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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: [0.96a-RC10]/[0.97a-RC8] WIP Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods  (Read 22022 times)


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Earlier save files are not compatible with the newer versions!
Download (Leaving old link for the moment until I'm more certain of current releases.

ARRUS Hullmods for 0.96a-RC10 (Somewhat experimental)

ARRUS Hullmods for 0.97a-RC11 (Somewhat experimental)
Hullmods are disabled for Mission Mode!
They were never designed with mission mode in mind and worse were causing fatal null crashes due to some mods relying on fetching campaign
information that doesn't exist in missions

Has a soft dependency with Sundog'sStarship
some of the contained hullmods optionally require ships to reach
certain reputation levels before they can be installed. It will still work
without it however.
There are currently no known compatibility issues with other mods.

This is the first mod I'm releasing publicly as such I would like to state the following:
* I am both fairly new to Java and to releasing something publicly as such despite my best efforts their may be errors/missing content I
am not aware of, I would appreciate it if anyone who notices these could point
them out.

* I am aware that my sense of balance maybe somewhat questionable, but this mod was designed to be used alongside of many other
mods, where I always feel that there's never enough OP, Flux and Logistics
slots. If you like the concept, but not my execution please feel free to edit
to your own tastes.

Short Summary
A modest collection of additional hullmods to help customise the way you like to play. Most of the included hullmods are based off
augmenting or offsetting a variety of vanilla hullmods. As such most of them
have dependencies on vanilla hullmods and/or each other.
*None of the hullmods are able to bebuilt in.
Expanded Summary
The hullmods are currently split up into 5categories which are:
Augmentations: 5 Hullmods that all improve a ships Flux Capacity and Dissipation by a multiplicative %, adds extra OP and extra
logistical slots. This come at the cost of 40% extra supplies per month
(cumulative). With all 5 mods the supplies per month will be increased by
roughly 437% extra, cargo space is also increased to roughly 3 months worth of
the extra supplies required. After the first rank, each additional rank will
require it's predecessor as well as reputation ranks from
Starship Legends.
*This is now optional, reputation ranks will be required if Starship Legends is installed, but are not required if it isn't.
Reversions: These hullmods revert the effects of several hullmods with negative secondary effects and refund roughly 95% of the
OP that the countered hullmod cost. Excepting 1 hullmod they all require the
hullmod they are countering to be installed and are incompatible with relevant
rectification hullmods.
* These are intended to counter built in hullmods when you don't like the effects (or want to stretch the OP budget a

Rectifications: These hullmods either remove or downgrade the negative effects of several hullmods. They all require specific hullmods to be installed and are incompatible with relevant reversion hullmods.
Upgrades: At the moment these hullmods add extra and increasingly degrading versions of Flux Coil Adjunct and Flux Distributor.
After the 1st rank of each they require both their preceding upgrade and an
appropriate Augmentation hullmod.
* I initially wanted to add extra capacitors and vents to the Augmentations, but don't have the requisite knowledge to pull
it off at the moment. 

Stopgaps: All stopgaps counter a specific D-Mod, costing 0 OP, but requiring 16% Extra crew and 22% extra supplies per month.
The bonus to recovery cost is also returned to normal. This does not repair the
D-Mod, only reverts it's effect as long as the stopgap is installed.

CPU Distribution: The Augmentation Hullmods, some of the rectifications, upgrades and regular hullmods are now added to CPU fleets via an inflation listener. This of course means that battles will be harder, but with a chance to loot augmented ships (where possible) rather than paying for them. Most ships with said packages will now have an Auto Lockout hullmod that make them very difficult to recover and needs to be removed at cost to further upgrade Augmentations. Settings for both the Augmentation package distribution and scaling can be found in data/config/settings.json (in mod folder)

There is also an Auto Lockout Blacklist which ships and skins placed on should never receive the Auto Lockout hullmod. (Also in data/config)

This CAN be added to on going games - and it will break saves if removed.
Seems to require an in game month to rollover for hullmods to show up in markets and potentially NPC

Augmentation Suite: Allows for the installation of ship upgrade packages. Removal will
toggle Augmentation Suite Alert. Initially installs Augmentation
Idle Mode.

Augmentation Suite Alert: Remove this to remove Augmentation Suite and all upgrade
Augmentation Idle Mode: An initial state that provides no benefit, remove to upgrade to
Standard Upgrade Package.
Standard Upgrade Package: Adds 40/80/120/200 OP,
Increases Flux Capacity and Dissipation by 10%
and increases logistical slots by 3. Costs
40% extra supplies per month and adds
3 times that value to Cargo Capacity. Costs
15,000 / 60,000/ 270,000/ 840,000 credits. Remove to
upgrade to Notable Upgrade Package.
Notable Upgrade Package: Adds
75/150/225/375 OP,
Increases Flux Capacity and Dissipation by 19%
and increases logistical slots by 5. Costs
80% extra supplies
per month and adds 3 times that value to Cargo
Capacity. Costs 28,000/ 112,000 / 510,000 / 1,600,000
credits. Requires a level of 3 or greater (and
a reputation of Notable or higher if Starship
Legends is installed)
Remove to upgrade to Superior Upgrade
Superior Upgrade Package: Adds
105/210/315/525 OP,
Increases Flux Capacity and Dissipation by 27%
and increases logistical slots by 6. Costs
120% extra supplies
per month and adds 3 times that value to Cargo
Capacity. Costs 41,000 / 164,000 / 750,000 / 2,320,000 credits
and 1 story point. Requires a level of
6 or greater (and a reputation of
Well Known or higher if Starship Legends is
Remove to upgrade to Exceptional Upgrade
ExceptionalUpgrade Package: Adds 130/260/390/650
OP, Increases Flux Capacity and Dissipation by
33% and increases logistical slots by
7. Costs
160% extra supplies
per month and adds 3 times that value to Cargo
Capacity. Costs 53,000 / 212,000 / 975,000 / 3,000,000 credits
and 2 story points. Requires a level of 9
or greater (and a reputation of Famous
or higher if Starship Legends is installed)
Remove to upgrade
to Penultimate Upgrade Package.
PenultimateUpgrade Package: Adds
150/300/450/750 OP,
Increases Flux Capacity and Dissipation by 36%
and increases logistical slots by 8. Costs
200% extra supplies
per month and adds 3 times that value to Cargo
Capacity. Costs 64,000 / 252,000 / 1,170,000 / 3,600,000
credits and 3 story points. Requires a level of
12 or greater (and a reputation of
Legendary if Starship Legends is installed)
Generalised Optics: Reverts Advanced Optics. Requires Advanced
(Permanent Built-In or
, incompatible with Augmented
Stripped Mounts: Reverts Armored Weapon Mounts. Requires Armored
Weapon Mounts (Permanent Built-In or S-mod)
incompatible with Super alloy Mounts.
Divested Armour: Reverts Heavy Armor. Requires Heavy Armor
, incompatible with Super alloy
Coalescence Toggle: Reverts High Scatter Amplifier. Requires High
Scatter Amplifier (Permanent Built-In or S-mod)
incompatible with Optimised Lenses.
Limited PD Integration: Removes the PD conversion of small weapons. Requires
Integrated Point Defense AI
Enabled Safeties: Reverts Safety Overrides. Requires Safety
(Permanent Built-In).
*Now works by suppressing Safety Overrides as soon as this mod is
removed it will return.

