# this is only needed for data visualization - can be safely removed
#general functions
range <- 1000
#fudge factor
errorsd <- 0.05
#the fudge factor should be a function of range (more error in position at greater range), but not a function of weapon firing angle, and be expressed in terms of pixels
error <- errorsd*range
#where does one shot hit within the weapon's arc of fire, in pixel difference from the target? get a random angle in degrees according to a uniform distribution,
#then consider that the circumference is 2 pi * range pixels, so the hit coordinates in pixels are
shotangle <- function(acc) return(runif(1,-acc/2,acc/2)/360*2*pi*range)
#now add a random positional error to the coordinates of the hit
hitlocation <- function(acc){
location <- shotangle(acc)
location <- location + rnorm(1,0,error)
#so which box was hit?
cellhit <- function(angle){
if(angle < anglerangevector[1]) return(1)
if(angle > anglerangevector[ship[6]+1]) return(ship[6]+2)
for (i in 1:length(anglerangevector)) {
if ((angle > anglerangevector) & (angle <= anglerangevector[i+1])) return(i+1)
# this function generates the shot distribution per 1 shot with 100000 samples
#note: it is likely that a sample size of 1000 or 10000 would be acceptable in practice, reducing distribution computation time meaningfully, I just wanted to go big
createdistribution <- function(acc){
distributionvector <- vector(mode="double", length = ship[6]+2)
for (i in 1:100000){
wherehit <- cellhit(hitlocation(acc))
distributionvector[wherehit] <- distributionvector[wherehit] +1
# this is the default distribution of damage to armor cells
b <- matrix(0,nrow=5,ncol=5)
b[1:5,2:4] <- 1/30
b[2:4,1:5] <- 1/30
b[2:4,2:4] <- 1/15
b[1,1] <- 0
b[1,5] <- 0
b[5,1] <- 0
b[5,5] <- 0
#this function generates a sum of matrices multiplied by the distribution
createhitmatrix <- function(acc){
hitmatrix <- matrix(0,5,ship[6]+4)
distributionvector <- createdistribution(acc)
for (i in 1:ship[6]){
hitmatrix[,i:(i+4)] <- hitmatrix[,i:(i+4)]+b*(distributionvector[i+1])
hitchance <- function(acc){
hitchance <- 0
distributionvector <- createdistribution(acc)
hitchance <- (1-(distributionvector[1]+distributionvector[ship[6]]))
#for weapons with damage changing over time we need a sequence of matrices
createhitmatrixsequence <- function(accvector){
hitmatrixsequence <- list()
for (i in 1:length(accvector)){
hitmatrixsequence[] <- createhitmatrix(accvector)
# we do not actually use the armordamage function in practice
armordamage <- function(damage, armor, startingarmor) damage*(max(0.15,damage/(damage+max(0.05*startingarmor,armor))))
# this atrociously named function contains a logical switch which probably degrades performance, but also ensures we never divide by 0
armordamageselectivereduction <- function(damage, armor,startingarmor) {
useminarmor <- 0
if(armor < 0.05*startingarmor / 15) useminarmor <- 1
if(useminarmor == 0){
if(armor == 0) {return (damage)}
#ships -
#ship, hullhp, shieldregen, shieldmax, startingarmor, widthinpixels, armorcells, name
glimmer <- c(1500, 250/0.6, 2500/0.6, 200, 78, 5, "glimmer")
brawlerlp <- c(2000, 500/0.8, 3000/0.8, 450,110,floor(110/15), "brawlerlp")
vanguard <- c(3000, 150, 2000, 600, 104, floor(104/15),"vanguard")
tempest <- c(1250, 225/0.6, 2500/0.6, 200,64,floor(64/15), "tempest")
medusa <- c(3000,400/0.6,6000/0.6,300,134,floor(134/15), "medusa")
hammerhead <- c(5000,250/0.8,4200/0.8,500,108,floor(108/16.4), "hammerhead")
enforcer <- c(4000,200,4000,900,136,floor(136/15), "enforcer")
dominator <- c(14000, 500, 10000, 1500, 180, 12, "dominator")
fulgent <- c(5000,300/0.6,5000/0.6,450, 160, floor(160/15), "fulgent")
brilliant <- c(8000,600/0.6,10000/0.6,900,160,floor(160/20),"brilliant")
radiant <- c(20000,1500/0.6,25000/0.6,1500,316,floor(316/30),"radiant")
