Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)
Very nice. Two suggestions, now that the pack has grown so much: 1) it would be nice host on Github, or just something other than Google Drive, for ease of download and version control, and 2) the pack varies in quality a ton, my opinion is it would benefit from stripping down the less solid designs and focusing on a core of high quality ships. There are a ton of vanilla-ish ship packs these days and additions that don't stand out are a real factor in which I opt to use. When I update I end up commenting out about 60% and I feel happy with what's left, but it's kind of a pain to update that way.
Just wanted to say I am enjoying this ship pack. I especially enjoy all the extra civilian ships makes a independent playthrough more enjoyable.
Hi there what to give a shout out to the Terringzean. It might be the most broken ship in the game. It can by its self take on 3x pirate fleets. and others. I curb stomped the Tesseracts with it. I can't divulge my loadout. But I will say all hull mods and weapons were Vanilla.