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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 347824 times)


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2023, 01:39:20 PM »

alright, so squall get's it's shield damage buffed cyclone and typhoon get buffed, burstpd gets buffed but hurricane nerfed again and hephaestus gets a completely inconsequential buff


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2023, 01:43:49 PM »

I'm betting 100% there's a typo somewhere since Alex had a whole part about how Squalls were OP in the blog post about DEM missiles.

Neither of the weapons you mentioned getting buffed were considered very strong, in fact Cyclones were avoided pretty much. Hurricane has less damage but now doesn't need ECCM nearly as much, which is a big positive in my eyes. Although it could stand to have more ammo.

HAG did get a pretty meh buff but at least it's now clear which role it has, and it's probably going to be that much better at it for me to hate it a tiny bit less.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 01:49:25 PM by Grievous69 »
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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2023, 01:50:49 PM »

  • Fixed issue that sometimes caused ships to vent while under actually-significant fire

Speaking of AI venting, how about making AI vent in situations where it have high flux, but cannot withdraw to safety since enemy is simply faster? In such situation AI usually just sits with full flux, and cannot attack much or cover since it already at verge being overloaded, and just eats alot of damage until its got overloaded or killed, or vents, but at that point it takes much more damage compared to situation if it immediately vented.

Also another good idea, is add Force Vent order, which tells AI immediately vent, it would help in such situations.

Another issue with AI, it often tries dodge low damaging missiles unless it have Eradicate order, even if shield nicely absorbs them, and this impairs it ability to attack, like SO Aurora refuses to attack derelict frigate with Annihilators or Swarmers just because it circles around trying to avoid these missiles, and they still hit the shield, and it will do it until it overloads or player orders it to Eradicate.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2023, 01:52:41 PM »

I can't believe you missed a chance to call it 0.98. Do you even meme?
Persean League now has its own music
Are you entertained now, the guy who complained about PL not having its own theme?
Ship recovery dialog now shows normal and story point recovery in the same screen
Oh neat, the good display is now default.
Bonus experience quadruples XP gains at max level instead of doubling them as normal
That's big. Thank you! I might finally stop having that permanent green bar. Maybe.
When the ship is overloaded or venting, the raise shields/phase cloak command will be buffered if it was issued within 0.2 seconds of the overload/vent ending
I would have preferred not to have any time limit, but I will take it anyway.
Eagle changes
Oh, it's slightly faster now, too? Sweet.
Gemini: Removed built-in Civilian-grade Hull
Just don't remember to add it back in next release, so the confusion continues.
Phase Teleporter changes
Fifteen seconds... But at least Hyperion isn't a whole different ship when you put SO on it, I guess?
Added Pilum LRM Catapult (large missile)
Added Jackhammer (medium missile)
The forum said "No, Alex. You are the modders."
And then, Alex made an Onslaught reskin.
Heavy Burst Laser:
  • Remomved ability to ignore decoy flares
Was it too good, when it had these buffs and ignored decoys? What ships did you test it on?
Integrated Point Defense AI:
  • Converting small weapons to PD is now the s-mod effect bonus
That's an unexpected change. Did you change it to avoid interaction with elite Point Defence? Because you felt it was too strong anyway?

HAG's accuracy buff would make it a better general purpose HE weapon, better than Mjolnir is in that role. I like it.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2023, 01:55:11 PM »

Speaking of AI venting, how about making AI vent in situations where it have high flux, but cannot withdraw to safety since enemy is simply faster? In such situation AI usually just sits with full flux, and cannot attack much or cover since it already at verge being overloaded, and just eats alot of damage until its got overloaded or killed, or vents, but at that point it takes much more damage compared to situation if it immediately vented.
Usually AI is not as brave as the player, buuuut you can make it vent more often by maxing vents and putting Resistant Flux Conduits on. Even then, venting in open tends to bait out missile strikes, which is why the AI is scared. It could become smarter, but I'm not really sure how without making it frustrating in another way.
Also another good idea, is add Force Vent order, which tells AI immediately vent, it would help in such situations.
Probably too micro-ey for this game.
Another issue with AI, it often tries dodge low damaging missiles unless it have Eradicate order, even if shield nicely absorbs them, and this impairs it ability to attack, like SO Aurora refuses to attack derelict frigate with Annihilators or Swarmers just because it circles around trying to avoid these missiles, and they still hit the shield, and it will do it until it overloads or player orders it to Eradicate.
Put PD on your ships, AI derps out when it can't deal with a single missile.
Please don't take me too seriously.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2023, 01:56:33 PM »

Som exciting new content to explore. Looking forward to the new Venture variants!