onslaught <- c(20000,600,17000,1750,288,floor(288/30),"onslaught")
aurora <- c(8000,800/0.8,11000/0.8,800,128,floor(128/28), "aurora")
paragon <- c(18000,1250/0.6,25000/0.6,1500,330,floor(330/30),"paragon")
conquest <- c(12000,1200/1.4,20000/1.4,1200,190,floor(190/30),"conquest")
champion <- c(10000,550/0.8,10000/0.8,1250, 180,floor(180/24),"champion")
ships <- list(glimmer,brawlerlp,vanguard,tempest,medusa,hammerhead,enforcer,dominator,fulgent,brilliant,radiant,onslaught,aurora,paragon,conquest,champion)
#ships <- list(glimmer,brawlerlp)
#missiles do not have spread
squallacc <- c(0)
locustacc <- c(0)
hurricaneacc <- c(0)
harpoonacc <- c(0)
sabotacc <- c(0)
#gauss has a spread of 0 and no increase per shot
gaussacc <- c(0)
#hephaestus has a spread of 0 and it increases by 2 per shot to a max of 10
hephaestusacc <- c(seq(0,10,2))
#mark ix has a spread of 0 and it increases by 2 per shot to a max of 15
markixacc <- c(seq(0,15,2),15)
#mjolnir has a spread of 0 and it increases by 1 per shot to a max of 5
mjolniracc <- c(seq(0,5,1))
#hellbore has a spread of 10
hellboreacc <- c(10)
#storm needler has a spread of 10
stormneedleracc <- c(10)
#squall fires 2 missiles / sec for 10 secs, then recharges for 10 secs
squalltics <- c(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
#locust fires 10 missiles / sec for 4 secs, then recharges for 5 secs
locusttics <- c(10,10,10,10,0,0,0,0,0)
#hurricane fires 9 missiles every 15 seconds
hurricanetics <- c(9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
#harpoon pod fires 4 missiles in 1 second, then recharges for 8 seconds (in reality 8.25)
harpoontics <- c(4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
#sabot pod fires 2*5 missiles, then recharges for 8 seconds (in reality 8.75 seconds and firing time is .5 seconds)
sabottics <- c(10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
#gauss fires 1 shot, then charges for 1 second
gausstics <- c(1,0)
#hephaestus fires 4 shots / sec
hephaestustics <- c(4)
#mark ix fires 4 shots every 3 seconds, taking .4 seconds for the burst, so 20 shots / 17 seconds in bursts of 4
markixtics <- c(4,0,0,4,0,0,4,0,0,4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0)
#mjolnir fires 4 shots per 3 seconds
mjolnirtics <- c(1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1)
#hellbore fires 1 shot per 4 seconds
hellboretics <- c(1,0,0,0)
#storm needler fires 10 shots per second
stormneedlertics <- c(10)
#arbalest fires 1 shot every 1.2 seconds, so 5 shots / 6 seconds
arbalesttics <- c(1,1,1,0,1,1)
arbalestacc <- c(0,5,10,15)
arbalest <- list(200, 2, arbalesttics, "Arbalest",arbalestacc)
#heavy mauler fires a burst of 3, taking .9 seconds to do so, then recharges for 4.5 seconds. So total of 3 shots / 5.4 seconds, so total of 15 shots / 27 seconds in bursts of 3.
heavymaulertics <- c(3,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0)
heavymauleracc <- c(seq(0,5,1))
heavymauler <- list(200,0.5,heavymaulertics, "Heavy Mauler", heavymauleracc)
#heavy autocannon takes .6 seconds to fire a burst, then recharges for 1 second. So 3 shots / 1.6 secs, so 15 shots / 8 secs in bursts
hactics <- c(3,0,3,3,0,3,3,0)
hacacc <- c(seq(0,18,3))
hac <- list(100, 2, hactics, "Heavy Autocannon", hacacc)
hvdtics <- c(1,0,0)
hvdacc <- c(0)
hvd <- list(275,2,hvdtics,"Hypervelocity Driver", hvdacc)
#heavy needler fires a burst of 30 needles with 0.05 sec intervals (1.5 sec) and then recharges for 4.55 sec (round to 4.5 sec)
needlertics <- c(20,10,0,0,0,0)
needleracc <- c(seq(1,10,0.5))
needler <- list(50,2,needlertics,"Heavy Needler",needleracc)
#heavy mortar fires a burst of 2 rounds, taking .6 seconds to do so, then recharges for .7 seconds. So a total of 2 rounds every 1.3 seconds, so 20 rounds / 13 seconds in bursts of 2.
