Thank you for your great work, I really enjoy the changes this mod brings to my current game.
Would you mind me translate and update your work onto Chinese Starsector forum? I know someone had already asked you for the same thing, but I checked several times in Chinese forum and believe he hasn't done it yet. I have completed the translation and I think it's better to ask you for another permission before I post it.
Besides, I find something strange in the mod and I guess they could be bugs:
1) The negative effects of many upgrades looks like positive ones in the UI. For example, lv10 Welded Armor should make the weapon and engine HP become 0.84x, but it shows 1.16x instead. Everything is correct if checked in the ET hullmod details interface.
2) According to the description, Tracer Recoil Calculator should reduce recoil/inaccuracy/projectile speed, but its real effect is reduce recoil, increase weapon HP, and reduce turret turn rate.
3) Commissioned Crews will increase the supplies to recover by 20% instead of decreasing it. Since the description tells that this upgrade is designed to "shift the logistical constraints of a ship from supplies and fuel to credits", I guess it should reduce the supplies requirement in all the ways, or this is the method to counteract the effect of quicker repair and keep the same total repair supply cost?
4) Phasefield engine is too OP. This is caused by two facts:
· This modification actually reduces the cooldown of phase coil to nearly zero, which is not mentioned on its description. If you switch on and off the phase quickly enough, it can even prevent reseting the 8 sec countdown.
· After install this, any ship with hullmod Phase anchor will keep its phase cost to be zero instead of 10% of the maximum flux. This means that any ship with Phase anchor will bypass the penalty of this modification, switch on and off the phase with no extra flux.
As the result, a ship with Phasefield engine and Phase anchor becomes permanetly invincible. I recommend to remove the cooldown reduction, and set the phase cost of ships with Phase anchor to 10% of the maximum flux as well.