Disabled Injector: Reverts Unstable Injector. Requires Unstable
(Permanent Built-In or
, incompatible with Stabilised
Demilitarised Hull: Installs Civilian-grade hull. Reduces
minimum crew by 50%*. If burn level is above 9/8/7/6 reduces burn level by 1.
Incompatible with ships that already have Civilian-grade
and Safety Overrides. *Applies to most
ships, some may be exempt if crew levels were not set up properly.

** While mucking around with various mods I found several ships that felt like they either should have had civilian grade
hulls or are variants of civil hulls that didn't have their stats tweaked
properly. This hullmod is my attempt to let a player fix this without having to
go edit ship/skin files.

Reclaimed Racks: reverts all bonuses and penalties of Expanded Missile Racks.
Requires Expanded Missile Racks
(Permanent Built-In or
, incompatible with
Rack Optimiser.
*I know not all of these exist as permanent built in hullmods in vanilla, but including them for future proofing/mods. All
of these Hullmods should be available by default.

Can only be applied in circumstances to counter penalties
Augmented Optics: Removes the turn rate penalty of Advanced Optics. Requires
Advanced Optics, incompatible with Generalised Optics.
Superalloy Mounts: Removes the turn rate penalty of Armored Weapon Mounts.
Requires Armored Weapon Mounts, incompatible with
Stripped Mounts.
Superalloy Plates: Removes the turn maneuverability penalty of Heavy Armor.
Requires Heavy Armor, incompatible with Divested
Optimised Lenses: Increases the range of beam weapons by 100/200/300/400
depending on hull size.
Now increases the range threshold of
High Scatter Amplifier to 700/800/900/1000 depending on
Hullsize. Requires High Scatter Amplifier, incompatible
with Coalescence Toggle.
*Wanted to initially change the range threshold, but currently beyond my abilities. The extra range is bonus range,
not base.

Standardised Emitter: Attempts to bring a ship's shield to a standard for it's hullsize:
* Improves Front Arc by 90/80/70/60 up to a threshold of 180/170/160/150 any remaining bonus is divided by 2.5.
* Improves Omni Arc by 70/60/50/40 up to a threshold of 130/120/110/100 any remaining bonus is divided by 2.5.
* Improves Flux/Sec by 10% to a threshold of 40% any remaining bonus is divided by 2.
* Improves Flux/Dam by 40/35/30/25% to a thresholdof80/85/90/95% any remaining bonus is divided by 4.
* Negates Speed Penalty from Makeshift Shield.
Requires a shield.
Stabilised Injector: Reverts the weapon range & fighter replacement penalty of
Unstable Injector. Requires Unstable Injector,
incompatible with Disabled Injector.
Refurbished Hangers: Removes all penalties from Converted Hanger or
Converted Cargo Bay and convert the bays to normal bays.
With S-Modded  Converted Hanger will also add an extra bay to non frigates (only for edge cases
of built in from another mod). Additionally adds +1 bay up to -/2/4/6 on hulls
with non bays and no built in wings. Requires Converted Hanger, Converted Cargo Bay or normal bays with no built in wings.
Rack Optimiser: Eliminates the rate of fire penalty from s-modded Expanded
Missile Racks. Requires Expanded Missile Racks
incompatible with Reclaimed Racks.
 Flux Coil Auxiliary
Flux Coil Auxiliary Suite: Allows for the installation of flux coil improvements.
Removal will also remove any installed Auxiliary Flux Coil Upgrades. Initially
Coil Auxiliary Idle Mode.

Flux Coil Auxiliary Idle Mode: An initial state that provides no benefit, remove to
upgrade to Flux Coil Auxiliary Alpha.
Flux Coil Auxiliary Alpha: Increases Flux Capacity by
540/1080/1620/2700. Remove to upgrade to
Flux Coil Auxiliary Beta.
Flux Coil Auxiliary Beta: Increases Flux Capacity by
1020/2040/3060/5100. Requires
Standard Upgrade Package or better. Remove to
upgrade to Flux Coil Auxiliary Gamma.
Flux Coil Auxiliary Gamma: Increases Flux Capacity by
1440/2880/4320/7200. Requires
Notable Upgrade Package
or better. Remove to upgrade to
Flux Coil Auxiliary Delta.

