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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.5a — Install colony item on ships!  (Read 176936 times)


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Download here!

A new save is highly recommended!

Mod Requirements:
GraphicsLib | LazyLib | MagicLib

Mod Feature:
This mod enables you to utilize AI cores and colony items by installing them into your ships for various benefits. It gives more usability for these items and options for those who don't play the colony game.

There are two types of hullmods that you can install on your ship. The Armament Support System consumes AI cores and the other one is called Special Upgrades that consumes colony items. You can only install one AI core hullmod and one Special Upgrade hullmod at the same time. However, they are mutually exclusive in their own category.

They cost 0 OP but please keep in mind that if a ship with these hullmods gets destroyed in combat, the respective item from the hullmod is lost forever.

You may find yourself thinking why most of these give you that much of benefits while having minor detrimental effects. Well, my rationale behind it is that finding an AI core or even a colony item isn't easy unless you have mods that provide you with effortless access, and no, I will never balance it around mods. I tried to scale the hullmod effects with their monetary value, colony usefulness, and rarity.

How to obtain:
Simply reach level 9 or above and visit Port Tse Franchise Station located at Mayasura star system. Bring at least 100,000 credits then look for a troubled man drinking in the bar.

Nexerelin's Random Sector:
If you are using Nexerelin's random sector mode. He will actively look for you in Tri-Tachyon markets if you reached level 9. Just visit the bar.

LunaLib Soft Integration:
SHU provides a malleable and user friendly configuration with LunaLib's LunaSettings.



Featured Hullmods:

Obtainable Hullmods:

 Armament Support System:

 Armament Support System (Gamma)

 Armament Support System (Beta)

 Armament Support System (Alpha)

 Special Upgrades:

 Arsenal Autoforge

 Arsenal Autoforge (Enhanced)

 Biologic Commodity Replicator

 Expanded Fighter Manufactory

Must be installed on a ship with at least one modular launch bay.

 Fleet Tactical Relay

 Flux Hypershunt

Can only be installed on capital ships.

 High-Throttled Weapon Torque

Can not be installed on frigate ships.

 Maintenance Optimizer

 Nanite Swarm Cluster

 Orbital Filament Anchor

Can not be installed on Arma Armatura's strikecrafts.

 Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter

 Quantum Heatsink

 Synchro-Fuel Loader

 Variable Fusion Capacitors

Can not be installed on frigate ships.

Installation on modular ships:
Certain hullmods will extend to the ship modules if installed on a modular ship like SWP's Cathedral or UAF's supercapitals. The installation should be done on the main module.

List of applicable hullmods:

• Armament Support System (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)
• Arsenal Autoforge
• Arsenal Autoforge (Enhanced)
• Expanded Fighter Manufactory
• Flux Hypershunt
• High-Throttled Weapon Torque
• Nanite Swarm Cluster
• Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter
• Quantum Heatsink
• Variable Fusion Capacitors



Custom Stats Mode:
If you ever felt that the bonuses are lacking or it's too much then this is a feature for you. This option allows the player to edit the stats of each hullmods. It can be enabled in the sphmu_options configuration file located inside the mod folder. This is disabled by default. I recommend that you use notepad++ for this.


The config file.


Potentially Asked Questions:


Q: Is this mod balanced?
A: NO, but it tried and at least it will not pretend to be balanced.

Q: Is there a way for us players to change the stats of the hullmods? I want to apply my own balance.
A: There is! You can edit it in the configuration file sphmu_options located inside the mod folder. You need to enable the Custom Stats Mode in order for you to make changes. Take note that not everything can be edited. However, I assure you that you have the freedom in doing so.

Q: I want to disable a specific hullmod because I feel that it overlaps with another modded hullmod.
A: You can disable it via configuration file sphmu_options.

Q: Can I disable hullmod penalties and their additional effects?
A: Yes. Same as above.