mortartics <- c(2,2,0,2,2,2,2,0,2,2,2,0,2)
mortaracc <- c(seq(0,20,5))
mortar <- list(110,0.5,mortartics, "Heavy Mortar", mortaracc)
#damage per shot, damage type (2=kinetic, 0.5=he, 0.25=frag, 1=energy), tics, weapon name, weapon accuracy over time, hit chance
squall <- list(250, 2, squalltics, "Squall", squallacc)
locust <- list(200, 0.25, locusttics, "Locust", locustacc)
hurricane <- list(500, 0.5, hurricanetics, "Hurricane", hurricaneacc)
harpoon <- list(750, 0.5, harpoontics, "Harpoon", harpoonacc)
sabot <- list(200, 2, sabottics, "Sabot", sabotacc)
gauss <- list(700, 2, gausstics, "Gauss", gaussacc)
hephaestus <- list(120, 0.5, hephaestustics, "Hephaestus", hephaestusacc)
markix <- list(200, 2, markixtics, "Mark IX", markixacc)
mjolnir <- list(400, 1, mjolnirtics, "Mjolnir", mjolniracc)
hellbore <- list(750, 0.5, hellboretics, "Hellbore", hellboreacc)
stormneedler <- list(50, 2, stormneedlertics, "Storm Needler", stormneedleracc)
dummy <- list(0,0,c(0),"",c(0),c(0))
#which weapons are we studying?
weapon1choices <- list(squall, locust, hurricane)
weapon2choices <- list(squall, locust, hurricane)
weapon3choices <- list(harpoon, sabot)
weapon4choices <- list(harpoon, sabot)
weapon5choices <- list(gauss, markix, mjolnir, hellbore, hephaestus, stormneedler)
weapon6choices <- list(gauss, markix, mjolnir, hellbore, hephaestus, stormneedler)
weapon7choices <- list(arbalest, hac, hvd, heavymauler, needler, mortar)
weapon8choices <- list(arbalest, hac, hvd, heavymauler, needler, mortar)
#how many unique weapon loadouts are there?
#get names of weapons from a choices list x
getweaponnames <- function(x){
vector <- vector(mode="character")
for (i in 1:length(x)){
vector <- cbind(vector, x[][[4]])
#convert the names back to numbers when we are done based on a weapon choices list y
convertweaponnames <- function(x, y){
vector <- vector(mode="integer")
for (j in 1:length(x)) {
for (i in 1:length(y)){
if(x[j] == y[][[4]]) vector <- cbind(vector, i)
#this section of code generates a table of all unique loadouts that we can create using the weapon choices available
generatepermutations <- 1
if (generatepermutations == 1){
#enumerate weapon choices as integers
perm1 <- seq(1,length(weapon1choices),1)
perm2 <- seq(1,length(weapon2choices),1)
perm3 <- seq(1,length(weapon3choices),1)
perm4 <- seq(1,length(weapon4choices),1)
perm5 <- seq(1,length(weapon5choices),1)
perm6 <- seq(1,length(weapon6choices),1)
perm7 <- seq(1,length(weapon7choices),1)
perm8 <- seq(1,length(weapon8choices),1)
#create a matrix of all combinations
perm1x2 <- expand.grid(perm1,perm2)
#sort, then only keep unique rows
perm1x2 <- unique(t(apply(perm1x2, 1, sort)))
perm3x4 <- expand.grid(perm3,perm4)
perm3x4 <- unique(t(apply(perm3x4, 1, sort)))
perm5x6 <- expand.grid(perm5,perm6)
perm5x6 <- unique(t(apply(perm5x6, 1, sort)))
perm7x8 <- expand.grid(perm7,perm8)
perm7x8 <- unique(t(apply(perm7x8, 1, sort)))
#now that we have all unique combinations of all two weapons, create a matrix containing all combinations of these unique combinations
allperms <- matrix(0,0,(length(perm1x2[1,])+length(perm3x4[1,])+length(perm5x6[1,])+length(perm7x8[1,])))
for(i in 1:length(perm1x2[,1])) for(j in 1:length(perm3x4[,1])) for(k in 1:length(perm5x6[,1])) for(l in 1:length(perm7x8[,1])) allperms <- rbind(allperms, c(perm1x2[i,],perm3x4[j,],perm5x6[k,],perm7x8[l,])
#this is just for testing, can remove
#we save this so we don't have to compute it again
saveRDS(allperms, file="allperms.RData")
} else {
allperms <- readRDS("lookuptable.RData")
#now compute a main lookuptable to save on computing time
#the lookuptable should be a list of lists, so that
#lookuptable[[ship]][[weapon]][[1]] returns hit chance vector and
#lookuptable[[ship]][[weapon]][[2]] returns hit probability matrix
#time for some black R magic
#note: the lookuptable will be formulated such that there is a running index of weapons rather than sub-lists, so all weapons will be indexed consecutively so we have lookuptable [[1]][[1]] = [[ship1]][[weaponchoices1_choice1]], etc. So that is what the below section does.
