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Author Topic: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24  (Read 87675 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.2 - 02/01/23
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2023, 08:05:58 PM »

Are these hullmods included in the Carter's Freetraders faction mod? Or is this mod needed to have them?
Half of them were originally in CFT and the rest are from JYD. I separated them from their parent mods into this one as a stand alone. The reason why is stated on the forum OP under spoilers if you are interested.

You can use this mod as-is and not have to install any of my other mods which is the reason I made this move. Conversely, they are no longer included in JYD or CFT but loading this on top of either or both woks just fine and should cause no additional memory load from when they were part of their parent mods.



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Re: [0.95.1a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.3 - 02/20/23
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2023, 05:11:12 PM »

v0.3 released today - Save game compatible with v0.2

Made some adjustments and clarifications to current hull mods, added five new hull mods and updated the forum image with the new hull mods. Special Thanks to Madbadger2 for helping beta testing the update - Change log on the forum OP and in the RAR has all the details.

I am open to any ideas for junk low op hull mod ideas so if you have any then toss them my way. - Enjoy!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.3 - 02/20/23
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2023, 05:16:52 PM »

Looking good 8-)

One thing I like about this collection is that the low costs add a lot of versatility when you are trying to squeeze in something useful for a ship with an awkward amount of OP left over.


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2023, 05:15:50 AM »

v0.4 released today updating to 0.96a compliance. Changelog on the forum OP and in the RAR has all the details and the forum OP has been updated with instructions on how to make the hull mods unlearned at the start of game.

I am always open to and grateful for ideas and suggestions for all my mods so if you have any please send them my way either as a forum reply or a discord PM.


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2023, 07:32:02 AM »

Hey, read the spoiler for why this mod exists and I know that I am one of those people on here and the discord and I'm sorry if that criticism felt like it was insulting your work. One, I admire how you gracefully handle feedback and I'm glad you chose this route. Two, I am excited to try Carter and Junkyard again when you update them to the most recent release as I've been out of the game for a while.


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2023, 10:06:39 AM »

Hey, read the spoiler for why this mod exists and I know that I am one of those people on here and the discord and I'm sorry if that criticism felt like it was insulting your work.
No offense taken, I take all criticism as constructive regardless of the intent of the comment. Even the trooliest discord comments generally give me some insight of what the person is complaining about and what I can do to address it to make the mod better. I made all my mods to modify what I saw as shortfalls in the game to make my personal gameplay better and I post them here as I hope they may make someone else's game more enjoyable.
One, I admire how you gracefully handle feedback and I'm glad you chose this route.
That is so kind of you to say so, thank you.
Two, I am excited to try Carter and Junkyard again when you update them to the most recent release as I've been out of the game for a while.
Welcome back to the game, .96a adds a lot of new content and features I hope you enjoy them. Regarding my three faction (JYD, CFT & TTSC) and one enemy (HIVER) mods it may be a bit as they all rely on Nexerelin to function properly. Once Histidine has a stable update available (I do not envy all that work) I will work on each and have them updated as I can.

Thank you for the comments, they made my day! :)


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2023, 02:36:06 AM »

Hi, just dropping in on Cargo Pods... They should be flagged as Logistics and need a hard nerf, at least at the frigate level.

For a Frigate, they add 300 Cargo Capacity. Transport Frigates tend to top out at 200 Cargo Capacity.

If it was 100 it could be justified as logistics with everything else, but in exchange for making what may not even be a combat frigate more vulnerable in combat, it gets a negligible fuel cost increase. A Hound with this is more valuable as a transport than a Mule.

It should probably also induce a burn speed reduction. For example, dropping to 100 a Hound is suddenly carrying a double load, for +33% fuel cost (IIRC) as the only logistic layer difficulty.

I have been loving everything else though.


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2023, 03:41:28 AM »

Hi, just dropping in on Cargo Pods... They should be flagged as Logistics and need a hard nerf, at least at the frigate level.
Hi there 5ColouredWalker, it has been awhile thank you for checking in. Cargo Pods is the most popular/least liked (depending on who you ask) hull mod in this collection based on feedback I've received since I introduced it. I have received derision on discord over it while at the same time so many thank you messages for the QOL. So much so, it is probably the number one reason I moved all my hull mods from JYD and CFT to this separate mod.
If it was 100 it could be justified as logistics with everything else, but in exchange for making what may not even be a combat frigate more vulnerable in combat, it gets a negligible fuel cost increase. A Hound with this is more valuable as a transport than a Mule.
It is designed to not be a logistics mod so it can be a quality of life addition to expanded cargo holds, not a replacement. There are other detractors than fuel cost that I added over time to help balance it; op cost, ship speed, ship maneuver and CR loss per second. Essentially if you put it on a fighting ship it turns it into wallowing prey and easily picked off. Your hound vs mule comparison is not exactly apples/oranges since the mule has shields and far more weapons. Also if you put it on a Mule, since it is a destroyer it would gain 600 vs the Hound which, being a frigate, gives it 300.
It should probably also induce a burn speed reduction. For example, dropping to 100 a Hound is suddenly carrying a double load, for +33% fuel cost (IIRC) as the only logistic layer difficulty.