Q: I bought the hullmods from the academician and now I can't find the hullmods, what now?
A: In the ship refit screen, open the hullmod list and look for the Reverse Engineered tech/manufacturer tab.

Q: Can this mod be installed mid-game?
A: Yes.

Q: I installed it in mid-game but the Port-Tse station is gone, what now?
A: If that's the case then you can use the console command to specifically unlock all SHU hullmods. Open the console command and input SHUAllHullmods.
Note: This does not include collaboration hullmods.

Q: Can an AI fleet use these hullmods?
A: No? Why would they? If you read and understand carefully the story behind acquiring these hullmods then you will know why. And if you are going to ask me to make it available for the AI then no, I will not do it. Go away.

Q: Is this compatible with Nexerelin's random sector?
A: Yes.

Q: Is this safe to remove mid-game?
A: No.

Q: Losing the ships in combat with those precious colony items and AI cores are appalling. Will you remove that feature?
A: (lol) Yes, you can now remove it through the configuration file sphmu_options.

Cross-mod Contents:
SHU contains interaction and additional content with the following mods below.


SHU's Armament Support System provides additional benefits when installed on Arma Armatura's strikecrafts.

 Alpha Core:

 Beta Core:

 Gamma Core:



This mod has a support feature for Gacha S-Mods to further your gambling addiction. There are intentionally hidden hullmods that can only be obtained through rolling the Gacha of S-modding. These Gacha hullmods give strong bonuses or just outright broken (SSR) if you are lucky.


Your Gacha S-Mod settings should be like this, in order to roll the hidden hullmods.

 "GachaSMods_onlyKnownHullmods": false,
 "GachaSMods_onlyNotHiddenHullmods": false,

 SSR Sample:

 SR Sample:

 R Sample:


These hullmods can be received from Yunris Kween and Gregory Mannfred. Good luck!

Fighter Nanoboosters


P-Space Stabilizer

Provides special effects when installed on the Ziggurat.



To obtain the collaboration hullmods, you must be at least 50~ relationship level with Nia Auroria, she's located at Vermillion Station.

Defense Focus Integrator


Drive Field Actuator


Dynamic Utility System


Fighter Autoforge


Flight Control Transmitter


Logistic Analyzer


Magnetic Sensor Jammer



SHU's Armament Support System has a hidden combo effect with Yunru's integrated AI core hullmods when it is paired with their respective AI core type.

 Alpha Core:



 Beta Core:



 Gamma Core:



List of people:

a_user_name - Inspired by their SSE mod!

Tartiflette - Hullmod blocker script!

Timid/techpriest - Script helping, advice, and intermittent mental anguish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

barrackollama - Writing, proofreading, adding Hubert's portrait, and testing!

Nia Tahl - Balancing suggestions, afterimage vfx, and for the critical hit script!

rubi - For allowing me to add Gacha S-Mods support!

Himemi - For the hullmod rarity banner ideas and other cool stuff!

Caymon Joestar - For ideas and testing!

Iron Shell Server - For testing and other helpful things! You guys are the best!

Change Log:
[SHU Version 1.5a] 12/29/2024
Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- Fixed the passive effect of the N-Repair system, it should work now.

 Old Change Log:

[SHU Version 1.5] 03/06/2024
- Updated to 0.97.
- Script refactoring.
- Cleaned some stuff.
- Complete soft integration with LunaLib config (check out the LunaLib options for SHU!).

United Auroran Federation:
- New special hullmod: Defense Focus Integrator.
- Consumes one UAF Interplanetary Rice Cooker to install.

[How to get]
- UAF mod must be present in your modlist.
- To obtain the collaboration hullmods, you must be at least 50~ relationship level with Nia Auroria, she's located at Vermillion Station.

- Fixed the item destruction toggle.

[SHU Version 1.4b] 12/23/2023
Magnetic Sensor Jammer hullmod:
- Increased the radius of the jamming range from 800su to 1200su.
- Fixed the NPE.