#read or generate lookuptable
generatelookuptable <- 0
if(generatelookuptable == 1){
lookuptable <- list()
for (f in 1:length(ships)){
lookuptable[[f]] <- list()
ship <- ships[[f]]
ship <- as.double(ship[1:6])
#how much is the visual arc of the ship in rad?
shipangle <- ship[5]/(2* pi *range)
#how much is the visual arc of a single cell of armor in rad?
cellangle <- shipangle/ship[6]
#now assume the weapon is targeting the center of the ship's visual arc and that the ship is in the center of the weapon's firing arc
#which cell will the shot hit, or will it miss?
#call the cells (MISS, cell1, cell2, ... ,celli, MISS) and get a vector giving the (maximum for negative / minimum for positive) angles for hitting each
anglerangevector <- vector(mode="double", length = ship[6]+1)
anglerangevector[1] <- -shipangle/2
for (i in 1:(length(anglerangevector)-1)) anglerangevector[i+1] <- anglerangevector+cellangle
#now convert it to pixels
anglerangevector <- anglerangevector*2*pi*range
weaponindexmax <- length(weapon1choices)+length(weapon2choices)+length(weapon3choices)+length(weapon4choices)+length(weapon5choices)+length(weapon6choices)+length(weapon7choices)+length(weapon8choices)
for (x in 1:weaponindexmax) {
if(x <= length(weapon1choices)){
if(weapon1[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon1[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon1[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon1[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon1[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon1choices)) & (x <= length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon2choices))){
if(weapon2[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon2[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon2[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon2[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon2[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon2choices)) & (x <= length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon3choices))){
if(weapon3[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon3[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon3[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon3[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon3[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon3choices)) & (x <= length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon4choices))){
if(weapon4[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon4[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon4[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon4[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon4[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon4choices)) & (x <= length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon5choices))){
if(weapon5[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon5[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon5[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon5[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon5[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon5choices)) & (x <= length(weapon5choices) + length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon6choices))){
if(weapon6[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon6[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon6[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon6[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon6[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon5choices) + length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon6choices)) & (x <= length(weapon6choices) + length(weapon5choices) + length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon7choices))){
if(weapon7[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon7[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon7[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon7[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon7[[5]])
if((x > length(weapon6choices) + length(weapon5choices) + length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon7choices)) & (x <= length(weapon7choices) + length(weapon6choices) + length(weapon5choices) + length(weapon4choices) + length(weapon3choices) + length(weapon2choices) + length(weapon1choices) + length(weapon8choices))){
if(weapon8[4] != ""){
hitchancevector <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(weapon8[[5]]))
for (i in 1:length(weapon8[[5]])){
hitchancevector <- hitchance(weapon8[[5]])
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[1]] <- hitchancevector
lookuptable[[f]][- ][[2]] <- createhitmatrixsequence(weapon8[[5]])
# save this so we don't have to re-compute it
saveRDS(lookuptable, file="lookuptable.RData")
} else {
lookuptable <- readRDS("lookuptable.RData")
lookup <- function(ship, weapon, var) return(lookuptable[[ship]][[weapon]][[var]])
#this generates a heatmap for visualization, remove
#go through all ships
for (f in 1:length(ships)){
ship <- ships[[f]]
#format ship data types appropriately
shipname <- ship[[7]]
ship <- as.double(ship[1:6])
timeseriesarray <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 7,nrow=0))
shieldblock <- 0
#calculate shield damage
#timepoint %% length ... etc. section returns how many shots that weapon will fire at that point of it's cycle (ie. vector index = timepoint modulo vector index maximum)
shielddamageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint){
nohits <- weapon[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon[[3]])))+1]
if (nohits == 0) {return(0)} else {
#hitmatrix[hitx,hity] returns the damage allocation to that cell
damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
# vectors in R are indexed starting from 1
hitmatrix <- weapon[[7]][[min(shots,length(weapon[[7]]))]]
nohits <- weapon[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon[[3]])))+1]
if (nohits == 0) {return(0)} else {
damagesum <- 0
for (i in 1:nohits) {
# damagesum <- damagesum + as.double(weapon[[1]]*hitmatrix[hitx,hity])
damagesum <- damagesum + armordamageselectivereduction(as.double(weapon[[1]]*hitmatrix[hitx,hity]),armor,startingarmor)
shots <- shots + 1
hitmatrix <- weapon[[7]][[min(shots,length(weapon[[7]]))]]
timeseries <- function(timepoint, shieldhp, armorhp, hullhp, shieldregen, shieldmax, startingarmor,armormatrix){
weaponacc <- 0
#are we using shield to block?