Flux Coil Auxiliary Delta: Increases Flux Capacity by
1800/3600/5400/9000. Requires
or better.
Remove to upgrade to Flux Coil Auxiliary

Flux Coil Auxiliary Epsilon: Increases Flux Capacity by
2100/4200/6300/10500. Requires
or better.
Remove to upgrade to Flux Coil Auxiliary

Flux Coil Auxiliary Zeta:
Increases Flux Capacity by
2340/4680/7020/11700. Requires
Upgrade Package
. Remove to revert back to
Flux Coil Auxiliary Idle
Ancillary Flux Radiator:
Ancillary Flux Radiator Suite: Allows for the installation of flux radiator improvements.
Removal will also remove any installed Ancillary Flux radiator upgrades.
Initially installs Ancillary Flux Radiator Idle Mode.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Idle Mode: An initial state that provides no benefit, remove to
upgrade to Ancillary Flux Radiator Alpha.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Alpha: Increases Flux Dissipation by
27/54/81/135. Remove to upgrade to
Ancillary Flux Radiator Beta.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Beta: Increases Flux Dissipation by
51/102/153/255. Requires
Standard Upgrade Package or better. Remove to
upgrade to Ancillary Flux Radiator Gamma.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Gamma: Increases Flux Dissipation by
72/144/216/360. Requires
Notable Upgrade Package or better. Remove to
upgrade to Ancillary Flux Radiator Delta.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Delta: Increases Flux Dissipation by
90/180/270/450. Requires Superior
Upgrade Package
or better. Remove to upgrade to
Ancillary Flux Radiator Epsilon.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Epsilon: Increases Flux Dissipation by 105/210/315/525.
Requires Exceptional Upgrade Package or better.
Remove to upgrade to Ancillary Flux Radiator Zeta.
Ancillary Flux Radiator Zeta: Increases Flux Dissipation by
117/234/351/585. Requires
Penultimate Upgrade Package. Remove to revert to
Ancillary Flux Radiator Idle Mode.
Manual Maintenance Operations:
Manual Maintenance Operations Suite: Allows for the installation of Manual
Maintenance Operations. Removal will also remove any installed Manual Maintenance
Operation Stages. Initially installs Manual Maintenance
Operations (Pre-Works).

Manual Maintenance Operations (Pre-Works): An initial state that provides no
benefit, remove to upgrade to Manual Maintenance Operations
Stage 1

Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 1: Reduces Supplies per month by
~11% and hull by 5%.
Increases Minimum Crew by 5%, Crew Casualties by
10% and increases CR degradation post peak
performance by 12%. Requires
Standard Upgrade Package or better. Remove to
upgrade to Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 2.
Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 2: Reduces Supplies per month by
~31% and hull by
. Increases Minimum Crew by
10%, Crew Casualties by
20% and increases CR degradation post peak
performance by 24%. Requires
Notable Upgrade
or better. Remove to upgrade to Manual
Maintenance Operations Stage 3.

Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 3: Reduces Supplies per month by
~43% and hull by
. Increases Minimum Crew by 15%,
Crew Casualties by 30% and increases CR
degradation post peak performance by 36%.
Requires Superior
Upgrade Package
or better. Remove to upgrade to Manual Maintenance Operations
Stage 4.

Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 4: Reduces Supplies per month by
~52% and hull by
. Increases Minimum Crew by
20%, Crew Casualties by
40% and increases CR degradation post peak
performance by 48%. Requires
Exceptional Upgrade Package or better.
Remove to upgrade to Manual Maintenance Operations Stage

Manual Maintenance Operations Stage 5: Reduces Supplies per month by
~58% and hull by
. Increases Minimum Crew by
25%, Crew Casualties by
50% and increases CR degradation post peak performance
by 60%. Requires Penultimate
Upgrade Package
. Remove to revert to Manual
Maintenance Operations (Pre-Works)
Weapon Upgrades:
Decoherence Inhibitor: Increases the base range of energy weapons by
200 up to a threshold of
700/800/900/1000 depending on hullsize.
Ballistic Regulator: Increases the base range of ballistic weapons by
200 (300 for
capitals) up to a threshold of 700/800/900/1000
depending on hullsize, weapons with greater range have their base range
reduced by 200/300/400/600 down to the previous
threshold, once again based on hullsize.
Missile L.A.M: The Missile Launch Assistance Module increases the range (not
base range
) of missiles by 800/900/1100/1300
up to 2000/2100/2300/2500 depending on hullsize.
* Most of these were made to help make disparate ranged weapons from various mods work better together.
Exclusive PD Adapter: Adds the PD, PD_ONLY and
ANTI_FTR tags to any non missile weapon
that already has PD, ANTI_FTR or PD_ALSO tags as part of
their weapon spec*. Removes PD_ALSO, does not affect
weapons in Hardpoints, should not be affected by Limited PD
. Mutually exclusive with Total PD

*I suggest using the "Too Much Information" mod to find out weapon tags in game if not

Total PD Adapter: Adds the PD tag to any non
weapon that already has PD_ONLY, PD_ALSO or
tags as part of their weapon spec*. Removes
PD_ONLY, PD_ALSO and ANTI_FTR, should not be affected by
Limited PD Integration. Mutually exclusive with Exclusive
PD Adapter.

*As above I recommend the "Too Much Information" mod.
These Diagnostics give out fleet level readouts and suggestions for Crew, Fuel and Supplies. They do not even need to be installed,
just moused over.
Crew Diagnostics: Displays Minimum amount of required crew, current amount of
crew & marines, number of remaining berths and maximum number of berths.
Additionally has suggestions to meet requirements for min crew, 10% extra, 25%
extra and 50% extra.
Fuel Diagnostics:Displays Current Fuel, remaining fuel capacity, maximum amount of fuel, fuel
usage and maximum range. Additionally has suggestions and readouts for fuel
levels from 30-100% capacity in divisions of 10%.
Supply Diagnostics: Displays current supplies, remaining and max cargo space,
supply usage per day and month, and number of days/months of supply left.
Additionally has suggestions and readouts for supply levels of 1-9 months.
Weapons Almanac: Used in conjunction with Luna Lib settings allows for various weapons to be searched for with multiple different settings. See 2nd post for more details. This is an optional dependency, without Luna Lib this hullmod will be hidden.
Stopgap Suite:
This suite now removes the Stopgap category from the refit screen as it detects and installs toggle-able stopgaps as needed. Older
information below is still otherwise relevant.

It's not really necessary to individually list all of the Stopgap Hullmods, they all look similar to the ones above and function in the
same way. For the cost of 16% extra crew and 22% extra supplies per month the
effects of a D-Mod are reverted, including the Recovery Cost bonus.
There are 18 Stopgap Hullmods in total, covering all but 2of the D-Mods.
Increased Maintenance is excluded since it basically has the same type of costs the Stopgaps already have albeit higher.
Ill-Advised Modifications is also excluded, but this was just personal choice.
Stopgap Suite should be available by default.

