i've been using high intensity laser beams on most of my ships, after messing around with the values in the damage model i think the compartment system is at blame? hitting ships with reaper torps will still delete them. while the reaper still does absurd damage, harpoons and hurricanes seen lackluster compared to vanilla
just guessing around, but i think the armor reduction factor is still at play even after u degrade the armor, which is why thinks take so long to die
or maybe it's the compartment damage mechanic that remains active even after said compartment is "destroyed"?
most fighters have an unusually long life, it's more noticeable with broadswords
pd lasers just take forever to kill strikecraft that hav just a bit more armor than usual, the spark interceptor really struggles with killing other strikecraft as well, probably because of the way beam damage is reduced against anything with =>100 armor
i recall hitting broadswords with 2x intensity lasers and it taking more or less 15 seconds of fire to take it down - the fighter wasn't raising shields either, it was just tanking it
couldnt find a way to toggle out of the weaponry damage changes whitout toggling the range changes and velocity changes too, i would like to play with the different engagement present in the mod but with the vanilla weapon damage and vanilla ship damage models