[SHU 1.4a] 12/18/2023
- Polished some scripting.
- Added a new toggle option to turn off the item destruction penalty when the ship is destroyed or disabled in combat.

United Auroran Federation:
- The collaboration content is now available.
- New six special hullmods have been added.

[How to get]
- UAF mod must be present in your modlist.
- To obtain the collaboration hullmods, you must be at least 50~ relationship level with Nia Auroria, she's located at Vermillion Station.

High-Throttled Weapon Torque hullmod:
- Adjusted hit strength of weapons to armor from 15% to 10%.

Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- Fixed the visual repair animation bug when not piloted by the player.

Orbital Filament Anchor hullmod:
- Blocks Monofilament Tow Cable hullmod.

Variable Fusion Capacitors hullmod:
- Fixed the stats description when in Custom Stats Mode.

[SHU v1.3c] 06/05/2023
- Updated to 0.96a.
- Refactored scripts and fixed the critical issue with Field Repair skill (this time, for sure!).
- Fixed the underlying issue when reloading the current save or loading into another save in-game. The bug makes the item installation and refunding unstable.
- Fixed the bizarre CTD with Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter hullmod in combat.
- Pre-setup for LunaLib's soft integration (For more convenient customization in Custom Stats Mode. Soon.).

Arsenal Autoforge hullmod:
- The reload function does not include the missile ammo bonus from skills and hullmods.
- Added the information above in the hullmod tooltip for clarity.
- Incompatible with Missile Autoloader.

Arsenal Autoforge (Enhanced) hullmod:
- The reload function does not include the missile ammo bonus from skills and hullmods.
- Added the information above in the hullmod tooltip for clarity.
- Incompatible with Missile Autoloader.

High-Throttled Weapon Torque hullmod:
- Fixed the misleading number of the critical damage text pop-out in combat.
- Changed the critical on-hit text in combat.

Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- Adjusted the hull repair rate of its passive system from 0.2% to 0.4%.

United Auroran Federation
- WIP (Sorry, been super busy lately!)

[SHU Version 1.3] 03/11/2023
- Now requires GraphicsLib.
- Fixed the bug that happens with the Field Repair skill when learned (finally).
- Fixed the endless item duplication bug.
- Fixed the CTD when you view the hullmod tooltip of Maintenance Optimizer and Synchro-Fuel Loader in the main menu mission refit screen.
- Fixed more typos again and again.
- Fixed the bug where the installed AI core and colony item aren't removed when the ship is disabled or destroyed in combat.
- Disabling the incompatibilities of the Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter actually WORKS now.
- Arsenal Autoforge hullmods will now stick to the vanilla hullmod incompatibilities, it can now stack with modded autoforges.
- Each passive, additional, or extra system/effect of special hullmods can now be disabled individually via 'sphmu_options'.

Fleet Tactical Relay hullmod:
- The passive system no longer increases the fighters' weapon range in combat. This is an unintended effect.
- No longer extends the range of missile weapons.

Flux Hypershunt hullmod:
- Improves its flux shunt VFX.

High-Throttled Weapon Torque hullmod:
- New passive system: Ultra-Velocity Rounds.
- Projectiles have a chance to deal critical damage on-hit.
- Only applies to kinetic damage.

Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- Adjusted engine and weapon repair speed in combat from 80% to 60%.
- Adjusted the hull repair rate of its passive system from 1% to 0.2%.
- Fixed the issue where the were modules unable to use the N-Repair system.

Orbital Filament Anchor hullmod:
- Towed ships will have a reduced fuel cost if it is mothballed.
- Not applicable to ArmaA's strikecrafts.

Quantum Heatsink hullmod:
- New extra system: Cryoflare Launcher.
- The ship will launch cryoflares if a nearby enemy missile is detected during overload.

Variable Fusion Capacitors hullmod:
- New passive system: Supercharged Capacitors
- When the ship's flux level is above 30%, energy-type projectiles have a 10% chance to arc to weapons and engines, dealing extra damage half of the original hit.

