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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Realistic Combat 2.2.0  (Read 400156 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.1.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2022, 01:41:56 PM »

I'm not quite sure as to why it's happening, but starting the campaign seem to double max speed bonuses, I suspect but cannot confirm that other maneuvering stat modifiers are being applied twice also (see image below)

The wolf, with a stock max speed of 150, is being modified to (150+250+250) = 650. If you use instead the refit screen in the missions, we see the image below with max speed bonuses being applied once

Strangely, if you boot up campaign, exit campaign, then use the mission refit screen, you also get the double max speed bonus. I suspect something is triggering that script during campaign start.

edit: ModPlugin seems to call adjustSpeedAndManeuverability on application load and on game load -- I'll try disabling one and see if it fixes the issue

edit2: doesn't seem to have done it. On a side note, if you boot up a campaign, exit said campaign, and then boot up another campaign, max speed modifiers apply three times

« Last Edit: July 10, 2022, 01:57:05 PM by PCCL »
mmm.... tartiflette


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.1.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2022, 07:22:47 PM »

So I've returned to the game, after so long not playing it and I've been using your mod. However, I've noticed some stuff being odd.

The biggest concern is how AI leads their shot way too much and keeps missing targets that are moving. :I

This patch should fix that.  I have cut the target aspect ratio in half, so weapon ranges will be shorter.

And the second is how everything seems to shoot so damn fast. I don't recall most kinetic weapon with be a literal hailstorm.

Yeah, that's a big difference between vanilla Starsector and the realistic combat this mod is about.  Real autocannons shoot really fast.  Even Ye Olde Puny 20mm Oerlikon AA gun ended up shooting at 1,000 RPM by the end of WWII--and was usually mounted in pairs!


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.1.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2022, 09:28:32 PM »

I'm not quite sure as to why it's happening, but starting the campaign seem to double max speed bonuses, I suspect but cannot confirm that other maneuvering stat modifiers are being applied twice also (see image below)

The wolf, with a stock max speed of 150, is being modified to (150+250+250) = 650. If you use instead the refit screen in the missions, we see the image below with max speed bonuses being applied once

Strangely, if you boot up campaign, exit campaign, then use the mission refit screen, you also get the double max speed bonus. I suspect something is triggering that script during campaign start.

edit: ModPlugin seems to call adjustSpeedAndManeuverability on application load and on game load -- I'll try disabling one and see if it fixes the issue

edit2: doesn't seem to have done it. On a side note, if you boot up a campaign, exit said campaign, and then boot up another campaign, max speed modifiers apply three times

Uh-oh.  I had tested for this problem and found that the bonuses did not apply twice, but instead it seems to be just as I feared.  Thanks for the warning!  I'll limit the stat modification to onApplicationLoad.


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.2.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2022, 09:44:12 PM »

Haven't tried the mod out yet, but the performance impact is something many would be interested in knowing before trying the mod. Would be a great addition to the FAQ.


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.2.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2022, 04:47:40 AM »

Haven't tried the mod out yet, but the performance impact is something many would be interested in knowing before trying the mod. Would be a great addition to the FAQ.

Performance impact is small.  Will run on potato.


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.2.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #50 on: July 11, 2022, 09:21:25 AM »

What are the modification for the behaviour  of fragmentation damage?


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Re: [0.95.1a][v1.2.0] Realistic Combat
« Reply #51 on: July 11, 2022, 10:16:26 AM »

What are the modification for the behaviour  of fragmentation damage?

Its stated damage value is divided by 4 when calculating penetration but multiplied by 4 when calculating damage.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.0
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2022, 07:05:28 PM »

Safe to add and remove, works with all mods, and no dependencies.

Total Combat Conversion
Accurately calculated armor, penetration, and damage
Ships have lower maneuverability but much higher top speed
Range dynamically adjusts based on target maneuverability

Enable Realistic Combat with Mods
Realistic Combat works and is stable with all mods but so transforms combat mechanics and balance that some ship or weapon scripts of some mods may run differently or not activate.
  • Open the folder of this mod
  • Click mod_info.json
  • Type false instead of true beside "totalConversion"

Mod compatibility: This mod is already compatible with and handles all content mods because it replaces the Starsector damage code and changes the base stats of both vanilla and modded weapons, projectiles, missiles, beams, and non-fighter, non-station ships once the game loads.  All stat adjustments are documented and configurable.

