Magnetar terrain tooltip now tells you when the next pulse is
You can now plot a course onto things while hacking
This includes the hack target!
Interdict progress needed for full protection reduced to 60%
Timing is easier
The quest can now only start if the galatia questline is done
Testing grounds mission turned into a real mission
New weapon: Heavy flak cannon
Large ballistic
1 second fire delay
Blast radius is huge - can wipe out entire fighter wings
Derelict escorts no longer have a invisible burn mult, instead...
New ship: Ramjet-Class Tug
Derelict - Only spawns in derelict escort fleets
Always makes sure they have at least 19 burn in sustained burn
Has a juiced up drive field stabilizer that increases burn an extra +1 if sustained burn is active
More expensive to run than the Ox
New ship: Spearhead-Class Battletug
Has everything the ramjet has, as well as a drive field stabilizer (so +3 burn in total)
Ship system - Interdiction array
Disables a number of enemy engines
QUITE expensive to run - 34 supplies a month
Outguard resprited and redesigned
New wings
Pickhead-Class Drone Interceptor
3000 engagement range
4 front-facing mining lasers
Low health
Fast replacement rate
Used in the outguard exclusively
Minecart-Class Cargo Shuttle
2000 engaegment range
4 wide-arc vulcans and 1 scatter missile
Very high HP (2000)
Medium replacement rate
Used in the outguard
Intended use: Brick
Pinprick rebalanced to lose lock on close misses
Fixed a rare crash on sector gen
Renamed slaved omega core to fractal core
Fixed a bug where baryon emitters would appear as being unbuildable
Planetary baryon emitters now have upkeep
By default, FRCs no longer spawn escorts on patrols
Fixes a bug where the Kanta onslaught and atlas could be obtained through arms dealers
Condensed overgrown nanoforge "installed in" into one word
Design types now have proper colors
Overgrown nanoforge rebalanced
All modifiers are now either flat or a mult, no inbetween
Except the production budget mod
Fleet size mult is now 3x, down from 5x
Same for production budget mult
Upkeep reduced
Now increases market hazard rating
Spreading, culling, etc. now 30% slower
If you want that item, you have to work for it
Repositioned magnetar to be away from RAT's abyss
Amount of omega weapons in magnetar heavily reduced
Special fleets no longer drop their weapons
Magnetar mothership fleet made stronger
Satellite weapons redesigned
Now missile-centric
Only one loadout
Pilums on the core, a devil torpedo on the connector, and 6 pinpricks across the combat modules (and 2 hurricanes)
New weapons
Only found on satellites
Devil-class VRLT (Very long-ranged torpedo)
Large mount
3000 HE
12000 Range
Moderately fast
Horrible tracking
Long cooldown
Artillery - Your backline ships fire it and it will invariably reach an enemy target (it might not hit)
Pinprick-class VRLM
Medium mount
Bursts of 8
220 Frag
12000 Range
Moderate cooldown
Extreme speed and okay tracking
Long-ranged pressure - Either used to kill ships with stripped armor, or pressure ships to keep shields up
Fixed a bug where the overgrown nanoforge focus button didnt appear
Fixed all instances of kanta being not capitalized
Added a lunalib setting for condensing all overgrown nanoforge intel into one tab
Added a lunalib setting for disabling the generation of the magnetar system
Fixed a bug where slaved omega cores would crash the game if applied to a market with upkeep-less industries
Fixes a crash with the warlords warship hullmod (WHY CANT YOU EXCEED 9 HIGHLIGHTS???)