shieldblock <- 0
hulldamage <- 0
if(hullhp > 0){} else {shieldhp <- 0}
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon1[[4]] !=""){
weapon1mult <- unlist(weapon1[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon1, timepoint)*weapon1mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon1, timepoint)*weapon1mult*weapon1[[6]][min(weapon1shots,length(weapon1[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon1,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux <- applied later
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon1[2])==0.25){weapon1mult = 0.25} else {weapon1mult= 1 / unlist(weapon1[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
#this monster of a line does the following:
#hull damage is maximum of: 0, or (weapon damage to armor cell, with multiplier - armor cell hp)/weapon multiplier
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon1mult*damageattimepoint(weapon1, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon1shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon1mult
#new armor hp at cell [i,j] is maximum of: 0, or (armor cell health - weapon damage to that section of armor at that timepoint, multiplied by overall hit probability to hit ship --- note: the damage distribution matrix is calculated such that it is NOT inclusive of hit chance, but hit chance is added separately here
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon1mult*damageattimepoint(weapon1, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon1shots)*weapon1[[6]][min(weapon1shots,length(weapon1[[6]]))])
# now reduce hullhp by hull damage times probability to hit ship
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon1[[6]][min(weapon1shots,length(weapon1[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon1shots <- weapon1shots + weapon1[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon1[[3]])+1))]
#repeat for other weapons
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon2[[4]] !=""){
weapon2mult <- unlist(weapon2[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon2, timepoint)*weapon2mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon2, timepoint)*weapon2mult*weapon2[[6]][min(weapon2shots,length(weapon2[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon2,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon2[2])==0.25){weapon2mult = 0.25} else {weapon2mult= 1 / unlist(weapon2[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon2mult*damageattimepoint(weapon2, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon2shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon2mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon2mult*damageattimepoint(weapon2, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon2shots)*weapon2[[6]][min(weapon2shots,length(weapon2[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon2[[6]][min(weapon2shots,length(weapon2[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon2shots <- weapon2shots + weapon2[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon2[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon3[[4]] !=""){
weapon3mult <- unlist(weapon3[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon3, timepoint)*weapon3mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon3, timepoint)*weapon3mult*weapon3[[6]][min(weapon3shots,length(weapon3[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon3,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon3[2])==0.25){weapon3mult = 0.25} else {weapon3mult= 1 / unlist(weapon3[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon3mult*damageattimepoint(weapon3, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon3shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon3mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon3mult*damageattimepoint(weapon3, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon3shots)*weapon3[[6]][min(weapon3shots,length(weapon3[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon3[[6]][min(weapon3shots,length(weapon3[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon3shots <- weapon3shots + weapon3[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon3[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon4[[4]] !=""){
