Since this discussion has already begun, let me also allow myself a little romance.
Balance — is difficult. Especially if you are a developer of something that is used in a way that is difficult to predict.
It's likely that some people find the existing rules of this modification a pain in the ass, with their own set of "extenders" for the game, while others enjoy it. At the same time, the former will fairly discuss the situation, since the existing consensus only spoils what was created to give joy, while the latter will not, since they receive joy.
I like rockets too. Very! And in StarSector, the battles with their participation are incredibly beautiful! It’s as if you are unleashing a portion of fanatical hatred, selflessly rushing to death for the sake of the master who gave her the moment of this incredible and doomed freedom... Bang! And these guys carried your ominous covenant to the enemy, almost always excluding the pilot from the need to strictly match the firing angles of the fixed guns and forcing the enemy to respect your comfort zone, so rapidly expanding with the presence of these homing assistants on board.
These guys give you so much freedom to maneuver that I can’t even imagine a battle without missiles. At the very least, this fight is not impressive enough to have a right to exist.
In 1.8.5 I was also unpleasantly surprised by such a cut to 40%. But almost instantly I lost interest in the game, since in 1.8.5 the chance of meeting opponents with good upgrades and exotics was also incredibly greatly reduced. In almost a week, I came across only four green exotic modules and all of them were not suitable for my fleet. And there are no legal ways to exchange them for others.
But on the other hand, the latest changes have placed a qualitative emphasis on minimizing the fleet, encouraging carriers of green exotic modules.
It turns out that my production from reality 1.8.4 stepped into 1.8.5 and this made it possible to fully appreciate such optimization. It is no longer necessary to carry tons of fuel and supplies for a huge fleet. But at the same time, the enemy became completely “naked” and unable to resist.
I went to see legions of infernals for 500k, which were simply blown away like paper airplanes by a gust of wind. After which I lost interest in continuing.
So I have no complaints about the missile damage at all. In my build of game mods and how I find their synergies, everything looks great. But for this you need to start the game with 1.8.4, but then you have to lose the real amenities from 1.8.5, then in the case of the latter, the game becomes dull, because if you play 1.8.5 from the very beginning, it seems impossible to find green quality modules for the entire game, and if you start with 1.8.4 and then move to 1.8.5, then such a game will quickly get boring with its simplicity.
Of course, there are complaints about the balance.
Therefore, we ask you, dear presidentmattdamon, please return to us those feelings that blew our minds from the very beginning. We are your most sincere followers!
Feel free to give everyone, even the most complete scum, the opportunity to carry a green module in their womb. This is a great way to equalize opportunities for everyone. In addition, you probably created this game plugin for pleasure, and not to communicate with us about the fact that there are no exotic modules in a game with exotic modules. And judging by WatchWolf’s attitude, this also solves his problem.