I've mentioned seeing this memory leak error in several different mod threads and was told by multiple (fairly prominent) people that it didn't matter and I could just ignore it and keep playing.
My professional background is in software testing and the idea that one should "just ignore" a memory leak error popup sends me into a frothing rage.
Either this advice is correct, which means the leak popup is a false positive and the conditions producing it should be carefully re-examined at the earliest possible moment, or the leak popup is correct and their advice is not correct and they should not be giving it and whatever code is producing the conditions that produce the popup REALLY needs to be looked at carefully. I don't like either of those possibilities, because on both sides of the question it looks like there are fairily competent developers who - judging by results visible in the base game and in certain mods - should know what they're doing.
The conditions where I seem to consistently be able to produce this error usually involve one of the following sets of conditions:
1) playing with an absolutely extravagant mod like UAF, especially in conjunction with multiple other mods (my guess is the tourism fleets it provokes from all other factions contribute to multiplying the load fairly quickly)
2) playing with Nex + Vayra's Sector + a fair number (10-20ish) of other faction mods, starting a new game, and then loading a game while in the campaign rather than exiting to the menu and loading from there
3) playing with Nex + Apex + a fair number of other faction mods, starting a new game, and then loading a game while in the campaign rather than exiting to the menu and loading from there
4) playing with Nex + Idoneus, fighting (as Idoneus) a reasonably large battle (with control points) and then attempting to load any save game at all under any conditions - the only way to avoid this is to shut the application down and restart it, loading fresh
5) there are a smattering of other cases I've seen where large battles will set me up for a leak if I try loading afterward; it seems to be specific to certain factions, but I haven't been systematic about looking into those other cases yet
6) playing with mods that do a lot of stuff with data, like Stellar Networks or Starship Legends v2 (Legends v1 seems to have a much smaller resource footprint) - I don't have careful notes on specifically how I caused it in these cases, I just know that I satisfied myself these were causing issues and the problems were not happening without them. (Regrettable, especially Stellar Networks - lots of useful data-handling in there.)
As a general rule, from what I've seen, exiting to the main menu to load a game seems to prevent the majority of incidents that would produce the memory leak warning while still maximizing the scope of potential mods to play with.