I have been loving everything else though.
I am happy to hear you are enjoying the mod overall and appreciate the feedback. I feel that I have Cargo Pods balanced with enough detractors, however, I admit that even though it does have several, it is a bit OP. I feel that is OK since it is in a category that does not effect combat and functions as a easement that I meant it to be. If this was a vanilla hull mod I would be on board with you but I know that if I nerf it again, I'll have a riot of complaints from the players who like it as is. :)


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2023, 04:39:45 AM »

Ah, if it's intended to be convenience and you're happy to ignore balance, than that's fine, as long as it's the intention. It just means if I start getting to attracted to it I might have to nerf it it mine :P

But thanks again for the great work!


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4 - 05/06/23
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2023, 05:17:11 AM »

Ah, if it's intended to be convenience and you're happy to ignore balance, than that's fine, as long as it's the intention.
I do care about balance which is why it is no longer a 1,2,3,4 OP hull mod and has several detractors on it that it lacked when I initially released it. I just feel that making cargo focused ships more expansive (I was inspired by the cargo ships of the expanse when I made this hull mod FYI) it gave them more use without increasing the combat power.

Take the Barbapiccola above, look at the ugly as heck ramshackle beauty. I love the lived in feel of the ships in the series and JYD/CFT reflect that. They are work ships that have been hit by asteroids and have the scars and scuffs to show it.
It just means if I start getting to attracted to it I might have to nerf it it mine :P
I feel I am giving players options with these hull mods and I do not compress my mods into JAR format so people can easily modify them to their own taste so have at it!
But thanks again for the great work!
I appreciate that, essentially I made these mods for myself and am overjoyed when I hear others like them as well. :)


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4.1 - 07/04/23
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2023, 05:11:44 PM »

v0.4.1 released today Just a Quick Hotfix - Save game compatible with v0.4
   -Fixed a tooltip error with Magiclib - TY Soviet Tom Bombadil for finding it and letting me know
   -Converted the compression from RAR to ZIP - Received some "requests" and it is a more widely used format   


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4.1 - 07/04/23
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2023, 03:15:59 AM »

v0.4.1 released today Just a Quick Hotfix - Save game compatible with v0.4
   -Fixed a tooltip error with Magiclib - TY Soviet Tom Bombadil for finding it and letting me know
   -Converted the compression from RAR to ZIP - Received some "requests" and it is a more widely used format

7zip's 7z is so much better than both rar and zip and it's open source!

but glad you switched away from that proprietary commercial crap rar. zip is really much more widely used - even though its compression is much worse than 7zip's 7z and unpacks slower.
you can use 7zip to create .zip files too



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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4.1 - 07/04/23
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2023, 03:28:00 AM »

v0.4.1 released today Just a Quick Hotfix - Save game compatible with v0.4
   -Fixed a tooltip error with Magiclib - TY Soviet Tom Bombadil for finding it and letting me know
   -Converted the compression from RAR to ZIP - Received some "requests" and it is a more widely used format

7zip's 7z is so much better than both rar and zip and it's open source!

but glad you switched away from that proprietary commercial crap rar. zip is really much more widely used - even though its compression is much worse than 7zip's 7z and unpacks slower.
you can use 7zip to create .zip files too

Hello again, good morning!
I initially went with RAR but I saw several comments on discord complaining that I am using it. I personally use 7zip as well as Winrar depending on the need at the time and initially was going to convert my mod files to 7z. However, when I looked over what other mod makers use for compression I noted that most of them were ZIP files. Essentially I figured that since my mods are simplistic and have a low impact on HD space compared to others then going with the common ZIP compression was the way to go.


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4.1 - 07/04/23
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2023, 08:04:04 AM »

Hello again, good morning!
I initially went with RAR but I saw several comments on discord complaining that I am using it. I personally use 7zip as well as Winrar depending on the need at the time and initially was going to convert my mod files to 7z. However, when I looked over what other mod makers use for compression I noted that most of them were ZIP files. Essentially I figured that since my mods are simplistic and have a low impact on HD space compared to others then going with the common ZIP compression was the way to go.

I was just rambling :D I didn't want to come off as a nitpicker... thx for not taking it the wrong way


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Re: [0.96a-RC7] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.4.1 - 07/04/23
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2023, 07:06:17 PM »

I was just rambling :D I didn't want to come off as a nitpicker... thx for not taking it the wrong way
Not at all, I always enjoy insight from other players and agree with your pick of 7z being better. I just went with the ZIP crowd to lessen the trolling on discord :)
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