Additional Information:
Change Log
0.1 Initial Release
0.1.1 Added an alternative data folder that removes Starship Legends requirement, probably not save compatible. You'll need to delete the
normal data folder and copy the one out of the data_no_starship_legends folder
into the main mod folder
0.1.2 Modified files to automatically check whether a user is using Starship Legends or not, if they are not it no longer requires
reputation ranks from it and just requires the preceding hullmod, costs of said
hullmods also reverted.
0.2 Added 5 "Parallel Maintenance Systems" Upgrade Hullmods that reduce supply cost per month of upgrade packages in exchange for
extra crew, extra crew casualties and faster CR degradation post peak
performance time. Also added the Refurbished Hangers Hullmod that undoes the
negative effects of Converted Hanger and Converted Cargo Bay.
0.4 Swapped over to using a JAR file for scripts and not relying on the inbuilt compiler anymore. Also got Limited PD Integration to
work how I wanted it to, it now removes the point defense weapon conversion rather then just being an alternate choice. Also altered the range threshold of High Scatter Amplifier via Optimised Lenses to 700/800/900/1000 depending on hullsize.
0.5 Added 3 New Hullmods; Decoherence Inhibitor (increases base range of energy weapons up to a threshold), Ballistic Regulator (increases
and decreases base range of ballistic weapons to a threshold) & Missile
L.A.M increases missile range up to a threshold.
0.5.1: 0.96 Update and partial overhaul with how some hullmods are handled. Reversions and Rectifications updated for newer s-mod
bonuses/penalties. Refurbished Hangers reworked for newer changes. Stopgap
Hullmods now under a single dynamic Stopgap Suite Hullmod. (This
is to help cut down on UI Clutter) Minor edit to refurbished Hangers to make sure it applies properly to built in mods with s-mod applied.
- Upgrade Packages, Flux Coil Adjuncts,Flux Distributors and Parallel Maintenance Systems are now
organised into suites similar to the previous stopgap suite to help cut down on
UI Clutter.
- Upgrade packages now cost credits (hull dependent) and Story Points (At some levels) as well as having level requirements (Still has
reputation requirements with Starship Legends
- Reworked UI for all the above mods for better visual clarity.
- Added Demilitarised Hull to Reversions, this adds Civilian grade hull, reduces minimum crew by 50% and reduces burn level by 1 if ship has
10/9/8/7 or greater burn level.
- Added 3 Diagnostic Hullmods for Crew, Fuel and Supplies,gives fleet wide readouts and suggestions, don't need to be installed, just
moused over.
- Added a pair of PD related hullmods that convert exisiting PD weapons into PD or PD_ONLY, mutually exclusive with each other.
- Disabled Hullmods in mission mode, never intended for the mode and some caused crashes.
- Added Reclaimed Racks and Rack Optimiser hullmods (affect expanded missile racks).
- Reworked Standardised Emitter to work with any shield and not just Makeshift Shield.
- 0.7 and 0.8 are functionally identical; 0.7 is for 0.96a-RC10 whereas 0.8 is for 0.97a-RC8

Balance Changes:

- Standardised Emitter:
  Bonus Arc size and Arc size thresholds reduced.

- Bonus:
- Front Bonus:  90/80/70/60 down from 120/110/100/90
- Omni Bonus: 70/60/50/40 down from 90/80/60/70

- Threshold:
- Front Threshold: 180/170/160/150 down from 210/200/190/180
- Omni Threshold: 130/120/110/100 down from 150/140/130/120

- Augmentations: Credit Cost Increase
- Standard: Costs Increased to 15,000 / 60,000/ 270,000/ 840,000 from 13,000 / 43,000 / 176,000 / 476,000
- Notable: Costs Increased to 28,000/ 112,000 / 510,000 / 1,600,000 from 19,000 / 61,000 / 249,000 / 674,000
- Superior: Costs Increased to 41,000 / 164,000 / 750,000 / 2,320,000 from 25,000 / 76,000 / 306,000 / 826,000
- Exceptional: Costs Increased to 53,000 / 212,000 / 975,000 / 3,000,000 from 30,000 / 88,000 / 354,000 / 955,000
- Penultimate: Costs Increased to 64,000 / 252,000 / 1,170,000 / 3,600,000 from 35,000 / 100,000 / 397,000 / 1,069,000

Minor fixes and additions:

- Added a few Strip protections to hullmods that cost credits, to prevent accidental loss.

- Added a settings.json file in data/config that contains various settings that can be played around with, see readme in same folder or 2nd post here for details.

- Reputation from Sundog’s Starship Legends is now completely optional as an upgrade requirement, even if you have it installed, can be changed in settings. By default, the requirement is set to false.

- Added a coloured jitter “aura” to ships with Augmentation Hullmods. Can be disabled in settings, check readme for colours. (Tried to balance for clarity and performance) By default, is set to true.

Major additions:

- Augmentation Hullmods (and extra hullmods) are now added to the CPU via a randomiser with conditions. (see settings readme for more)
These upgrades are added post inflation so extra hullmods had to be added via script (the CPU otherwise just sits on it’s now expanded OP budget and does nothing with it) the hullmods tend to be generically defensive or offensive in nature avoiding most of the more specialist hullmods, like safety overrides, Missile Autoloader or any specific campaign hullmods like Auxiliary Fuel Tanks.

In theory player faction ships (not in fleet) should also be able to receive these with the caveat that they can only add hullmods that the player has learned. I haven’t actually tested this out personally yet, but as long as they follow the same inflation rules as all the other factions It should work.

For the initial release the focus is just on regular vanilla factions, there may be some weird or less than ideal interactions with other modded ships/hullmods. For example, HMI junkers with the Rapid Repair Hullmod and a high enough Augmentation hullmod will install Makeshift Shields despite it being somewhat less optimal since I haven’t written in an exception for them yet. I intend to add these exceptions over time where I can.