Stellar shields now clarify that you can click on them to automatically shelter behind them
Clarifies how the pulse blocking works in the magnetar intel
Clarifies how the astronomical barrier projector works
Fixed a bug where the astronomical barrier projector would say you have too many baryon emitters and still let you build
Rebranded to "what we left behind"
Run niko_MPC_genSpecialContent if updating
Fixed a rare crash with derelict escorts
Adds a terrifying secret
Adds questline that points you to it - requires wormhole scanner and level 14
Make sure to run niko_MPC_genSpecialContent if updating
Derelict escort
Fleets may now enter abyssal hyperspace
Defense Satellites
Accessability decrement: 30% -> 10%
Was arbitrary all this time, I just think its too high
Variants reworked to get rid of machine guns in favor of either more HE or frag
Num bays reduced to 2
Weapon arcs reworked - now have a very notable blindspot behind the core
Frontal plates size changed to cruiser, connector module changed to frigate
Removed frontal armor plating, because it was honest to god pointless
Swarm variant removed pending refactor
Plate overclocked targetting duration: 5s -> 7s
Hyperspace Bipartisan
Hazard rating: +75% -> +50%
Its super rare, it should be better
Removed the duplication of transponder and go dark abilities
Added code to remove the abilities for this version only
Skulioda FP: 70 -> 100
Projected solar shielding energy reduction: 10% -> 30%
Projected solar shielding description updated
Nerfed baryon emitters can now randomly generate
Reflavored baryon emitters while I was at it
You can generate these through niko_MPC_genSpecialContent if updating
Baryon emitters now only have 90% protection
50% for the ones that can randomly spawn
Baryon emitter icons are now properly transparent
Baryon emitters, as well as the pristine research station, now properly apply their effect in-combat
MCTE users may rejoice
Overgrown Nanoforge
Clarified that overgrown nanoforges give a very powerful item when culled
Added a button to the core UI that toggles the built-in commodity weighting
TLDR is that supply adjustments previously had a super high chance of picking a commodity the nanoforge already produces
Now you can toggle it
Can now generate with indevo's ship components
Ultra-Magnetic fields
Fixed a bug where ultra-magnetic fields would have null names (and cause crashes)
Derelict Escort
Colonized FP increased to 50
Timeout increased to 60 days
Changes the derelict escort target names to be generic, to not spoil what theyre following
Close-range escorting still says the name since its pretty obvious most of the time
Escort fleets now force the simulation of fleets they escort
Otherwise, youll never see a trade fleet in the core worlds with an escort
Can be disabled in lunalib if save bloat/performance is a problem
Added a lunasetting to disallow escorts from spawning on patrols
Added new ability AI to escort fleets
Will now go dark if their target has gone dark
Will keep transponder onto the state of their target's transponder
Mod interactions
Conditions now properly interact with AOTD industries
Special treatment in a few cases for the military garrison (overgrown nanoforges, toteliacs)
Fixed a bug where XIV legions would spawn with custom smods (***)
If XIV legions are still spawning with this variant after updating, try running niko_MPC_genericCommand
You can test this by running AddShip legion_xiv_Elite and investigating the ship the game adds to your fleet
Reduced spawnrate of FTC districts, spy arrays, meson fields and hypermagnetic fields
New condition: Frontier reinforcement center
Fairly rare
Prioritizes un-inhabitable planets over inhabitable ones
Spawns a small escort fleet for all friendly/trade fleets in system
Scales with fleet size
The fleets follow for 30-35 days with no distance limit
The fleets have a huge burn bonus so they can always keep up with their target
Will join their targets in combat
Basically, Tiandong two
Has a timeout period between fleets to prevent fleet spam
Once fleets are done and returning, they ignore all fleets
You cant get infinite felet strength this way, sorry
Decreases accessability significantly
Somewhat increases accessability of all friendly markets in-system
Not just your own
+25% hazard rating
Fixed a bug with satellite discovery
Made a satellite debug string more clear
Clarified that the error toggle is in lunasettings
Toteliac food production increased by 1
Skulioda's variant has been changed to wreak havoc on MCTE users
I'm the author of MCTE, I get to do this
Only applies if MCTE is enabled as well as the relevant effect
Prepare yourself for thumpers, needlers, and talons
Skolioda is now reckless to facilitate this
Again, MCTE has to be enabled
Reduced the size of Skulioda's fleet as well as the num of defender fleets
The baryon field structure now has a little upkeep
Reduced the hyperspace topography value of ultra magfields and meson fields
Fixes being able to scan ANY jump point as a bipartisan jump point
Fixes UNGP storm rider not applying to bipartisan hyperstorms
New condition: Toteliac Habitat
Carnivorous fauna
Alpha predators, extremely invasive
+50% hazard
Military bases suppress the hazard rating and generate food/luxury goods, as long as supplies/fuel are in good supply
