Heavy blaster only does 500 damage? This would be way better against armor and way more alpha damage. Also whose to say this isn’t quite similar to the heavy blaster. The new kinetic blaster looks like a hybrid between the heavy blaster and pulse laser. There’s definitely going to be some resemblance to other energy weapons.
The only upside of this over the heavy blaster is that it crunches armor more and has more alpha. Otherwise, it has identical DPS, Range, and similar Flux/s. But it is a heavy mount, and costs 16! more OP. Why would anyone every use this? Such a minor upgrade for over double the OP cost.
You’re right that does seem kind of weak thinking back over it.
Let me say ranges then with some reasoning.
I don’t think it will be any higher than 1600. With the AMB being at 1400 I don’t think it will be that much stronger than something with limited ammo.
the AMB does about 116dps I think? I don’t think this will have a rate of fire slow then the AMB, so DPS should be atleast 300, but less than 600 to not overlap with the better larges.
Flux Efficiency:
It is supposed to be fairly flux efficient, so I don’t see it behind greater than 1.3. The efficiency also shouldn’t be better than 1.1, any better and it will probably be to good it taking shields down.
Less than 600, it’s a short range weapon, so it shouldn’t outrange blasters. It won’t be less than 400, since I can’t see how less would make sense on a large slot weapon mostly goes on capitals.