old, but at least some of them seem unintentional.

  • You can sell the tutorial gamma core to pirates, and it doesn't change anything. May be worth investigating similar event sequences for similar results.
  • (probably new) Large fleets of pirates are still spawned directly into the player's system when hostile activity is at exactly zero.
  • I think the reputation allocation for the pirate bounty mission might break when the enemy reengages after disengaging, only giving credit for kills in the second engagement. I destroyed two full-sized armadas in one battle, and only got two reputation.
  • (not a bug, but probably not intentional) On a similar note, the reputation allocation system's nonlinear rewards mean that it's better to disengage halfway through a large fight, exit the battle interface, and then reengage to finish it rather than fighting out a large battle in full. Same system means it's better to let fleeing enemies flee, then kill them in a followup battle.
  • During the tutorial, if the player buys a ship, it is treated as if he went to go salvage ships near the gate.
  • (AI) Ships seem to chronically underestimate the amount of incoming firepower, especially against stations. To replicate, try sending some stock eagles with "steady" AI against a high-tech battlestation.
  • (minor) The last Knight Errant mission's dialogue when talking to the man being retrieved contains the option to tell him you could just kill him. While this makes sense if the player threatened him earlier, it's a bit non-sequitur if he went the route of essentially just politely asking him to come along and having him say yes.
  • (minor; might be intentional) You can make infinite, very reliable money at a very fast pace by running drugs during the tutorial.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #958 on: May 14, 2023, 04:03:18 AM »

Invictus really doesn't need even more nerfs, try it out now, it' fine. Used it in a big bounty and I took a ton of damage in the end. It gets scary when your hull drops and you have no way of stopping non missile shots.
Please don't take me too seriously.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #959 on: May 14, 2023, 04:12:13 AM »

Oh, good point, it is weird that the Pegasus has Paragon/Radiant -level shields! Why?
So it can have a lot of shield HP without having much flux/dissipation for guns.
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