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2023, 02:02:04 PM »

Exciting features and great work as always.



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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2023, 02:02:25 PM »

Squall really did not need a boost to anti-shield performance, it was already generally considered a very strong weapon.

A large part of why Squalls were so strong was because of their long reach, reliable penetrating of PD, and constant stream of high DPH rockets that could whittle down and overpower all but low-tech armor making so unless you were a Mora or tougher you'd be taking heavy armor/hull damage for the otherwise correct move of putting your shield down for it, same as old Sabot. Its stronger against AI's tendency to prefer shields, but now it will hopefully not be as oppressive to deal with if targeted by one.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2023, 02:04:52 PM »

HAG gets quite inaccurate at max range so accuracy buffs are indirect DPS buffs. Phase Teleporter will make non-SO Hyperion way better. Systems Expertise will be mandatory though.

The new Ventures are awesome. The Brave Little Toasters of SS.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2023, 02:14:26 PM »

I agree on the HAG buff: thats actually quite nice. It's a pretty darn good hull+medium armor killer weapon and this is going to let it be quite a bit more efficient vs slightly smaller targets, and at clustering its shots to not spread its damage out over so many armor cells.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2023, 02:17:27 PM »

I just read the whole changelog... Woah, awesome! :D
Eagle mega buffed (22->18DP, 600->700 dissipation and 50->60 speed)? Nice.

The Fury got mega bonked by the nerf hammer last patch, could the DP nerf 15->20 be partly reversed since 20DP for a Fury feels really bad, what about 18?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 02:19:34 PM by Dadada »


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2023, 02:18:47 PM »

New missiles, new ships, autolance, autoloader, lots to explore once the update is out.
Eagle really needed a buff, can't wait to give it a spin with M energy changes and autoloader.

Squall getting more shield damage is a bit surprising, that's the one thing that might be a little out there.
That, and LP manticore running around with SO, cyclone and double HMG :)
Like all the other changes, special mention for pulse and tac laser boost.

Was hoping for SO/Monitors getting a minor kicking and a buff to at least 1 low-tech/midline frigate so there is an  expensive option there, can't have everything.


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2023, 02:20:44 PM »

Thank you everyone!

A bunch of assorted responses below:

Interesting, going by story mission names, they all seem like branches or sidequests rather than a direct continuation of Galatia.

Nice catch - yeah, that's the case! They're quite meaty, however.

Added Venture (P)
Replaced mining drone with large missile slot pointing backwards
Medium missile slots changed to ballistic

Thematically it's both hilarious and completely on brand that the pirates ripped out the mining pods to just chuck missiles out of the back. If the flux can be managed, and if it can turn fast enough to point at a target, the ship now has a great spread of mounts too.

(Gotta give full credit to MesoTroniK for the idea!)

So there's a buffer now for activating shields/phase after overload. Likewise it would be really nice if there was a small delay for Burn drive, since if you spam F it immediately cancels it.


Seconded! I am guilty of canceling my burn drives by accident with a double press sometimes.

I ought to take a look at that, yeah.

>Command points are no longer refunded when the last order given during a pause is cancelled

Now, unless I am reading this incorrectly, does it mean that misclicks during pause will always result in command point loss? As someone who misclicks pretty often, I might need a mod that reverts this change

Actually kind of the same for me - I've been playing on a touchpad recently (new laptop must have SS on it) and right clicking is a two finger tap, which I'm still pretty unreliable with. Also I've bound shields to the 'q' key which is not ideal, but better than not having a reliable right click!

Ah, apologies! Just couldn't make it work out.

Squall really did not need a boost to anti-shield performance, it was already generally considered a very strong weapon.

To be perfectly honest, I'm a little surprised to see that in the notes; in my memory the scripted damage was just enough to bring it up to its original damage, not exceed it. I'm just going to... there.

I read up on it a bit and it seemed like another user had a similar issue, and appearently putSpec only works on a certain group of Obfuscated Spec-Implementations? (i.e BaseWeaponSpec instead of WeaponSpecAPI). Would be nice if those were fixed so that we can make even more use of the new Spec methods.

That's right, its usefulness is extremely limited right now.

I prefer to simply give myself infinite command points as I don't see a reason for this mechanic to exist in the first place.