Only generates on worlds that could feasibly harbor these creatures
As such, they are rare, at 99% of worlds are uninhabitable wastelands
Even on habitable worlds they are uncommon
STC districts
Discover value reduced
Spy Arrays
Discover value reduced
Added config for satellites blocking same-faction fleets
Defaults to off
Ultra-Magnetic Field
Now reduces refining upkeep by 80%
Hyperspace Bipartisan
No longer spawns on habitable worlds
How can you survive exposure to a goddamn hypercloud
Added clarification to the condition tooltip showing what effects are disabled upon leaving the hypercloud
Also hints that a planetary shield works
Added a secret in the deep expanse of space
Tip: Bring your sunscreen, because they already have SPF 2000
Made a save before this? Don't worry, just run niko_MPC_genSpecialContent
Fixed typos
New terrain: Meson field
Magfield-like: Same texture, has storms, is a ring
Colored *** yellow
Has a wider orbit than magfields so they dont overlap
Spawns randomly via procgen
The normal meson field significantly increases the sensor profile of any fleets inside it
Meson storms are small, long-lasting, and have a fun little effect:
Instead of increasing sensor profile, they decrease it and massively increase sensor strength
Risk reward system: You find one in a remnant system and try to get into the storm to sensor burst and see everything around you
All terrain can now be scanned for hyperspace topography
Hyperspace bipartisan
Scan the jump points, the clouds are weirdly inconsistant
Ultramagnetic field
Meson field
New command: niko_MPC_findTerrainWithId
FindPlanetsWithCondition changed to niko_MPC_findPlanetsWithCondition
Anti-Asteroid Satellites
Added a ability to ground battles: Satellite Barrage
Requires friendly satellites over the planet
Single industry target
For three turns, damages enemy units on the target industry and forces them to be reorganized for at least one turn
This reduces their outputted damage and makes them unable to move out of the industry
Basically, suppressive fire
Long cooldown
No global cooldown - can be used in conjunction with other abilities
Hyperspace Bipartisan
Slipstream detection radius no longer scales on pop size, is now a flat 7 ly
Planetary shields now make the market count as not being in the clouds
STC districts
Spawn rate reduced
Changed defense increase to mult for simplicity
Spy arrays
Spawn rate reduced
Changed defense increase to mult for simplicity
Stealth bonus is now 0.5x - thats half the detected-at range baby
Ultramagnetic field
Changed defense increase to mult for simplicity
Updated tips
LunaSettings separated into sections
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where indevo arty stations could be fought in an inappropiate setting by engaging defense satellites
Fixed a crash caused by this
Defense satellites now take lower rules priority than arty stations
Adjust defense overgrown nanoforge effect should now generate
Junk handlers no longer try to exceed the maximum amount of junk structures defined in industries (Caused a crash before)
Four new conditions
Hyperspace Bipartisan
A rift between realspace and hyperspace
Creates a ring of deep hyperspace in the planet orbits path
Does its best to predict all possible positions the planet could be at if the orbit is recursive
If no orbit, just spawns a ring around the planet
Spawns a jump point that tightly orbits around the planets radius
Significantly increases slipstream detection radius, increasing with pop size
Significantly increases defense rating
+75% hazard, +50% access
+3 volatiles production
Very very rare
Hypermagnetic field
Spawns a massive magnetic field that storms a lot
Good for hiding in hostile systems
Significantly increases defense rating
+50% hazard, -25% access
Makes mining convert half its ore/rare ore output into metals/transplutonics
Very rare
Pre-Collapse STC Districts
+3 slipstream detection radius
+100 defense rating
+1 max burn and +350 sensor range to all friendly/trade fleets in system
Pre-Collapse Spy Arrays
+200 defense rating
+1 stability
0.7x sensor profile to all friendly/trade fleets in system
Bug fixes
Overgrown nanoforge icon is now properly sized
2 ways to bypass satellites as things like smuggling were just impossible in places like raesvelg
Phase Ships
Based on the percent of phase ships in your fleet, you have 5 modes
Sub 30%-Cant bypass
30%+: 3 SP
50%+: 2 SP
70%+: 1 SP
95%+: 0 SP
Based on the ECM percent of the fleet
Yes, the ECM skill works
<10%: Cant bypass
>10%: 3 SP
>=25%: 2 SP
>=40%: 1 SP
Reduces rep with the market owner, massively increases smuggling suspicion, and sends fleets to investigate you
Easier to get than phase percent so harsher
Most settings converted to lunasettings
Extra overgrown nanoforge options added
Conditions made more common, across the board
Put a .kra file in a compressed archive, massively reducing the mod's filesize
Removes the niko_MPC_convertObjectsToEnum command, the game should now automatically fix the bug
Fixes intel crashes, use niko_MPC_convertObjectsToEnum command if updating from previous versions
Makes overgrown nanoforges a bit rarer
Overgrown nanoforges have 1 less intel tab
Update to Starsector 0.97a
Update to Starsector 0.96a-RC10
New condition: Overgrown Nanoforge:
A old abandoned industial nanoforge, endlessly expanding in a grey-goo scenario.
