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Author Topic: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.4.9 - Player Faction Expansion  (Read 119813 times)


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.3
« Reply #105 on: March 07, 2024, 02:51:47 PM »

Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?

I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!

So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.

The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.

Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.

In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/

There is the original player.faction file.

While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.

That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.

And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.

I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.

I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do. 

Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.

It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.

Short answer, yes, it should work.

Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.

Thanks Kon. I just made a new save to test (with all the edits etc), but it seems like it hasn't changed at all. Do I need to find EVERY player.faction file involved (across all other mods)? I wouldn't have thought, but it looks like I'm going to have to try...


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.4
« Reply #106 on: March 07, 2024, 03:52:30 PM »

Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?

I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!

So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.

The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.

Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.

In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/

There is the original player.faction file.

While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.

That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.

And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.

I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.

I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do. 

Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.

It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.

Short answer, yes, it should work.

Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.

Thanks Kon. I just made a new save to test (with all the edits etc), but it seems like it hasn't changed at all. Do I need to find EVERY player.faction file involved (across all other mods)? I wouldn't have thought, but it looks like I'm going to have to try...

To my knowledge, the mods I've seen rarely touch on that. Could you send your player faction file from starsector-core/world/factions? I could have a look.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.4
« Reply #107 on: March 10, 2024, 03:10:05 PM »

Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?

I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!

So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.

The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.

Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.

In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/

There is the original player.faction file.

While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.

That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.

And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.

I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.

I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do. 

Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.

It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.

Short answer, yes, it should work.

Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.

Thanks Kon. I just made a new save to test (with all the edits etc), but it seems like it hasn't changed at all. Do I need to find EVERY player.faction file involved (across all other mods)? I wouldn't have thought, but it looks like I'm going to have to try...

To my knowledge, the mods I've seen rarely touch on that. Could you send your player faction file from starsector-core/world/factions? I could have a look.

Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.4
« Reply #108 on: March 11, 2024, 02:40:19 AM »

Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!

I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.

If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #109 on: March 13, 2024, 06:34:47 AM »

Damn, exactly what I was looking for.

I'm not new to Starsector, but I'm too dumb with codes and sprites to make my own faction.
You, my fellow starfarer, have made me want to learn about how to create or at least edit the mods for personal use.

Maybe not the best place, but do we have a way to start with the blueprints already?
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #110 on: March 13, 2024, 10:38:24 AM »

I threw a couple readme.txts in the player faction mod, but for blueprints, they work on a tag based system. Should be able to see some examples in the XIII ship mod. The game
procedurally generates blueprints so there’s not any spriting unless you’re making a package. Use notepad++, have a look around. And when you’re comfortable you can copy over some of the files from the main game and have a more in depth look.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #111 on: March 13, 2024, 05:51:53 PM »

Amazing mod, but out of curiosity, do you intend to add other domain battlegroups so the player has access to even more fleet doctrines or will it remain just the thirteenth?

Uther Phobos

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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #112 on: March 14, 2024, 04:49:44 AM »

Amazing mod, but out of curiosity, do you intend to add other domain battlegroups so the player has access to even more fleet doctrines or will it remain just the thirteenth?
There's enough other mods that do so. Off-Hand, i can remember 4th, 6th, 9th, 13th, 14th (vanilla) and there is a 1st in the works for AotD.


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #113 on: March 14, 2024, 05:10:27 PM »

I think Uther Phobos put it best. There's a lot of potential for different battlegroups considering that a lot of what you see is the stagnant technology of over 200 years of chaos and as such, there are also many people much more skilled than I who could do so much more than what I can currently do. I know I wouldn't be able to add any ships that are visually different enough to warrant new battlegroups.

For now, I think I enjoy my small niche and I am forever thankful that other people can enjoy what is essentially a personal mod (mostly) made for me.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #114 on: March 14, 2024, 07:01:07 PM »

I see, well I don't really know how to express appreciation for a mod. So um keep up the amazing work

Hope to see this mod continue expanding


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.7
« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2024, 12:18:09 AM »

I see, well I don't really know how to express appreciation for a mod. So um keep up the amazing work

Hope to see this mod continue expanding

I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. Let's see where it goes. For now, there's a small update now, should be good.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.9
« Reply #116 on: March 19, 2024, 02:37:48 PM »

Unless i'm being dumb right now mod link still gives out 2.8.


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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.9
« Reply #117 on: March 19, 2024, 11:28:42 PM »

Unless i'm being dumb right now mod link still gives out 2.8.

It looks like it didn't set up right. It should work now.
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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.9
« Reply #118 on: March 20, 2024, 08:34:03 PM »



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Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.3.0
« Reply #119 on: March 24, 2024, 07:46:18 AM »

Are 2.9.1 saves compatible with 3.0?
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