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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1.5 - Safeguard your unique ships  (Read 5800 times)


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Molecular Replicator v0.1.5
Extra-dimensional ship backups for paranoid collectors
Safe to add to existing saves (as of v0.1.1) + fully compatible with Nexerelin


The Background

If you're anything like me, you love collecting unique ships. From the tiniest frigates to enormous Onslaught centipedes, if it's a captured IBB, preset unique derelict or even just a very rare ship then chances are it's either seeing active duty in your fleet or collecting dust in storage somewhere. You find, however, that actually using these vessels is often a very risky endeavor. Since you're an iron mode purist, you have to face the fact that no matter how many S-mods or high-skill officers you put on a ship, it will be gone forever if you lose a battle with it deployed. Thus, you very rarely put all the shiny uniques you've been accumulating to use, since savescumming has been the only way to guarantee their safety... until now.

The Concept

Enter the Molecular Replicator, a mysterious derelict station adrift in the orbit of a fringe red giant. This high-tech station of indeterminate origin will, once explored, allow you to make an extra-dimensional "copy" of any ship you desire. In the event your precious vessel is scuttled, lost on the market, fed to a black hole, sacrificed to a factory, or utterly annihilated in combat you will be able to claim a new un-outfitted hull from the Molecular Replicator. As long as you are able to fulfill the hefty credit and AI core requirements, you can deploy unique ships to your heart's content with the peace of mind that they won't be lost forever to the void. Speaking of requirements...

The Process

Once you have explored the Molecular Replicator, you will have the ability to select a ship to create a non-tangible copy of. Once a ship is selected, you will have the option to initiate the duplication process for a hefty credit cost paired with an AI core requirement proportional to the size of the ship. Frigates will take two Gamma cores, Destroyers will need one Beta core, Cruisers will use two Beta cores and Capitals will require a single Alpha core. These fees are the costs associated with the logistics of procuring and overseeing the delivery of raw materials to the Molecular Replicator; the ratio of real to extra dimension material used in the duplication process is a constantly fluctuating number that requires an enormous amount of computational power to calculate and track. Once you have offered up the required credits and cores, the empty hull of your ship will be "duplicated" and slotted into an extra dimensional storage bay. This duplicate cannot exist on the same plane of reality as the ship it was copied from, and as such you will not be able retrieve it until the parent ship has been utterly annihilated (i.e scuttling, lost in battle etc.) In such an event, you can visit the Molecular Replicator again and extract the duplicate hull from storage. The retrieved hull will be in pristine condition, but will be completely un-outfitted and will not have any S or D-mods. You can duplicate and store as many ships as your credit balance and AI core hoards will allow.

tl;dr You can "insure" ships for credits + AI cores and retrieve fresh hulls if those ships are destroyed.

Before you can utilize the Molecular Repliacator, however, you will have to deal with a few interlopers:

The Molecular Replicator itself is a station located in its very own star system. For those keen on exploration, you will find your prize orbiting an isolated star northwest of the core (if you're using a randomly generated sector (via Nexerelin) the star should appear in a random location.)
If you don't feel like searching for it, the exact location of the station can be found in the spoiler below:
The station is found relatively close to the jump point in the Resplendent red giant star system. It will first appear as a sensor contact as you get close to the star itself.


- Although I have done a lot of testing on my end, I am still considering this mod to be in beta. I'm pretty confident that the mod will behave as it should in all scenarios, but please back up your saves regularly just in case.
- This mod is not safe to remove from saves.

Q & A:
Q: Why not just reload a save instead of spending 40+ hours making an insurance mod?

A: Because, in my opinion, having the ability to reload a save when things don't go your way cheapens the experience of the game greatly. Any tension involved in something like exploring a fringe star or engaging in a battle you know will be hard-fought pretty much evaporates when you know you will never have to deal with the consequences if things go awry. That being said, losing unique ships sucks ass, so I wanted to implement a solution that bridged the gap between the two styles of play in order for people to have best of both worlds in a fair and balanced way.

Q: What does a safeguarded ship retain after being destroyed?

A: Nothing. The ship you receive is a fresh hull with no weapons, fighters or S-mods.

Q: Can I use this mod to create backups of unique items/fighters?

A: Unfortunately, no. The problem with this is ships and weapons become entirely different objects when mounted/unmounted, so keeping track of whether one was actually destroyed or not would be impossible.

Q: Why is this mod's lore so convoluted and/or out of place in the vanilla game?

A: I wrote myself into a corner by trying to account for players creating backups of things like Tesseracts, Hel Scaiths, Solvernias, and other exotic/ultra advanced modded ships. In the context of a modded sector, the lore I ended up going with felt like the only thing that would hold up to the question of "how is this station able to duplicate my {extremely rare one off prototype ultra omega double tesseract conquest onslaught #3}???" I did my best to keep the lore semi-ambiguous, but I feel like I ended up walking a very thin line between giving the player much information or too little. The existing lore may be subject to a rewrite if I can come up with something better.

Q: What's next?

A: My first thought for 0.2 (assuming no game breaking bugs are discovered) is to add a chance for the player to receive small amounts of random loot when they retrieve a ship hull, which said loot's quantity and rarity corresponding to the ship's size. I think it would make using the station more rewarding given the cost, but I feel like it has the potential to make the lore even more convoluted. Aside from that, I may look into trying to create a system that allows players to back up weapons and fighters, but I'm not holding my breath since I'm 99% sure it would be impossible with the current API.