Performance: Realistic Combat will run on your potato and not slow your game down.

Flickering: When zoomed out far, long, thin lines like laser beams or indicator diamonds may flicker.  Enable anti-aliasing in the Starsector Options menu to prevent this visual artifact if you would like to remove it to improve visual quality, but you can play Realistic Combat just as well without it.

Player Aiming: You can shoot just as accurately as the AI because the target leading indicator tells you where to aim and even adjusts to the size of the target ship.

Jinking: Every ship anticipates that its target can dodge projectiles by strafing upward or downward--not just sideways like it could in vanilla Starsector.  Therefore, although projectiles don't stop or vanish in three-dimensional space, the range of both ballistic and energy projectile weapons is dynamically limited to the distance at which they could hit a target on the battle plane before it could strafe up or down to avoid their projectiles.

  • Armor is partly or fully penetrated by each shot but does not ablate
  • The armor grid now represents compartments that can be destroyed for bonus hull damage
  • Taking hull damage reduces combat readiness during combat
  • Damage type affects armor thickness and, upon penetration, weapon damage

  • Projectile weapon range depends on projectile speed and target maneuverability
  • Ballistic projectile weapons have limited ammo and recover it slowly
  • Beam weapons are long-range and instant, but their damage falls off over range
  • Missiles are much faster and more maneuverable

  • Ship top speed is way up across the board, with the buff decreasing with HullSize
  • Ship maneuverability is down across the board, with the debuff decreasing with HullSize

  • Target leading indicator to let the player shoot as far and accurately as the AI
  • Flux and hull indicators to let the player hide the HUD and quickly assess spread-out battles
  • Radar to let the player see the overall battle even when zoomed-in.

  • Big combat map
  • No fog

  • AI does not turn to face with undamaged armor
  • 100% autofire accuracy for everyone, player included

Field Manual

Pictures (Big - Scroll Right)


Zoomed Out


Zoomed In


1.2.0 - Fighter, ammo, and autofire patch.  Made fighters viable by massively increasing their range, speed, and maneuverability.  Reduced 'sliding' by slightly improving maneuverability of Cruisers and Capital Ships.  Reduced missile spam by introducing soft ammo limits for ballistic and missile weapons.  Reduced autofire ammo waste by cutting how far the target can move before the dynamic range algorithm cuts the range off.

1.1.0 - Added the total conversion tag to warn you that Realistic Combat, while stable with all mods, drastically changes ship and weapon balance and may make some modded ship and weapon scripts run differently or not at all. it drastically Reduced missile maneuverability, especially that of high-damage guided missiles, by adding four new kinds of WeaponCategory: UNGUIDED_MISSILE, GUIDED_MISSILE, UNGUIDED_TORPEDO, and TORPEDO.

1.0.4 - Added a failover mode to detect ballistic projectile weapons and energy projectile weapons that lacked the WeaponType.BALLISTIC or WeaponType.ENERGY

1.0.3 - Stations no longer get their maneuverability enormously buffed.  I had not known that getAllShipHullSpecs returns those of the stations, too.

1.0.2 - Built-in weapons now also have stats changed.  The default method to get all weaponSpecs hadn't returned them, so now they are gotten from their shipHullSpecs.

1.0.1 - Wrapped a try-catch block around the body of each of several public methods because one of them had caused a fatal NullPointerException.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.0
« Reply #53 on: July 11, 2022, 09:51:14 PM »

Just booted this up to give it a try, and already I think there may be a problem with beams. I know in vanilla a sim Venture cannot flat out ignore a Paragon's quad HIL at point blank range with its shield, but with this it can. It 'might' have to do with being tested in the Forlorn Hope mission, but I doubt it. Also for non-beam weapons I'm having some issues with autofired weapons overshooting the targeting circle and missing entirely. Sorry, I know you've just tried to fix that.