It also may allow for conflicting Hullmods to be installed (hullmod coding dependant) at the same time since it’s being added via coding and not a manual installation.

Initial difficulty may be off (haven’t tested fully yet) editing the settings file should hopefully allow some custom control on that front.

- The Scion Control System is an under the hood hullmod that should be automatically installed on module ships and stations to push data from the parent hull to it’s modules this is mostly so some of my hullmods will treat a module as being the same hullsize as it’s parent rather than it’s actually size. Not all the tooltips have been updated to reflect this yet.


- There may be a chance for null crashes probably involving modules. I’ve attempted to squash as many as I can find, but some may have slipped through. I would appreciate reporting any crashes preferably with the crash log.

- There may be a chance for a potential memory leak regarding the listener for the installation for the Scion Control System. I haven’t been able to replicate it reliably but so far, the only time I’ve had a leak sometimes come up is when I’ve exited a campaign and then loaded a different campaign.
0.7-0.8 (Incremental): Various bug fixes to stop game crashes and some other odd behavious. SWP IBB bosses added to Auto Lockout Blacklist.

0.7.5 - 0.8.5:
1.   Reworked Implementation of Scion Control System, should help cut down on potential for memory leak.
2.   Auto Lockout on CPU ships has been reworked so ships with no Blueprints will not receive the hullmod, blacklist still works too. Should help stop losing potentially once off ships.
3.   Reworked area of CPU augmentation listener that was causing crashes. Adde some null clauses so it shouldn’t happen anymore.
4.   New Diagnostic – Weapons Almanac. A hullmod that will display the name and other details of various weapons depending on what filters are used in the Luna Lib settings. Requires Luna Lib but only for the hullmod itself, if not installed the hullmod will be hidden.

0.7.6 - 0.8.6
- Reworked some scripts to try to stop null crashes with module ship / station interactions.
- Reworked script that was causing a request loop in hullmod selection.

Future Plans
*Greater Modded faction integration (Just extra faction files)
*Try to alter Limited PD Integration & Optimised Lenses to work how I'd like them to (requires more coding
*Possibility of Ship variants using Augmentation Hullmods(Haven't seen AI auto fit any of these yet)
! The above is not as quickly achieved as I had hoped,the AI is not clever in spending extra budget so I'll need to create various
hullmod packages for them, it's doable, just lengthy.
- Partially completed.
*Possibility for a bonus range mod for energy and missile systems with a threshold cutoff. (There are some issues with the way AI
prioritise encounter range based off of what damage types they are using)
* A pair of PD conversion hullmods, one's functionality can't really be realised properly until next vanilla update.
* Cosmetic dynamic factional shields (colour changes as flux builds up), may release as a standalone mod as well as integrated into this.
* A reversion/Rectification for S-Modded Missile Racks.
* A dynamic PD adapter hullmod that can add the PD tag to weapons with good enough stats to be a PD weapon. On hold until at least next release. (Awaiting some API exposure)
Attribution / Acknowledgement
Alex and the rest of the Fractal Soft worksteam, for this game and answering a bunch of my questions.
LazyWizard's Console Commandsfor making testing so much less arduous.
Sundog Especially for Starship Legends which both inspired having tiers of hullmods and also combines
with this.
ShadowDragon8685 for their Advanced Hullmods back in 0.9.1a which was another big inspiration for
undoing/negating negative aspects of hullmods.
ruddygreat Who's given me plenty of tips via discord.
Discord Folk Who have answered a few critical questions to help bridge my knowledge gaps. - Thank you.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 05:37:54 PM by ctuncks »


  • Commander
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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2023, 04:51:26 PM »

Readme Settings.json for 0.7/0.8:
A quick breakdown of what settings do what in the settings file:

- Augmentation Packages: Is a term I’m using to describe an Augmentation Hullmod + a series of regular hullmods that are granted to the CPU post inflation.

- Augmentation packages are assigned to CPU post inflation, so the variants will eb assigned first then packages will be added, this may mean that certain scripted encounters, salvage and maybe bounties may not be inflated depending on how they are handled.

- Auto Lockout: Is a hullmod applied to some CPU Augmented ships to hinder recovery (extremely large recovery penalty) if you can recover a ship with this the hullmod will remain and hinder further recovery and prevent removal or upgrading the Augment. Credits can be paid in dock to remove this.

- Super Capitals (Over 60 DP) and any ships added to the auto_lockout_blacklist.json file such as the [REDACTED] are exempt from this hullmod.

- Auto Lockout Blacklist: Add any ship id or ship skin id to this file that you do not want to accidentally receive the Auto Lockout hullmod. At current only one vanilla [REDACTED] ship is on this list.

- Officer Level: The level of a ship’s officer determines the % chances of what Augmentation package the ship can receive as well as the upper limit.

- No Officer:          Standard -> Notable
- Junior Officer (1-3):      Standard -> Superior
- Standard Officer (4-5):  Standard -> Exceptional
- Senior Officer (6+):      Standard -> Penultimate

There’s a little bit of wiggle room via a randomiser, but the above is generally true.

zda_requires_reputation_sl: Toggles whether a requisite reputation from Sundog’s Starship legends is required to advance to the next Augmentation Level or Not. Defaults to False.

zda_augment_aura_enable_boolean: Toggles “ship auras” for ships with Augmentation Hullmods. Defaults to True. Turn off if you don’t like these or they cause performance issues.

Aura hues are as follows:

Standard:   Greenish Yellow
Notable:   Green - Cyan
Superior:   Tealish Blue
Exceptional:   Purply Magenta
Penultimate:   Red

- Augment Costs: Alters how expensive each Augmentation Hullmod costs in credits by level/hullsize. By default, these are quite expensive with the Standard Augmentation of a Frigate (The cheapest) having a cost of 166% of the average frigate and only getting more expensive from there.
If these costs are pricier than you’d like please alter them to something more appropriate for you.