Arma Armatura
- Armament Support System (Gamma/Beta/Alpha) now increases Strikecraft's max combat readiness.

Gacha S-Mods
- One SSR Gacha hullmod was added to the list.
- Mikohime Blessings

Sindrian Fuel Company
- Adds two new special upgrade hullmods if the mod is present.
- These can be obtained from certain NPCs in SFC market.

[SHU Version 1.2] 11/04/2022
- Now compatible with Nexerelin's random sector.
- Added new configuration .ini file (sphmu_options) for disabling or enabling specific hullmod.
- Added a toggle option for disabling certain hullmod penalties.
- Added a toggle option for disabling incompatibilities with vanilla hullmods.
- Added console command SHUAllHullmods that lets you learn all the standard SHU hullmods (recommended to use if something weird happened).
- Further improved hullmod tooltips readability by adding a keypress feature for viewing additional information.
- Fixed the bug that indiscriminately eats up your items when you use the Strip option in the refit screen.
- Fixed the bug where if you saved a preset variant of a ship with SHU hullmods, the item gets eaten when that preset variant appears in your fleet doctrine screen.
- Fixed the inconsistent refunding and consumption of AI cores and colony items.
- Added SHU prefix to several files.
- Null checks for standard SHU and hidden Gacha hullmod's addPostDescriptionSection().
- More null checks in campaign-related scripts.
- Did I say more null checks?
- Added a new option called ~Custom Stats Mode~ that allows you to edit the stats of each standard SHU hullmods.
- Custom Stats Mode can be toggled on/off in "sphmu_options". It is disabled by default.

Armament Support System (Gamma/Beta/Alpha) hullmod:
- New cross-mod interaction with Yunru's Integrated AI core hullmods.
- A bonus effect will trigger if the respective AI core hullmod matches with its same type.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.
- Minor bonus when installed on Armaa's strikecraft.

Arsenal Autoforge hullmod:
- Missile Autoforge (C-Nanoforge) renamed into Arsenal Autoforge.
- Adjusted ammo capacity of weapons from 10% to 20%.
- Adjusted ammo capacity of missiles from 20% to 30%.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Arsenal Autoforge (Enhanced) hullmod:
- Missile Autoforge (P-Nanoforge) was renamed into Arsenal Autoforge (Enhanced).
- Now decreases the reload rate of ammo-base weapons by 30%.
- Adjusted ammo capacity of weapons from 20% to 50%.
- Adjusted ammo capacity of missiles from 40% to 100%.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Biologic Commodity Replicator hullmod:
- Now provides a fleet-wide crew and fighter crew casualties reduction by 25%. Stacks with another ship that has Biologic Commodity Replicator but has a diminishing return.

Expanded Fighter Manufactory hullmod:
- New additional effect added: Atmospheric Invasion Refit
- Each wing squadron improves the effective strength of ground operation up to the total number of marines in the fleet.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Flux Hypershunt hullmod:
- New passive system added: Flux Discharge
- When the ship's flux level is above 50%, the build-up flux can be released as a deadly discharge by venting, and this deals energy damage to nearby enemy ships.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

High-Throttled Weapon Torque hullmod:
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Maintenance Optimizer hullmod:
- Adjusted supply cost reduction from 40% to 50%.
- Now increases maximum peak CR by 40%.
- Now lessens the chance to suffer from weapon, engine, and critical malfunctions by 25%.
- Repair speed and CR recovery rate now affect the whole fleet when installed on a capital ship. The effect stacks with another ship that has Maintenance Optimizer and it caps at 200%.

Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter hullmod:
- New passive system added: Charged Acceleration
- The rising flux level energizes the shield emitter and further improves the shield deployment and turn speed.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Quantum Heatsink hullmod:
- Increased engine durability from 50% to 100%.
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Synchro-Fuel Loader hullmod:
- Now reduces the fuel consumption cost of the fleet by 5%. Stacks with another ship that has Synchro-Fuel Loader hullmod in your fleet and this bonus caps at 30%.