I mean, you can keep doing that, so *thumbs up* :)

... and hephaestus gets a completely inconsequential buff

I'm just going to say it: the Hephaestus is underrated.

Speaking of AI venting, how about making AI vent in situations where it have high flux, but cannot withdraw to safety since enemy is simply faster? In such situation AI usually just sits with full flux, and cannot attack much or cover since it already at verge being overloaded, and just eats alot of damage until its got overloaded or killed, or vents, but at that point it takes much more damage compared to situation if it immediately vented.
Usually AI is not as brave as the player, buuuut you can make it vent more often by maxing vents and putting Resistant Flux Conduits on. Even then, venting in open tends to bait out missile strikes, which is why the AI is scared. It could become smarter, but I'm not really sure how without making it frustrating in another way.

Yeah - I did this for phase ships specifically (mentioned in the notes). For other ships, it's more risky, since they're not also slowed by having high flux and *generally* have a better chance to escape behind some allies etc. It's definitely a decision that can go very, very, bad so I don't want to do it across the board.

Heavy Burst Laser:
  • Remomved ability to ignore decoy flares
Was it too good, when it had these buffs and ignored decoys? What ships did you test it on?

It's more to avoid stepping on IPDAI's toes, and with the buffs I think it's fine. I was always a bit ambivalent about that aspect of it.

Integrated Point Defense AI:
  • Converting small weapons to PD is now the s-mod effect bonus
That's an unexpected change. Did you change it to avoid interaction with elite Point Defence? Because you felt it was too strong anyway?

The idea is that there are times when you *don't* want the "turns smalls into PD" effect of the hullmod, while the other - now baseline - effects of it are always good. So now you can make that choice.

The Fury got mega bonked by the nerf hammer last patch, could the DP nerf 15->20 be partly reversed since 20DP for a Fury feels really bad, what about 18?

Hmm, does it feel bad? I'll keep an eye on that during playtesting; right now I'm thinking that it's in an ok place. Further feedback welcome, though!


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2023, 02:26:44 PM »

Also I'd like to have Guardian as capturable ship too, maybe rebalanced for player use if needed, or keep both boss and player-balanced versions like with Ziggy. It would give the player another choice of 60dp Capital Ship to accompany Paragon and Radiant which is good for variety.

And while lack of possibility to capture Tesseract looks logical, since it almost alien looking ship, which also get completely destroyed shard by shard in combat, I found lack of ability to capture Guardian strange from logic perspective, like why you can capture any other AI ship, but not this one exactly?

Speaking of AI venting, how about making AI vent in situations where it have high flux, but cannot withdraw to safety since enemy is simply faster? In such situation AI usually just sits with full flux, and cannot attack much or cover since it already at verge being overloaded, and just eats alot of damage until its got overloaded or killed, or vents, but at that point it takes much more damage compared to situation if it immediately vented.
Usually AI is not as brave as the player, buuuut you can make it vent more often by maxing vents and putting Resistant Flux Conduits on. Even then, venting in open tends to bait out missile strikes, which is why the AI is scared. It could become smarter, but I'm not really sure how without making it frustrating in another way.

Yeah - I did this for phase ships specifically (mentioned in the notes). For other ships, it's more risky, since they're not also slowed by having high flux and *generally* have a better chance to escape behind some allies etc. It's definitely a decision that can go very, very, bad so I don't want to do it across the board.

If you can add an order which can tell ship to force vent, it would be best solution, since you don't need to change the AI, and give player ability to control situation where ship needs to vent, but just refuses. It often happens when ship stray off from other allies and simply can't escape behind, and you miss that since you also control own flagship.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 02:32:38 PM by BreenBB »


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Re: Starsector 0.96a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2023, 02:32:19 PM »

Also I'd like to have Guardian as capturable ship too, maybe rebalanced for player use if needed, or keep both boss and player-balanced versions like with Ziggy. It would give the player another choice of 60dp Capital Ship to accompany Paragon and Radiant which is good for variety.

I'll keep that in mind! Probably not for this release, but still. The Guardian dates to before the "different version for player" idea so part of the answer is probably just "didn't think of it at that point".

It also does have some awkwardly placed weapons which may be more apparent/annoying if it's on the player side, with full freedom in what weapons to put on it...

I found lack of ability to capture Guardian strange from logic perspective, like why you can capture any other AI ship, but not this one exactly?

Perhaps a self-destruct in all critical systems? The actual provenance of the Guardian-type design is in some doubt, and it's not unreasonable that some effort was put forth to keep it that way.
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