weapon4mult <- unlist(weapon4[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon4, timepoint)*weapon4mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon4, timepoint)*weapon4mult*weapon4[[6]][min(weapon4shots,length(weapon4[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon4,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon4[2])==0.25){weapon4mult = 0.25} else {weapon4mult= 1 / unlist(weapon4[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon4mult*damageattimepoint(weapon4, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon4shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon4mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon4mult*damageattimepoint(weapon4, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon4shots)*weapon4[[6]][min(weapon4shots,length(weapon4[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon4[[6]][min(weapon4shots,length(weapon4[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon4shots <- weapon4shots + weapon4[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon4[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon5[[4]] !=""){
weapon5mult <- unlist(weapon5[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon5, timepoint)*weapon5mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon5, timepoint)*weapon5mult*weapon5[[6]][min(weapon5shots,length(weapon5[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon5,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon5[2])==0.25){weapon5mult = 0.25} else {weapon5mult= 1 / unlist(weapon5[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon5mult*damageattimepoint(weapon5, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon5shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon5mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon5mult*damageattimepoint(weapon5, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon5shots)*weapon5[[6]][min(weapon5shots,length(weapon5[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon5[[6]][min(weapon5shots,length(weapon5[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon5shots <- weapon5shots + weapon5[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon5[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon6[[4]] !=""){
weapon6mult <- unlist(weapon6[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon6, timepoint)*weapon6mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon6, timepoint)*weapon6mult*weapon6[[6]][min(weapon6shots,length(weapon6[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon6,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon6[2])==0.25){weapon6mult = 0.25} else {weapon6mult= 1 / unlist(weapon6[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon6mult*damageattimepoint(weapon6, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon6shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon6mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon6mult*damageattimepoint(weapon6, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon6shots)*weapon6[[6]][min(weapon6shots,length(weapon6[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon6[[6]][min(weapon6shots,length(weapon6[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon6shots <- weapon6shots + weapon6[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon6[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon7[[4]] !=""){
weapon7mult <- unlist(weapon7[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon7, timepoint)*weapon7mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon7, timepoint)*weapon7mult*weapon7[[6]][min(weapon7shots,length(weapon7[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon7,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon7[2])==0.25){weapon7mult = 0.25} else {weapon7mult= 1 / unlist(weapon7[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon7mult*damageattimepoint(weapon7, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon7shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon7mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon7mult*damageattimepoint(weapon7, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon7shots)*weapon7[[6]][min(weapon7shots,length(weapon7[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon7[[6]][min(weapon7shots,length(weapon7[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon7shots <- weapon7shots + weapon7[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon7[[3]])+1))]
#1. shields. if shieldhp is sufficient, use shield to block
if (weapon8[[4]] !=""){
weapon8mult <- unlist(weapon8[2])
if (shieldhp > shielddamageattimepoint(weapon8, timepoint)*weapon8mult){
shieldhp <- shieldhp - shielddamageattimepoint(weapon8, timepoint)*weapon8mult*weapon8[[6]][min(weapon8shots,length(weapon8[[6]]))]
shieldhp <- max(shieldhp, 0)
if(shielddamageattimepoint(weapon8,timepoint) > 0) {shieldblock <- 1}
} else {
#if you did not use shield to block, regenerate flux
#2. armor and hull
if(unlist(weapon8[2])==0.25){weapon8mult = 0.25} else {weapon8mult= 1 / unlist(weapon8[2])}
#2.1. damage armor and hull
hulldamage <- 0
#damageattimepoint <- function(weapon, timepoint, armor, startingarmor, hitx, hity, shots){
for (j in 1:length(armormatrix[1,])){
for (i in 1:length(armormatrix[,1])){
