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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.4.9 - Player Faction Expansion  (Read 119646 times)


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.09
« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2023, 11:06:34 PM »

Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated

we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #61 on: September 03, 2023, 02:02:10 AM »

Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated

we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.

I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.

Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.

For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.
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Uther Phobos

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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #62 on: November 19, 2023, 10:07:31 AM »

Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated

we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.

I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.

Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.

For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.
I'm sure you can get some of the relevant devs to give you a hint or two.

On that note, you might want to look into how to make it so that you don't overwrite the nexerelin faction music setting on every game startup. I rather dislike the Diktat music myself and it kept resetting to that until i figured out where it came from.


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #63 on: November 23, 2023, 10:37:14 AM »

Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated

we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.

I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.

Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.

For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.
I'm sure you can get some of the relevant devs to give you a hint or two.

On that note, you might want to look into how to make it so that you don't overwrite the nexerelin faction music setting on every game startup. I rather dislike the Diktat music myself and it kept resetting to that until i figured out where it came from.

Here you go, this one will have no pre-set music.
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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #64 on: November 24, 2023, 12:53:54 PM »

Is there a way for me to change the UI color to another color?


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #65 on: November 24, 2023, 07:44:52 PM »

Nvm. It is in the data/world/factions/player.faction file.


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #66 on: November 24, 2023, 07:47:47 PM »

Yeah, it's a bit goofy, a lot of the colors affect other things you might not have expected them to. Parts of the UI in the base game are connected to the colors you see on the map and around the ships. Some affect the ones in your colony screen too. I hope for the best of luck on that one, it was hard to set mine up.
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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #67 on: November 24, 2023, 09:27:18 PM »

Seems easy enough. The color section seems to be pulled from player.faction in the starsector-core folder and was easy enough to modify.

Honestly, the biggest pain in the butt must have been deciding the rgb values you wanted to use.

Uther Phobos

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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #68 on: November 25, 2023, 05:03:08 AM »

Seems easy enough. The color section seems to be pulled from player.faction in the starsector-core folder and was easy enough to modify.

Honestly, the biggest pain in the butt must have been deciding the rgb values you wanted to use.

That should really be a thing set in game setup or options. Preferably with a colour wheel.


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2023, 11:23:14 AM »

I intend to mess around with the faction colors, is there a way to edit the custom ship colors as well?


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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2023, 06:24:54 AM »

Good day! Konturga you forgot to increase your 13th Battlegroup Legion to 310 op points .
« Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 11:28:24 AM by Gris »


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I checked both the codex and the ship refit for the enforcer (XIII), both of them had the 13th Battlegroup hullmod and were benefitting from it through armor and top speed. However, the flux capacity and vent rate only appeared once they were in-game which I think is fairly normal. I have tested both a ship that was bought from the market and built through custom production and they had similar results.

Those flux buffs are likely related to character skills.
If you start a fresh game with a 0 skills PC and cheat in the relevant hulls, you'll see that the flux bonus from the Thirteenth Battlegroup Hullmod is not applied for any XIII ships.
See Screenshots:

Base Variant

XIV Variant

XIII Variant


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I checked both the codex and the ship refit for the enforcer (XIII), both of them had the 13th Battlegroup hullmod and were benefitting from it through armor and top speed. However, the flux capacity and vent rate only appeared once they were in-game which I think is fairly normal. I have tested both a ship that was bought from the market and built through custom production and they had similar results.

Those flux buffs are likely related to character skills.
If you start a fresh game with a 0 skills PC and cheat in the relevant hulls, you'll see that the flux bonus from the Thirteenth Battlegroup Hullmod is not applied for any XIII ships.
See Screenshots:

Base Variant

XIV Variant

XIII Variant

That is really unfortunate. Okay, when I’m off work today I’ll comb through it, that is unacceptable on my part. That is a good catch, thank you for the tests.
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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #73 on: January 24, 2024, 04:00:36 PM »

Good day! Konturga you forgot to increase your 13th Battlegroup Legion to 310 op points .

Oh, it was improved? I’ll have to fix that then. Thank you.
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Re: [0.96a] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.1.10
« Reply #74 on: January 24, 2024, 04:02:03 PM »

I intend to mess around with the faction colors, is there a way to edit the custom ship colors as well?

I wish, I went through some extensive work to color it. Although I’m sure other people have done their work too.
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