Variable Fusion Capacitors hullmod:
- When installed on a modular ship, the hullmod will extend to the modules.

Orbital Filament Anchor hullmod:
- Requires Fullerene Spool.
- Reduces supply and heavy machinery costs for survey operation.
- Increases normal salvage gain from salvage operations.
- Increases the chance of getting rare loot from salvage operations.
- Increases maximum burn speed of the slowest ship in your fleet when installed on a frigate or destroyer.

Fleet Tactical Relay hullmod:
- Fleet Commercial Interface hullmod renamed into Fleet Tactical Relay.
- Requires Dealmaker Holosuite.
- Increases command points recovery when installed on a flagship.
- Provides top speed increase for the allied ship in combat.
- Provides ECM bonus in combat.
- Now increases the maximum weapon range of your fleet in combat. Range increases depending on how many deployed ships with Fleet Tactical Relay.

[SHU Version 1.1] 10/02/2022
- Forum release.
- Fixed the description timer of Corrupted Nanoforge's missile forging in combat.
- Removed the annoying anvil sfx when installing hullmod.
- AI core hullmods got their own hullmod icons to set it apart from other mods.
- New custom intel that hints the player to visit Port Tse Franchise station if they still don't have the SHU hullmods.
- Removing the SHU hullmod will now immediately return the used AI cores or special items.
- Revised tooltip formatting in general.
- Changed Hubert's portrait.

Armament Support System (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)
- Now increases deployment points by 5%/10%/15%.

Expanded Fighter Manufactory hullmod:
- Now blocks Expanded Deck Crew.

Flux Hypershunt hullmod:
- Now increases overload duration by 20%.

Maintenance Optimizer hullmod:
- Now blocks Efficiency Overhaul.

Nanite Swarm Cluster hullmod:
- Adjusted flat armor bonus from 50/80/100/150 to 50/100/150/200.
- Overloading will prevent the N-Repair system to work.

Plasma-Charged Shield Emitter hullmod:
- Adjusted shield upkeep reduction from 40% to 60%.
- Now blocks Stabilized Shields.

High-Throttled Weapon Torque hullmod:
- Increased weapon projectile speed from 25% to 30%.
- Reduced weapon recoil from 50% to 60%.
- Now increases 15% projectile hit strength for armor damage reduction calculation.

Variable Fusion Capacitors hullmod:
- Increased damage to shields from 10% to 15%.
- Now reduces beam flux cost by 10%.
- Now blocks Advanced Optics.

Biologic Commodity Replicator hullmod:
- Requires Biofactory Embryo.
- Requires organics to produce harvested organs per 10 days.

Drive Augmentation Net hullmod: (disabled)
- Requires Fullerene Spool.
- Increases maximum burn of the slowest ship in the fleet.

Fleet Commercial Interface hullmod: (disabled)
- Requires Dealmaker Holosuite.
- Reduces the tariff of current interacted market.

[SHU Version 1.0a] 12/23/2021
- Fix the weird NPE and bug with the hullmods.
- Additional tooltip information.

[SHU Version 1.0] 12/22/2021
- Initial Discord release.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2025, 05:02:17 AM by Mayu »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 07:58:34 AM »

nice mod, though there is a typo in the version file stopping game from loading.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2022, 08:12:45 AM »

nice mod, though there is a typo in the version file stopping game from loading.
Oopsie, I updated the download link. It should work properly now.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2022, 09:43:40 AM »

Port Tse Franchise Station
That shade of blue really doesn't work with dark mode.

Glad to see you back in the saddle.
Thanks! There, I changed it. I forgot that this forum has dark mode. :^)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2022, 11:39:02 AM »

Ignoring balance considerations for a moment, given the rarity of the Pristine Nanoforge and how common Corrupted Nanoforges can be, it feels like the difference between the Pristine and Corrupted hullmods should be more significant.