hulldamage <- hulldamage+max(0,weapon8mult*damageattimepoint(weapon8, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon8shots)-armormatrix[i,j])/weapon8mult
armormatrix[i,j] <- max(0,armormatrix[i,j]-weapon8mult*damageattimepoint(weapon8, timepoint,armormatrix[i,j],startingarmor,i,j,weapon8shots)*weapon8[[6]][min(weapon8shots,length(weapon8[[6]]))])
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage*weapon8[[6]][min(weapon8shots,length(weapon8[[6]]))]
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
weapon8shots <- weapon8shots + weapon8[[3]][(timepoint %% (length(weapon8[[3]])+1))]
hullhp <- hullhp - hulldamage
hullhp <- max(hullhp, 0)
if(hullhp==0) armorhp <- 0
armorhp <- sum(armormatrix)*15/((ship[[6]]+4)*5)
if(hullhp==0) armorhp <- 0
if (shieldblock==0){shieldhp <- min(shieldmax,shieldhp+shieldregen)}
return(list(timepoint, shieldhp, armorhp, hullhp, shieldregen, shieldmax, startingarmor,armormatrix))
totaltime = 500
armorhp <- ship[4]
shieldhp <- ship[3]
hullhp <- ship[1]
shieldregen <- ship[2]
shieldmax <- ship[3]
armorhp <- ship[4]
startingarmor <- ship[4]
weapon1shots <- 1
weapon2shots <- 1
weapon3shots <- 1
weapon4shots <- 1
weapon5shots <- 1
weapon6shots <- 1
weapon7shots <- 1
weapon8shots <- 1
armormatrix <- matrix(ship[4]/15,5,ship[6]+4)
startingarmormatrixsum <- sum(armormatrix)
#now what we do here is we go through all the permutations using the running index, which is i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p for weapons 8
for (z in 1:length(allperms[,1])) {
i <- allperms[z,1]
j <- allperms[z,2]
k <- allperms[z,3]
l <- allperms[z,4]
m <- allperms[z,5]
n <- allperms[z,6]
o <- allperms[z,7]
p <- allperms[z,8]
#for (i in 1:length(weapon1choices)) {
# for (j in 1:length(weapon2choices)) {
# for (k in 1:length(weapon3choices)) {
# for (l in 1:length(weapon4choices)) {
# for (m in 1:length(weapon5choices)) {
# for (n in 1:length(weapon6choices)) {
# for (o in 1:length(weapon7choices)) {
# for (p in 1:length(weapon8choices)) {
#lookup <- function(ship, weapon, var) return(lookuptable[[ship]][[weapon]][[var]])
if(weapon1[4] != ""){
weapon1[[6]] <- lookup(f,i,1)
weapon1[[7]] <- lookup(f,i,2)
if(weapon2[4] != ""){
weapon2[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j,1)
weapon2[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j,2)
if(weapon3[4] != ""){
weapon3[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k,1)
weapon3[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k,2)
if(weapon4[4] != ""){
weapon4[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l,1)
weapon4[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l,2)
if(weapon5[4] != ""){
weapon5[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m,1)
weapon5[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m,2)
if(weapon6[4] != ""){
weapon6[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n,1)
weapon6[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n,2)
if(weapon7[4] != ""){
weapon7[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n+o,1)
weapon7[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n+o,2)
if(weapon8[4] != ""){
weapon8[[6]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p,1)
weapon8[[7]] <- lookup(f,i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p,2)
#time series - run time series at point t, save it to state, update values according to state, re-run time series, break if ship dies
for (t in 1:totaltime){
state <- timeseries(t,shieldhp,armorhp,hullhp,shieldregen,shieldmax,startingarmor,armormatrix)
shieldhp <- state[[2]]
armorhp <- state[[3]]
hullhp <- state[[4]]
flux <- shieldmax - shieldhp
armormatrix <- state[[8]]
if(hullhp == 0){flux <- 0
if (timetokill == 0){timetokill <- t
if (timetokill ==0){timetokill <- NA}
tobind <- c(timetokill,unlist(weapon1[4]),unlist(weapon2[4]),unlist(weapon3[4]),unlist(weapon4[4]),unlist(weapon5[4]),unlist(weapon6[4]),unlist(weapon7[4]),unlist(weapon8[4]))
timeseriesarray <- rbind(timeseriesarray,tobind)
armorhp <- ship[4]
shieldhp <- ship[3]
hullhp <- ship[1]
shieldregen <- ship[2]
shieldmax <- ship[3]
armorhp <- ship[4]
startingarmor <- ship[4]
weapon1shots <- 1
weapon2shots <- 1
weapon3shots <- 1
weapon4shots <- 1
weapon5shots <- 1
weapon6shots <- 1
weapon7shots <- 1
weapon8shots <- 1
armormatrix <- matrix(ship[4]/15,5,ship[6]+4)
startingarmormatrixsum <- sum(armormatrix)
timetokill <- 0
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
colnames(timeseriesarray) <- c("Timetokill", "Weapon1", "Weapon2", "Weapon3", "Weapon4", "Weapon5", "Weapon6", "Weapon7", "Weapon8")
sortbytime <- timeseriesarray[order(as.integer(timeseriesarray$Timetokill)),]
write.table(sortbytime, file = paste("optimizeweaponsbytime",shipname,"allweaponswithacc.txt", sep=""), row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")