Update for v0.02.
v0.02 - Update
- Removed placeholder graphics for blueprints
- Adjusted OP values for all HERCs and ships
- Adjusted Ajax nomount graphic
- Removed converted hangar from Ajax class, modified graphic to make it a pure battleship
- *new* ship class, "Ajax Refit" Battlecarrier
- *new* ship class, "Mandela Refit" Carrier
- *new* LPCs for Felis, Felis_W, Arise and Torus Wings
- Minor adjustments to faction and nexerelin config settings and starting fleets
Revamped graphic for standard Ajax hull. The goal in a later version is to make the bow a destructible armored piece that can be blown off.
With the advent of the Dalcassian HERCULAN, it soon became apparent that the League Fleets did not have a dedicated carrier equipped to house the necessary equipment to field them. Standard designs throughout the Sector often did not have enough clearance for the larger HERC units to emerge. While early experiments with externally mounted hardpoints for HERCs failed spectacularly, League shipbuilders soon turned to the venerable Ajax hull. Losing a significant amount of armour and removing spinal storage for one each of its main and secondary guns, the Ajax Refit soon proved to be a successful Battlecarrier in its own right.
Requiring a smaller HERC Carrier than the Ajax Refit, a similar project was started upon the Mandela class hull. Surprisingly, by removing the rear facing main gun and utilizing an internal hangar and dual external launch rail system the Mandela Refit is capable of fielding two Squadrons worth of HERCs with minimal reductions in its own combat effectiveness.