- Augmentation Packages: Is a term I’m using to describe an Augmentation Hullmod + a series of regular hullmods that are granted to the CPU post inflation.

zda_augment_pack_enable_boolean: Toggles if Augmentation Packages and extra Hullmods are available to CPU. This is the master switch for this, were as most of the following alters spawn rates or particular unit types.

zda_augment_gen_scaling: Master toggle for Augmentation scaling. (CPU fleets have higher chance to spawn with Augmentation Packages depending on the player level and how many Augmentation hullmods they have in their fleet)

zda_augment_gen_mult: General Multiplier that the scaling score is multiplied by.

zda_augment_gen_flat_mod: General flat modifier that’s added to the scaling score after all multiplication.

zda_augment_fleet_scaling: Toggles if the scaling score is affected by number of Augment Hullmods in Player fleet.

zda_augment_level_scaling: Toggles if the scaling score is affected by the player’s level.

zda_level_scaling_root_no: Is the nth root that is applied to character level to determine level scaling.

zda_auto_lockout_per: % That an augmented ship will have auto lockout present.

zda_augment_station_enable: Toggles if stations are eligible for augmentation Packages.

zda_pen_super_cap_enable: Toggles if Super Capitals (Over 60 DP) will automatically be fitted with a Penultimate Package.

zda_pen_stations_enable: Toggles if Stations will automatically be fitted with a Penultimate Package.

- Distribution Table: The % chance of a ship receiving an augmentation package by Officer, Ship and Augmentation level. The scaling bonus is added to the scores and checked against a randomiser. Scale works on a 1-1000 basis. (52.3 for example will actually be 523)

The scaling bonus is added is added to the randomiser score and checked against the augmentation threshold. The scale works on a 1-1000 basis. Example the randomiser comes up with a score of 910 on a capital ship with a senior officer.
Penultimate: 100 – 6.3 = 93.7 X 10 = 937
Exceptional: 93.7 – 7.5 = 84.2 X 10 = 842
Superior: 84.2 – 10.3 = 73.9 X 10 = 739
Notable: 73.9 – 16.3 = 57.6 X 10 = 576
Standard: 57.6 – 31.3 = 26.3 X 10 = 263

As the score is below 937, but above 842 it will be assigned an Exceptional Augmentation package, the packages will be assigned in descending order via ELSE IF statements, so be careful if assigning custom values.

Fleet Score: Gets an average score based off of the number and quality of ship with Augment mods against battle size;
   Standard:   1
   Notable:   2
   Superior:   3
   Exceptional:   4
   Penultimate:   5
   Frigate:      X 1
   Destroyer:   X 2
   Cruiser:      X 3
   Capital:      X 5

If your number of ships deployment points is less than 40% of a game’s selected battle size then the above score is as listed. Otherwise, the average score will be adjusted by a relevant percentile difference.

Randomiser Bonus = (General Mult X (Fleet Score ^ Fleet Scaling) X (Player Level ^ (1 / (Level Scaling X Level Scale Root)))) + Flat Mod


Weapons Almanac
The Weapons Almanac is an in-game tool I designed to try to help narrow down weapon searches. The in-game codex just doesn't have enough filters for my taste especially when multiple mods are being run the list just gets far too long. The Almanac requires Luna Lib to work where various filters can be implemented and the results of said filter can be viewed in the Weapons Almanac Hullmod. (I don't have the skills to do a custom UI edit atm)

Hullmod List
The Hullmod in the Diagnostics tab, like the other diagnostics it only needs to be moused over, not installed.


Weapon Check - Explicit
The default settings page is the Weapon Check - Explicit settings. This contains a list of filters of generally UI revealed information of weapons (by default).

Weapon Name & Filter: Can search for full or partial weapon names as well as letter ranges. If set to ignore the input in the top text box will be ignored.

Weapon Type: Filter by weapon type, Includes the dual types and universal.

Weapon Size, Weapon Damage Type: Fair self-explanatory.

Weapon EMP: If weapon deals EMP, is set to true only shows weapons with emp, if false shows weapons without emp. Either/Or shows all.

Attack Type: If the weapon is a Beam, Burst-Beam, Projectile or any.

Minimum OP & Maximum OP, Minimum and Maximum Weapon Range, Minimum Flux/Sec & Maximum Flux/Sec: Ranges for all the scores that a weapon could have.

Uses Ammo:
If true weapon must use ammo, if false weapon does not sue ammo. Either/Or shows all.

Ammo Replenishment: If true weapon refill ammo, if false does not. Either/Or shows all.
If Uses Ammo is set to false this setting will be ignored.

Weapon Check - Hidden
The other settings tab contains filters for things usually hidden in the UI.

Show ID, Show Hints, Show Tags: Toggles this information on and off.

Hidden in Codex: True shows weapons that are hidden, false will not show them. Either/Or shows all.

Tier: What tier the weapon is, which affects how available it is for purchase.

Can Buy, Has Arms Dealer, Can Drop, Can Salvage and Has Blueprint: All have toggles on these means of acquisition.

HINTS: Has toggles for most relevant hints.


UI Example 1
An example of the hullmod in action with the filters of contains "hammer" in the weapon name and the weapon type being selected as Missile.

The list is ordered alphabetically and displays the Weapon's name, base weapon type, size and mount override type (if the weapon is a dual type or universal)

UI Example 2
The same example as before, but with show Hints, show Tags and Show ID all set to true.


I recommend resetting the Luna Lib settings for the Almanac to default frequently as clashing filters will lead to empty results.
At current SYSTEM weapons are not displayed due to the method which I got the weapon specs. I'm looking into a way to add these as well, but it will require some reworking.


« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 05:22:23 PM by ctuncks »


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2023, 08:45:04 PM »

Nicely done, makes the ships' growth more organic albeit at the cost of extra supplies.

Any chance of making hullmods that actually decrease upkeep of supplies in the future? 


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 09:03:16 PM »

Dig the concept. Have you considered a hullmod that rectifies the penalties from converted hanger?

Anyways, here's my troubleshooting.
Installed this mod today, it's the only modlist change between today (where I'm having issues) and yesterday (where everything was fine). Added to an on-going campaign. I don't have any smoking gun pointing to it but y'know, occam's razor.

