Hey so, I've got a really baffling problem on my hands, at least for me. I'm trying to basically make it so that, when a market has a specific condition, whenever combat happens in a certain radius of the planet, it's automatically joined by a group of satellites that will remain stationary on the defender end of the battle. Of course this is assuming the satellite's faction lines up with the defender.
How the hell do I do this? I know how to make it so the fleet is never targetted, through memkeys, but how do I make it /invisible/? How do I make it not target other fleets itself? Is it even a good idea to do this? Is there a /better/ way to do this? Other methods I can think of would be something like a listener that reports if combat has started or is about to start near the planet, but I don't know a listener method that gives that info, only gives info on if a autoresolve round ends.
I'm leaning on the fleet idea because this way, it would all work as expected: Fleets would hopefully avoid the area the satellites can attack in, because they recognize theyd be dragged into a scary fight, autoresolve would accurately resolve with the satellites FP taken into account, player combat dialogue would show the satellites in friendly/opposing forces, etc...
Although, if I do it this way, who's to say it won't also cause issues, such as the fleet dragging enemies inward, towards the planet, or the fleet being dragged out, due to fleets clumping together in combat?