Adds industry: Overgrown Nanoforge
Has a inherent costless and demandless output of goods
Will continuously generate structures that augment it's stats
Ex. A structure that increases the industry's supply output by 3, but increases upkeep by 2000 credits.
A structure that increases accessibility, but lowers fuel output by 1.
These structures do not instantly deconstruct, and the process of creation cannot be instantly stopped
It takes time and money to do so
Prior to construction, the effects of the structures become progressively more known as it nears the end
Encourages you to make early judgements on if you want to start destroying it before it's made, at less cost
The main industry is only destroyable once all connected structures are destroyed
Once destroyed, you receive a unique nanoforge item that massively increases commodity output of any structure it's inserted into,
but has various negative effects
If installed in heavy industry, increases faction-wide fleet size by 400% but reduces ship quality by 400% as well
The growths cease to grow and benefits are unapplied if the visible structure amount exceeds the vanilla cap
Sorry grand sector
At max structures (NOT ABOVE!), growths will begin to destroy and overtake existing structures
A really needy bonsai tree
Encourages you to stay on top of it
Always targets pop&infra last
If it is destroyed, the market decivs
Alter Supply: Increases/Decreases core industry output of a random commodity by x amount
Alter hazard: Increases hazard by x
Alter accessability: Decreases accessability by x
Alter stability: Decreases stability by x
Alter defense: Decreases ground defense by x
Spawn hostile fleets: Periodically spawns a friendly/hostile derelict fleet (no guardians) that patrols the system, up to x fp
This encourages you to treat this as a sort of bonsai tree, constantly minmaxing the effects, minimizing negatives, maximizing positives
Extremely rare - only 1-2 if any will spawn in a given game
Anti-Asteroid Satellites:
Fixed a rare bug taht caused a crash in campaign due to ai
Num of satellites per planet reduced to 2
FAR less oppressive, now, yet still very helpful
Overclocked targetting (Frontal plate system) now 1. Overloads for far longer 2. Lasts for far less
Infinite range removed from core and connector, replaced with a long-lasting infintie range system that doesnt overload
Works on a cycle of, say, 23 secs of infinite range and 7 secs of normal
Gives you a bit of breathing room
Harpoon MRM small removed from most variants, as it was way too spammy
All weapons either now have secondary or primary PD capabilties
PD_ALSO and PD tags respectively
Rebalanced the frontal plates to be far more ballistics-focused
To compensate for the lost OP, the left plate now has harpoon doubles
Replaced annihilator pods with jackhammer/typhoon respectively
Variant weight drastically reduced
Replaced most missiles with DEMs
Variant weight moderately reduced
Connector module Locust replaced with hellbore to reduce spam
Variant weight slightly reduced
Overfluxed, overgunned
Energy focus
Plasma cannons, heavy blasters, and antimatter blasters
*** terrifying -- But with a very small variant spawn chance
About 20 mining blasters in total, is capable of stripping armor off anything
General mining theme
Pretty rare
Do not fire through added - modules will no longer fire through the core, enhancing flank capabilities
Weapons adjusted in general
Max recoil of weapons reduced to 10%
Sounds like a buff, but is actually a fat nerf as it makes it way easier to dodge projectiles
SOme misc balance changes, such as reducing the time the superheavy damper is active for, increasing targetting overclock cooldown, switching the ordnance locust to a hurricane
Satellites significantly buffed: Heavy combat modules now have the system "Overclocked Targetting", which multiples weapon range by a factor of 100 for ~10 seconds, before overloading the module for 10 seconds. Has custom AI so that it doesn't activate when it's fighting a nearby ship. The satellites were a little sucky at their role as a long-ranged artillery platform, and this will significantly alleviate that flaw.