Fatal.Null Crash #1: I go to visit a lead on an equipment cache I got from the storyteller, loot the cache. It contains two ARRUS Hullmod blueprint-thingies, among other things. Right next to the equipment cache is a Hegemony Deserter bounty fleet, which I go to fight. Game crashes shortly into the battle not long after enemy ships are on screen and the shooting starts. When I restarted the game and went through the same sequence of events, I was able to complete the battle just fine. Odd. Did typical campaign stuff, modifying ships, and simulator battles. Simulator battles worked fine. I don't get into any more actual battles until the next crash(es). I never got around to installing any of the new hullmods despite unlocking two of them.

Fatal.Null Crash#2 and 3 and so on:
I go to destroy a Pirate Base. Engage a small armada of Pirate ships and the station itself. Not long after enemy ships are on screen and the shooting starts, fatal.null crash. Reboot the game, same exact sequence of events, game crashes about the same time.
While writing this up, I tried just fighting the pirate fleet (not the station) and deployed only my destroyer flagship, completed the battle with no problems. Go on to battle the station and a small group of ships, and deploy seven or eight ships of my own? Game crashes before anything has a chance to explode. I thought maybe it could be ARRUS hullmods on the enemy ships but when I examined their fleet on the pre-battle screen I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Now I've been spawning enemy fleets and doing battles with different ships deployed and I can't seem to figure out what will consistentlycause it to crash, but it always does after a few, and the error is always the same.

Modlist/console commands bugreport dump:
System info:
Game version: Starsector 0.95.1a-RC6
Game resolution: 1920x1080 (60hz, 32bpp, fullscreen)
Java version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_271-b09 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM)
Platform: Windows (64-bit)
JVM RAM: 411.84 MB / 3,758.00 (3,346.16 MB free, 3,758.00 MB allocatable)
System RAM: 6,559.53 MB remaining, 16,229.72 MB total
Launch args: -XX:CompilerThreadPriority=1 -XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt -Djava.library.path=native\\windows -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -Xss2048k -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.saves=..\\saves -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.screenshots=..\\screenshots -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.mods=..\\mods -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.logs=.

 Graphics card info:
GPU Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Driver version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 528.24
Free VRAM: 735.13 MB
Dedicated VRAM: 4,096.00 MB
Maximum VRAM:   4,096.00 MB

 Active mod list:
Regular mods (40):
 -  Phillip Andrada: Gas Station Manager 1.9 by WMGreywind
 -  Slightly Better Tech-Mining 2022-09-30 by Yunru
 - Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1 by ctuncks
 - Amazigh's Ship Foundry 0.8.1 by Amazigh
 - Angry Periphery 1.5 by Great Wound
 - Apex Design Collective 1.1.0b by theDragn
 - Arsenal Expansion 1.5.5 by Inventor Raccoon
 - BigBeans Ship Compilation by BigBeans
 - BigBeans Ship Compilation - IP ship Submod 0.1d by BigBeans
 - Bricky Construction 1.3.0 by Lortus
 - Captain's Log 0.1.6 by stormbringer951
 - Commissioned Crews 1.999999ggg by Techpriest
 - Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering 1.6a by Harmful Mechanic
 - Deluxe Player Flags 1.01a by Harmful Mechanic
 - ED Shipyards 2.5.6 by Ed, Nick XR
 - Exotica Technologies 1.2.16 by President Matt Damon
 - Fluff Ship Pack 0.2.3-1 by MrFluff
 - FuzzyPack 1.5.2 by SirFuzzWuzz
 - Hazard Mining Incorporated 0.3.5f by King Alfonzo
 - High Tech Expansion 1.4.10 by theDragn
 - Industrial.Evolution 3.1.f by SirHartley
 - Iron Shell 1.181 by Techpriest & Selkie
 - Jackundor's Advanced Arms 0.4.0 by Jackundor
 - Mayasuran Navy 8.3.8 RC3 by Knight Chase
 - Nes's ship and weapon 1.9d by Nes
 - Neutrino Detector Mk.II 1.3.0 by Wisp
 - Nexerelin 0.10.6b by Histidine (original by Zaphide)
 - Objects Analysis 002 by Harpuea
 - RotcesRats 0.22 by Amazigh
 - Seeker - Unidentified Contact 0.51 by Tartiflette
 - Ship/Weapon Pack 1.13.0 by DarkRevenant
 - Space Truckin' 0.9.1 by Capt Dash
 - Starship Legends 2.2.1 by Sundog
 - Support Ships Pack 0.6.0 by ForestFighters
 - Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a by Nia Tahl
 - The Star Federation 0.98-RC6 - Bugfixes and Beams by Sleepyfish
 - United Aurora Federation 0.7.2g1dc by Created by CY / Milkydromeda, Co-developed by Vermillion, Assisted by Yimie, Naggy, Nova Sunshine and Tim & Selkie N Co'!
 - Unknown Skies 0.43 by Tartiflette
 - Vayra's Ship Pack 1.2.3 by Vayra
 - WhichMod 1.2.1 by theDragn
Utility mods (12):
 - AdvancedGunneryControl 1.7.1 by DesperatePeter
 - Autosave 1.2 by LazyWizard
 - Combat Chatter 1.12 by Histidine
 - Console Commands 2021.12.25 by LazyWizard
 - Detailed Combat Results 5.3.0 by Nick XR
 - Everybody loves KoC 1.03.40b by Vikta
 - Fleet Action History 1.0.8 by briansd9
 - LazyLib 2.7b by LazyWizard
 - Leading Pip 1.9.1 by DarkRevenant
 - MagicLib 0.45.2 by Modding Community: Dark.Revenant, LazyWizard, Nicke, Originem, Rubi, Schaf-Unschaf, Snrasha, Tartiflette, Wisp, Wyvern...
 - SpeedUp 0.7.2 by DarkRevenant
 - zz GraphicsLib 1.6.1 by DarkRevenant

Below is an excerpt from the starsector.log from my latest fight with the pirates. The error itself is identical each time:
203965 [Thread-3] INFO  fleethistory.BattleLogger  - Battle logger initialized
203965 [Thread-3] INFO  data.scripts.plugins.fed_shipDeath  - Star Federation fed_shipDeath: init successful
209554 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship IAS Crécerelle, isEnemy 0
209554 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship ISS Pulaski, isEnemy 0
209554 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship ISS McLeod, isEnemy 0
209554 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship ISS Jarvee, isEnemy 0
209555 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship ISS Pickaroon, isEnemy 0
209555 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship IAS Manchester Wack, isEnemy 0
209556 [Thread-3] INFO  org.histidine.chatter.combat.ChatterCombatPlugin  - Adding ship ISS Nantosvelta, isEnemy 0
221528 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at Source)
   at$o.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2023, 09:55:46 PM »

Nicely done, makes the ships' growth more organic albeit at the cost of extra supplies.