Author's note:

This mod contains a lot of text. My goal was initially to write a good bit of lore and flavor text for those who want to read it, but it quickly got out of hand. I have done my best to keep the parts of the interface the player actually engages with simplistic and easy to use while providing
a streamlined description of how the mod actually works here on the forum page, but now that I'm actually looking at all of the moving parts in-game, I feel that I still went overboard with the sheer amount of text in some areas. Feel free to let me know if this is the case.

 - Initial Release

 - Made the mod save-compatible with existing games

 - Fixed a formatting error in the Duplication screen

 - Reworked the Molecular Replicator's credit and AI core costs
 - Added a chance for players to receive loot when retrieving
   stored hulls
 - Improved formatting and text coloration in several areas
« Last Edit: November 20, 2022, 11:03:54 AM by SteelSirokos »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2022, 02:41:45 AM »

> try to fight 2k bounty fleet
> try to find better fleet and ships configuration trough constant repeative battle
> "you bad its save scamming you play not fair try my new ship duplicator"



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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2022, 10:18:56 AM »

> try to fight 2k bounty fleet
> try to find better fleet and ships configuration trough constant repeative battle
> "you bad its save scamming you play not fair try my new ship duplicator"


I take it the defense fleet is too powerful? Originally I set them up as a lore piece and a bit of an additional challenge to make the player feel like they "earned" the station instead of just finding it and getting it operational instantly. In my testing they proved fairly easy to defeat with a moderately sized coordinated assault (which doesnt have to involve your uniques) since they tend to play defensively, but if they're actually difficult enough to prove a significant challenge to using the MR I can tone them down.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2022, 01:20:32 PM »

Personally I think this is a rather neat solution to an issue I have probably every run.

It doesn't look too cheap to be abusable and is a fine meta gameplay addition, and well executed at that.
I'll be using it, and I'm real picky about my balance.

> try to fight 2k bounty fleet
> try to find better fleet... ranting
way to talk down on a new mod when you didn't even give it much thought.
It's not about savescumming or your supposed tactics improvements, it's about the inherent risk aversity of the average player that prohibits one from using ships you might not be able to replace if you lose them during a hard-won battle (even after "optimizing" your amazing battle tactics).
This is a good solution.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 01:22:17 PM by SirHartley »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2022, 01:44:54 PM »

As someone who typically throws her unique ships in storage for fear of losing them, I appreciate this mod's existence. :)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2022, 02:38:24 PM »

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

I'm glad to see people are enjoying my mod, and can't wait to see more thoughts people have on the mod's balance, writing, features, and anything else really.

Edit 1: I revised the "Why not reload a save" section in the Q & A to be more of an explanation into the philosophy and rewards of playing on iron mode instead of just "skill issue if you savescum." I also changed the post body to be a little less savescum-bashy.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 03:03:14 PM by SteelSirokos »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2022, 04:15:06 PM »

- This mod is not save-compatible, as it adds a new star system to the sector. However, future updates to the mod should be fully save compatible.
At the risk of coming off as needlessly greedy (have made quite a bit of progress in my most recent modded campaign(s))...

Why not implement some of the code from Apex Design Collective, which can be added to an in-progress save (new star systems are generated upon loading said save, mere in-game days later)?

It's easily the most notable StarSector mod that I can immediately recall that makes use of this method, although I could swear that there is at least one other mod that implements this approach...


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2022, 10:20:10 PM »

- This mod is not save-compatible, as it adds a new star system to the sector. However, future updates to the mod should be fully save compatible.
At the risk of coming off as needlessly greedy (have made quite a bit of progress in my most recent modded campaign(s))...

Why not implement some of the code from Apex Design Collective, which can be added to an in-progress save (new star systems are generated upon loading said save, mere in-game days later)?

It's easily the most notable StarSector mod that I can immediately recall that makes use of this method, although I could swear that there is at least one other mod that implements this approach...

Ask and ye shall receive. The mod should now be safe to add to all existing games (as always though, keep a backup handy.)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 10:32:04 PM by SteelSirokos »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2022, 01:41:31 AM »

When you told me that you are going to make some kind of insurance for ships, especially for one-offs or unique, I did not expect that you will actually do it. Heh, good job on that!

Now that I have a small free time to play the game, I'll give your mod a whirl.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1.1 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2022, 02:02:58 AM »

When you told me that you are going to make some kind of insurance for ships, especially for one-offs or unique, I did not expect that you will actually do it. Heh, good job on that!

Now that I have a small free time to play the game, I'll give your mod a whirl.

Every time I felt like giving up I was like "but I don't want to play the game without this mod..."

As you can see, I ended up pulling through, and then some.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 02:06:31 AM by SteelSirokos »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1.2 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2022, 01:36:00 AM »

Just pushed a tiny fix to address a formatting error in the Duplication screen


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Re: [0.95.1a] Molecular Replicator v0.1.5 - Safeguard your unique ships
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2022, 09:23:41 PM »

v0.1.5 is out!

 - Reworked the Molecular Replicator's credit and AI core costs
 - Added a chance for players to receive loot when retrieving
   stored hulls
 - Improved formatting and text coloration in several areas