Welcome to the forum!
Wow, these are pretty great. Its interesting to hear the amount of post processing needed on autogenerated portraits to make them good. Did you have to feed the program the existing portraits or anything as training data, or was it just text prompts?
Thanks for the welcome! Starsector is one of my favorite games of all time and I've lurked here for a while.
It was a combination of text prompts and image feeding. The process fed into itself--once I found some good prompts, I used the resulting images to create new and similar images. Sometimes I used existing portraits, but with the way img2img works, it requires some pretty careful slider control to get something useful. (Last I read,
training the models on specific image sets requires an industrial grade GPU--something closer to an A100 than a 3090--which isn't something I have access to.)
And, yeah, it usually requires a good amount of work to make a result look decent. I have a few years of pixel art and 3d rendering experience, which made the process smoother, but it's clear even with a lot of prompt magic that the vanilla portrait style won't be replaced by an AI. Many of the portraits are close in some regard but they don't have the same faction feel as vanilla and the overall quality is sometimes inconsistent (as I've followed reaction to the portraits elsewhere, it's clear I made a few basic errors on at least a few of them that a trained artist wouldn't have). These deficiencies are one reason I decided not to make them into an actual mod--it needs more quality control.
I'm sharing this set primarily to show others how much labor can be saved by generating concepts or workable bases. I hope skilled artists make use of these new tools to create some killer portrait packs.