I don't know if it would be better to make the Corrupted hullmod worse, or the Pristine hullmod better; perhaps the former, given the relative ease of collecting a few Corrupted Nanoforges.

Finally, perhaps something for a future release, but it would be neat to be able to toggle specific hullmods via a configuration file, to let users disable hullmods that they feel are less balanced.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 11:41:30 AM by SoSD »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2022, 12:17:09 PM »

Should be able to add the hullmods with console commands for mid game save correct?

Also I can't seem to edit the src rar at all to make edits to the hullmods.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 02:56:52 PM by Aldazar »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2022, 01:29:57 PM »

Finally, an actual use for all those spare items that I have lying around in storage! This'll be a welcome addition to my next run.

One question - would you be willing to add a config option in the settings.json that allows for more than one special item/AI core hullmod to be installed on a single hull, and perhaps one that removes mutual exclusivity with vanilla hullmods as well for those that have them?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2022, 04:05:13 PM »

would there not be a way to learn these in a in progress game? Maybe spawning them with console commands?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2022, 07:31:37 PM »

Whoa this is very nice, looking forward to trying it out for my next playthrough

Some of the upgrades are gonna be overlapping with Extra Systems Reloaded Augmentations though, wonder if we can disable some of them


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2022, 09:47:17 PM »

I don't know if it would be better to make the Corrupted hullmod worse, or the Pristine hullmod better; perhaps the former, given the relative ease of collecting a few Corrupted Nanoforges.

Finally, perhaps something for a future release, but it would be neat to be able to toggle specific hullmods via a configuration file, to let users disable hullmods that they feel are less balanced.

For the Nanoforge hullmods, I'll make some adjustments and probably tone down the corrupted version. I might as well throw an additional minor quirk for the pristine knowing how rare the item is.

As for the toggle option, that's not a bad idea. For now, it's duly noted.

One question - would you be willing to add a config option in the settings.json that allows for more than one special item/AI core hullmod to be installed on a single hull, and perhaps one that removes mutual exclusivity with vanilla hullmods as well for those that have them?

Sadly no, I will not add such options. The mutual exclusivity and incompatibilities will remain as it is.

Should be able to add the hullmods with console commands for mid game save correct?

would there not be a way to learn these in a in progress game? Maybe spawning them with console commands?

I will eventually change the way of obtaining the hullmods; I'll make it more convenient for those who will add the mod mid-save.

Whoa this is very nice, looking forward to trying it out for my next playthrough

Some of the upgrades are gonna be overlapping with Extra Systems Reloaded Augmentations though, wonder if we can disable some of them

Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't play ESR, rather I use Exotica Technologies so I can't help you with that. Though the suggestion of having a toggle on/off option for each upgrade in settings.json is a welcomed idea.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2022, 04:07:18 AM »

With all the mods I have to integrate AI cores into my ship, it's a real good thing that the Hegemony only sends AI inspections to planets.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2022, 09:03:25 PM »

Whoa this is very nice, looking forward to trying it out for my next playthrough

Some of the upgrades are gonna be overlapping with Extra Systems Reloaded Augmentations though, wonder if we can disable some of them

Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't play ESR, rather I use Exotica Technologies so I can't help you with that. Though the suggestion of having a toggle on/off option for each upgrade in settings.json is a welcomed idea.

Oh yeah I'm still using ESR because of my current save but I'm pretty sure Exotica has their own Exotics in line with ESR's Augmentations though


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2022, 04:56:07 PM »

Would you consider the option of enabling (maybe via a config option) the option to use some of these hullmods on modular ships? for example, the different sections on a Cathedral-class. Or have the effects of the hullmod installed in the central module affect the entire ship.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 05:04:43 PM by e »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Special Hullmod Upgrades v1.1
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2022, 09:05:08 AM »

With all the mods I have to integrate AI cores into my ship, it's a real good thing that the Hegemony only sends AI inspections to planets.
And what mods are these? I'm always looking for more ways to power up my ships.

Also totally going to add this mod for my next run.
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