Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated
we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea
and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.
I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.
Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.
For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.