Is there a way to download the older 1.22.7 version? Since I'm using other mods which have not been updated yet.
P.S. I really could not forsee this being that hard of a request
Link added. I'm so sorry for having waited.
the AI doing even weirder, more suicidal stuff than normal was my main gripe a few months ago, even while playing with a ton of what i consider semi-supported faction mods; the weapon and tactics chaos was pretty fun actually. gonna try this again in actual vanilla gameplay, good job man
Wow, what exactly have you seen it do?
Dragonfire DEMs don't seem to work their beam is shorter and they purposely move out of range of their own attack
and some weapons (Gigacannons and gauss cannons) won't fire manually unless auto-fire is turned on.
I've noticed the former and am not sure how to fix it. I'll look into the latter.
Alright, so first of all, thanks for fixing the issue with PD weapons. They were blasting all over the place without hitting anything. Shame I can't use the update cause I am still on 0.95.
Say no more!
Well, in the normal game, I know what 100 kinetic and 100 HE and 100 fragmentation damage means. Since vanilla has ablative armor (with a minimum value), it's all a matter of removing armor for your weapons to deal (almost) true damage to the hull. With the new system, I don't really know how effective weapons are. What does 100 kinetic give me with realistic combat? I only noticed the updated damage tooltip at the bottom of every weapon, but that's not very indicative of the new system. I under how the new damage type perform, but in practice I am blindly slapping what seems to work on my ships. Sometimes a weapon doesn't even budge the hull, sometimes it nearly 100 to 0's an enemy ship.
You have a good point. I wish I could say millimeters rolled homogeneous armor equivalent (mmRHAe) instead of "Damage" because I could then describe damage relative to that number. The underlying math has several steps but amounts to "Don't get hit flat-on by a high-damage weapon, or else you're gonna lose a bunch of hull points."
- The Gauss Cannon, a kinetic weapon with 700 'Damage' on its information card, can penetrate 300mm of rolled homogeneous armor.
- If its projectile struck the front of an undamaged Hammerhead, a ship with 500 armor rating, at 90 degrees, then it would penetrate the surface armor, which is 1/15th the armor rating.
- Then, the projectile would damage the surrounding armor cells. Each armor cell has 1/15th the total armor, the compartment damage factor is 1/6th, and the compartment damage distribution (not in the settings) would amount to 68% damage, and the kinetic damage multiplier is 1/2, so 15 damage.
- Then the projectile would continue through the citadel armor. The kinetic damage multiplier is 1/2, so it would inflict half of its penetration as damage to the hull of the ship, and inflict a critical malfunction. Minimum damage: 100 + 350 = 450, or just under a tenth of the Hammerhead's 5,000 hull points in one shot.
A side effect of this, and a welcome one, is that DPSecond is much less important compared to DPShot. While a 20x5 weapon was generally (imo) preferred vs a 100x1, now I actually take into account that high DPSecond with low DPShot weapons might not even make it through armor.
However, if they even barely do, then they can steadily wear-away the enemy's hull and combat readiness regardless.
I actually kept playing after making my initial comment. I really didn't want to disable this mod, it's so damned cool! And even after coping about the (now fixed) missiles and occasionally sleeping my ships go nuclear in engagements where I had the numerical advantage, the confused AI is so annoying, for two reasons:
1. Your very helpful guide mentioned forming a line with your fleet. It works, except for those ships that overshoot the rendezvous marker by miles. Faster and clumsier ships means certain hulls that are already clunky just get gang banged because they can't slow in time, and endlessly over or undershoot.
Yes, I've noticed that I have to hold the fast, small ships far back. I should add that note to the field manual.
2. Shield AI. My god, vanilla AI always toggles shield for any kind of missile or projectile incoming (unless at high flux but that's not the issue). With RC, at the range where the two fleets are in missile range but outside projectile/beam ranges, most of my fleet always takes 10% to 15% hull damage because they don't raise shields at all to block missiles (occasionally it's a minor 5% hull or a crazy 20%).
Huh, I wonder how to fix that one!
Really, the only thing I don't really like about this mod is frag damage. I loved frag damage builds, especially because a few other mode add really fun fragmentation weapons. It was all a matter of stripping armor. With the new all-or-nothing system, frag is only ever useful vs smaller and/or low armor ships.
Try carefully adjusting the frag damage multiplier to see if you can balance it. Frag used to be ridiculous.
my game crash when trying to start a random battle
error log below
542406 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Hullmod concord_captain not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Hullmod concord_captain not found!
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.HullVariantSpec.getAllMods(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.onStateTransition(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
the enabled mod are
{"enabledMods": [
Huh, that's odd. I've never gotten that error before. You might have to re-install because concord is a library.
377421 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.computeFPHullDamage(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.processEngagementResul ts(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEng agement(
at exerelin.campaign.battle.NexFleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEngagement(
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.prepare(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
I've been having a string of crashes right after battles. 90% of battles ends up crashing the game. When I posted this on Nexerelin because it looks like it's from that mod, but someone there replied that it might have something to do with Realistic Combat. And when I disabled Realistic Combat, the crashes went away. So hoping this gets fixed because I really love this mod and want to use it all the time.
Fixed with duck-tape.
377421 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.computeFPHullDamage(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.processEngagementResul ts(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEng agement(
at exerelin.campaign.battle.NexFleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEngagement(
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.prepare(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
I've been having a string of crashes right after battles. 90% of battles ends up crashing the game. When I posted this on Nexerelin because it looks like it's from that mod, but someone there replied that it might have something to do with Realistic Combat. And when I disabled Realistic Combat, the crashes went away. So hoping this gets fixed because I really love this mod and want to use it all the time.
Likewise, though it is right at the end of specific battles. Most of my battles are fine, but then a specific battle comes along that always crashes and I either have to skip it or play the battle without Realistic Combat enable.
234884 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.computeFPHullDamage(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetEncounterContext.processEngagementResul ts(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.FleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEng agement(
at exerelin.campaign.battle.NexFleetInteractionDialogPluginImpl.backFromEngagement(
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.prepare(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Fixed with duck-tape.