Core given "Superheavy damper field", a damepr field that reduces damage taken by 90% but only lasts for 2.5 seconds, has a 1 second cooldown, has 2 charges, and takes a while to recharge. The intent is to give cores a small amount of survivability against strike attacks, so you cant just rush in and burst it down. You're forced to at least hit it for 2.5 seconds, and at worst, 6 full seconds.
Heavy combat modules have been given armored weapon mounts.
Their beams are now modded weapons, that have instant travel time. This makes the beamer varient scary.
Raised DP/FP to 60.
Swarm variant is more common and now is composed almost entirely out of wasps.

Misc. cleanup
Removes magiclib dependency
Makes satellites work a bit more consistantly
Raesvelg now starts with satellites (You can generate satellites on planets via the config)
Hopefully fixed an edge case crash
Massively refactors most of the mod
Fixed a few critical bugs
Fixed a few misc bugs
Changed some satellite stats
Game should be significantly more stable
Fixes up a few things from the last updates and polishes it
Laid very initial groundwork for next condition
Made a workaround for a bug that caused a crash when a game was loaded
Added a few config options for discovering every satellite at once
Added a stopgap for the satellite fleet drift issue by forcing the satellite fleet on fleets interacting with the planet to orbit the planet
Improved station digging code so that it almost always finds the satellite entity and returns important data, even if the entity we interact with isnt a station
Added a lot more debug code that should hopefully catch and resolve scenarios where entity is null apon application of the satellite condition
Improved code for fighting your own faction's satellites to use a better method
Increased satellite sensor profile to 3 from 1
Documented campaignplugin heavily
Misc documentation and annotations
Misc nullchecks
Misc naming improvements
Deleted unneccessary files, renamed a few to be more descriptive and accurate
Added a few config options for enabling/disabling a few features
Reworked some of the backend
Satellites now always defend markets and stations if you interact with them
Upgraded debugging
More station compatibility
Fixed NPE on fighting station markets
Fixed NPE on simulation
Removed weapons from the game, they were unused
Added tips
Satellites can no longer turn
Most likely save compatable? Probably?
Satellites no longer spawn in core worlds.
Fixed up some combat AI.
Polished some things
Fixed the console command
Added a new console command, FindPlanetsWithConditionId (conditionId). Lists all planets in the game with a given condition. Syntax: FindPlanetsWithConditionId (conditionId)
Finishing up the beta stage. All major bugs seem to have vanished and functionality has never been better.
Added a new very rare swarm variant. This one will kick your ass.
Adds a bunch of questionably balanced variants. Fixes a few bugs. Reduces satellite DP to one to hopefully let their allies deploy more ships.
Reworked a lot of the backend. Improved a lot of ***, although in a way that makes me unhappy.
Next update will probably be a huge quality pass.
Fixed a few crashes.
Improved polish further.
Buffed satellites FP.
Buffed satellite range.
Nearly perfects fleet interception.
More misc changes. All in all, its way more playable now.
Fixed a few crashes.
Improved the functionality of hostile fleet interception. It now works. Somewhat.
You can now fight your own colony's satellites.
Improved the description of the condition.
Added illustrations that arent placeholders.
Misc polish and ***.
Fixed a NPE when loading saves. Hopefully.
Please tell me if you get any strange crashes at random, I found a possible hole in the logic of my design (I am assuming many variables will not be null, they may be).
Satellite balance: Nerfed the range of the satellites, reduced the number of the satellites, reduced the amount of harpoons on the heavy combat modules, reduced the health/armor of the heavy combat modules. Satellites now start at 70% CR.
New features: Untested framework for fleets being attacked by satellites if the fleets want to attack the planet.
New description for satellites. New sprite for satellites in orbit of entities.
Cleaned up some backend code.
Many more misc changes I won't be assed to document until release.
Beta release