Looking forward to seeing how this combat overhaul develops.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.0
« Reply #54 on: July 12, 2022, 04:35:13 AM »

Just booted this up to give it a try, and already I think there may be a problem with beams. I know in vanilla a sim Venture cannot flat out ignore a Paragon's quad HIL at point blank range with its shield, but with this it can. It 'might' have to do with being tested in the Forlorn Hope mission, but I doubt it. Also for non-beam weapons I'm having some issues with autofired weapons overshooting the targeting circle and missing entirely. Sorry, I know you've just tried to fix that.

Looking forward to seeing how this combat overhaul develops.

Thanks for trying my mod and giving me feedback--I need it!  I have now fixed this problem, which a typo in a method had caused.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.1
« Reply #55 on: July 12, 2022, 12:32:37 PM »

I have really been enjoying this mod, and have had a lot of fun running missile boats.

However, fighter LPCs have unmodified engagement ranges, meaning they only hover around their mothership unless within close fighting range (4km ish). I have found the atropos-equipped torpedo bombers to be really strong because they can fire torpedoes from a very safe distance and act, essentially, as an infinite bank of torpedoes that can only be fired within 4km.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.1
« Reply #56 on: July 12, 2022, 01:53:53 PM »

I have really been enjoying this mod, and have had a lot of fun running missile boats.

I'm so glad that you enjoy this mod and are having fun using those missile boats: missiles should feel like missiles now.  Feedback like this helps keep me motivated to make improvements!

However, fighter LPCs have unmodified engagement ranges, meaning they only hover around their mothership unless within close fighting range (4km ish). I have found the atropos-equipped torpedo bombers to be really strong because they can fire torpedoes from a very safe distance and act, essentially, as an infinite bank of torpedoes that can only be fired within 4km.

I hope you've downloaded the latest version because it fixes the problem of fighter flight range.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.1
« Reply #57 on: July 12, 2022, 02:51:11 PM »

Just gave it a try and got my end-game fleet utterly destroyed by a pirate bounty.Still thoroughly enjoy the much larger engagement range. ;D

I'm still on my way to figure out the new "meta" but I have noticed some fighter/interceptor are dealing insane amount of kinetic damage with their fast firing weapon. Is there any change made to compensate the increased fire rate (and DPS) or is this a bug? I don't think a pair of interceptor wing is supposed to completely suppress a battleship's shield.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.1
« Reply #58 on: July 12, 2022, 05:18:10 PM »

Thanks for the update, sad to say it doesn't seem to have affected anything for beams though. This time, I went even further extreme to test beam strength: I turned on floating damage numbers and used a Paragon with 4 Tach lances firing linked at point blank (actually bumped me, so it had no armor on parts of it) on a Buffalo 2 because it has no shields. Result: Zero damage whatsoever, though EMP seemingly worked fine, paralyzing it.

Also created a new save to make sure it wasn't an issue with the Missions. A brand new Apogee start had the same issue, no damage on the hull or in floating numbers for the tac lasers, but yes to both on the mining blaster hits. Maybe something in how beams are supposed to do 'continuous' damage is not making the transition properly?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Realistic Combat 1.2.1
« Reply #59 on: July 12, 2022, 07:23:57 PM »

Thanks for the update, sad to say it doesn't seem to have affected anything for beams though. This time, I went even further extreme to test beam strength: I turned on floating damage numbers and used a Paragon with 4 Tach lances firing linked at point blank (actually bumped me, so it had no armor on parts of it) on a Buffalo 2 because it has no shields. Result: Zero damage whatsoever, though EMP seemingly worked fine, paralyzing it.

Also created a new save to make sure it wasn't an issue with the Missions. A brand new Apogee start had the same issue, no damage on the hull or in floating numbers for the tac lasers, but yes to both on the mining blaster hits. Maybe something in how beams are supposed to do 'continuous' damage is not making the transition properly?

You're right: beam weapons still don't deal damage.  The beam weapon damage calculation turned out to still have a typo--and I've uncovered another bug while testing in more depth.  The actual hull and compartment damage modification applies only on the first frame.  You can game the system by repeating the beam.  I'll have to dig in further to fix this.
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