Any chance of making hullmods that actually decrease upkeep of supplies in the future?

While I'm not strictly opposed to the idea I decided to use the extra supplies per month to levy an expense on what are now arguably super ships. Ideally I would rather have a 1 time high fee such as with Exotica Technologies (paying for special hullmods) or a direct credits per month, I currently lack the capacity to pull either off. As such I settled for extra supplies per month since they're roughly about 100 credits each.

For example take a Lasher it normally costs 4 supplies per month, this means.
Vanilla: 4 Supplies -> 400 Credits
Standard: 5.6 Supplies -> 560 Credits
Notable: 7.84 Supplies -> 784 Credits
Superior: 10.97 Supplies -> 1097 Credits
Exceptional: 15.36 Supplies -> 1536 Credits
Penultimate: 21.51 Supplies -> 2151 Credits

The diminishing returns of the upgrades and exponential costs in this case are deliberate, it introduces a cost/benefit choice rather then just having relatively cheap extra power. You need to be able to acquire supplies consistently to help run these upgrades, whether it's through trading, raiding, scavenging, salvaging or what other viable method you may have at your disposal. This is in part why I also had those hullmods increase the cargo capacity by about 3 times the extra amount of supplies used, so you'd have space in each altered ship to carry 3 months worth of the extra supplies you'd be spending.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2023, 10:04:40 PM »

Dig the concept. Have you considered a hullmod that rectifies the penalties from converted hanger?

I had actually considered that, might add it to my list of future plans. As to the crashes I'll try to see if I can replicate them, I admittedly did most of my testing in the simulator.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2023, 10:06:29 PM »

Very cool mod, I look forward to playing with it!

However, I would highly recommend nullifying the Starship Legends level checks if the player doesn't have it installed, as you are currently artificially isolating the part of your audience that doesn't play with Starship Legends.
Maybe you could replace it with some other requirement instead?


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2023, 11:56:18 PM »

Very cool mod, I look forward to playing with it!

However, I would highly recommend nullifying the Starship Legends level checks if the player doesn't have it installed, as you are currently artificially isolating the part of your audience that doesn't play with Starship Legends.
Maybe you could replace it with some other requirement instead?

I'm not able to add a different requirement atm, however I did just update the version with an alternate data folder you can use instead which removes the starship legends requirement. It does how ever increase the purchase price of Notable, Superior and Exceptional upgrade packages by 5 fold.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2023, 12:05:27 AM »

Very cool mod, I look forward to playing with it!

However, I would highly recommend nullifying the Starship Legends level checks if the player doesn't have it installed, as you are currently artificially isolating the part of your audience that doesn't play with Starship Legends.
Maybe you could replace it with some other requirement instead?

I'm not able to add a different requirement atm, however I did just update the version with an alternate data folder you can use instead which removes the starship legends requirement. It does how ever increase the purchase price of Notable, Superior and Exceptional upgrade packages by 5 fold.

Should you want to, you can perform a very simple check to see if the player has Starship Legends installed via
boolean hasStarshipLegends = Global.getSettings().getModManager().isModEnabled("sun_starship_legends");
From there, you can use that boolean in if/else checks to determine what the player's requirements should be.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2023, 04:27:59 PM »

Should you want to, you can perform a very simple check to see if the player has Starship Legends installed via
boolean hasStarshipLegends = Global.getSettings().getModManager().isModEnabled("sun_starship_legends");
From there, you can use that boolean in if/else checks to determine what the player's requirements should be.

Thank you for the suggestion, I should be able to implement that without too much trouble.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1.2
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2023, 07:18:53 AM »

Hey, thanks for integrating starship legends this way! That's a cool feature  ;D
(And, yeah, it's definitely better for all content to be accessible without other mods, so I'm glad there's a solution!)


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1.2
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2023, 03:47:56 AM »

Hey, thanks for integrating starship legends this way! That's a cool feature  ;D
(And, yeah, it's definitely better for all content to be accessible without other mods, so I'm glad there's a solution!)

No worries, the change is implemented now. Still personally prefer it tied to your reputation levels, for me personally feels like the ship has earned it more, but each to their own.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1.2
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2023, 04:28:57 AM »

I know this mod doesn't exactly scream 'balance', but wouldn't it make more sense for Augmentation mods to have reversed progression? With Standard giving what Penultimate gives and Penultimate what Standard gives right now?


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1.2
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2023, 01:17:39 PM »

I know this mod doesn't exactly scream 'balance', but wouldn't it make more sense for Augmentation mods to have reversed progression? With Standard giving what Penultimate gives and Penultimate what Standard gives right now?
I think the diminishing returns scheme that ctuncks is going for makes the most sense. If you really want that extra bit of power, you're going to have to pay for it. There's similar systems in Starsector already, like salvage gantries being less and less useful the more of them you have.


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Re: Aardwolf & Zenith: ARRUS Hullmods 0.1.2
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2023, 07:39:00 PM »

I know this mod doesn't exactly scream 'balance', but wouldn't it make more sense for Augmentation mods to have reversed progression? With Standard giving what Penultimate gives and Penultimate what Standard gives right now?
I think the diminishing returns scheme that ctuncks is going for makes the most sense. If you really want that extra bit of power, you're going to have to pay for it. There's similar systems in Starsector already, like salvage gantries being less and less useful the more of them you have.

I very much intended for diminishing returns coupled with exponentially higher costs. The extra supply costs are multiplicative, so they multiply each other and not just the base. I still haven't been able to replicate those crashes you were having, have you gotten any more?
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