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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

Author Topic: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2  (Read 14686 times)


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[0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« on: February 26, 2024, 10:37:09 AM »

Venturing in the dark outreaches of the Persean Sector is a pathway to salvaging ships with many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.

download link removed -Alex

Earliest save compatible version: 0.61
Requires LazyLib and MagicLib

 This ship pack provides a wide selection of more than 30 vessels that do not exactly match existing vanilla aesthetic or gameplay styles. They range from the uncommon and unconventional class to some properly rare (and expensive to deploy) super-ships. Still, everything should be balanced with proper strengths and weaknesses; including some new balancing levers such as exotic weapons interfering with each other, to avoid any power creep.

 The intent here is to offer enough different "white whales" that you are both guaranteed to encounter several of them in any given run, yet each would be rare enough that you won't be able to collect them all in a single play-through. If you are using Nexerelin however, you will be able to start directly with some of the uncommon ships. I would even advise trying some of the very enjoyable "player-bait" destroyer starts.

Small selection of the ships you may encounter
     Hedone-class armed yacht

 Gustav Royal Starworks' best selling premium yacht, ideal for the affluent needing to travel in comfort and security.
     Aethernium-class militarized racer

 Fast and economical courier that never walks away from a fair fight.
      Butterfly-class private security destroyer

 Makes up for its lack of versatility with raw frontal firepower.
     Five-five-seven-class bounty-hunter destroyer

 Flashy coat of paint, big gun that makes a big noise, daredevil attitude, badass in every way.
     Obelisk-class luxury liner

 Guaranteed to impress your guests somehow, either with its ostentatious design and facilities, or with its massive gun.
     Tumbleweed-class explorer

 Jack of all trades, master of none...
     Bullhorn-class heavy cruiser

 Slightly more agile and versatile than a Dominator-class, even more vulnerable from the rear.
     Cassowary-class support battlecruiser

 The true nemesis of captains with OCD.
     Malet-class frigate

 Small whacker to deal with those pirates cropping up everywhere.
     Adze-class destroyer

 Designed to shave that smirk off of your opponent's face.

     Halligan-class cruiser

 When you can't choose between DAKKA spam and missile spam.




 - Nova name changed to Stellar
 - Plague Infection settings tweaked to be lower
 - removed deprecated code
 - allowed generation of Plague Bearers in ongoing save games


 - Added 3 new Nexerelin custom starts:
   . Mulligan!
   . Break-up Hanghover
   . A Knight's Tale

 - Fixed boss bounties not showing up
 - Fixed missing Siegfried description
 - Added missing limited descriptions for the bosses

 - Guru: 850 armor (+150), 7000 hull (-1000), 550 dissipation (+150)   
 - Devotee: 6 DP (+2)
 - Believer: Built-in ECCM and Expanded Missile Racks.
 - Cultist: Plasma Jets instead of Maneuvering Jets, 400 armor (+100)
 - Haymaker: hit feedback improved, 6 ammo (+2), 0 EMP (-400), 250 sustained DPS (+94)
 - Eager: hit feedback improved


 - Fixed crash related to the bosses' loot generation,
 - Fixed issue with Rampage not deploying,
 - Fixed issues related to the bosses' spawn locations,
 - Fixed issue with Plague-bearer wings not launching,
 - Fixed the Reality Drill script not being applied.

 - Minor and major tweaks to the Umpire Beam and Whiplash Blaster.
 - Augur-class EMP Discharge system cooldown halved down to 8s.
 - Hedone-class Time Splitter system CR cost doubled to 2% per use.

 - Fixed an issue with the Balisong system.
 - Fixed Tumbleweed's Drone system missing a description.
 - The Titanic wreck should spawn further away from blackholes.
   . Clarified some special items descriptions,
   . Lots of improvements and fine-tuning,
   . Double wreck drops should hopefully no longer happen,
   . Added more ways to get pointed in the right directions,
   . Broke the monolithic fleets in multiple smaller ones,
   . Changed the final boss' ship system,
   . All bosses ships have exceedingly slow post battle repairs. Go at them a second time if the first assault failed without losing your "progress",
   . Boss bounties now have a 10 years deadline,
   . More goodies in salvage!
 - Plague-Bearer LCPs can no longer be mounted on non Plague-Bearer ships, removed the Quarantined Flight Deck hullmod.
 - Proofreading...


[RC2] Fixed most (all?) crashes related to the "Lucky Strike" Nexerelin start.

 - Added 6 new special bounties that point towards exploration-based content (if you have yet to find it after a certain amount of time).
 - Added 2 new Nexerelin custom starts to twist the formula a bit.

 - 557-class: Fixed system not applying the main gun extra ammo properly.
 - Improved armor grid of the Halligan and the other gunships. They are now also displayed "naked" in refit.
 - All the rare-but-not-unique bounties now have much spicier loadouts.
 - All bounty captains now have better suited skills.
 - Many ship descriptions got a much needed polish pass.
 - Made all the plague-bearer encounters approximatively 267% audio-visually more impressive.



 - Added 13 special bounties to hunt the unique ships. Those no longer appear in random fleets.
 - Added 10 early-game bounties giving access to rare ships if you are up to the challenge.
 - Plague-bearers:
   . Now spawn in random systems.
   . Will aggressively hunt the player once attacked.
   . Drop some *very* compelling new rewards.
   . Now has a custom musical theme, composed by Mesotronik, and made possible by the donations from all my generous patrons.


 - Augur-class frigate:
   . Added one small missile hardpoint to improve the ship's behavior and its use of the system,
   . EMP Discharge system cooldown raised to 15s from 10,
   . Shield efficiency improved to 0.6 from 0.7,
   . OP amount raised to 50 from 40.

 - Endymion-class frigate:
   . Hull and armor raised to 2250/200 from 1000/100,
   . Flux dissipation raised to 350 from 275,
   . Small hardpoints now UNIVERSAL from MISSILE,
   . OP amount raised to 70 from 60.
   > The Hyperion got such a huge jump in power in 0.95!

 - Hedone-class:
   . Time Splitter system default time acceleration reduced to x10 from x16,
   . Time Splitter time acceleration raised to x15 with the System Expertise skill,
   . OP available raised to 50 from 45.
   > The Hedone should still be amazing while it lasts, but also a smidgen more versatile now

 - Marksman-class:
   . Perfect reloads now triples the damage of the next shot instead of doubling it.
   . Reload system tweaked to behave better with high level officers.
   . Reload system gets much easier to use with the System Expertise skill.
   . Hull and armor raised to 7000/750 from 5000/500.
   > The ship was a bit underwhelming for its fragility so this should fix that.

 - 557-class:
   . Flux dissipation increased to 600 from 400.
   . Redline ship-system no longer generates flux on activation.
   > While somewhat fun, it was difficult to let the main gun rip given how flux starved the ship was

 - Bullhorn-class: Booster system now gains charges from the System Expertise skill instead of the Expanded Ammo Racks hullmod.

 - Tumbleweed-class:
   . Medium turret is now UNIVERSAL from HYBRID (to avoid some possible weapon type issues when restoring the pirate variant into a regular Tumbleweed)
   . Drone system now now has 2 charges from 8,
   . Now gets one additional drone every 20s.
   > Mostly cleanup for odd behaviors.

 - Balisong-class:
   . System charging no longer affects the engines performances (it still dramatically lowers the firepower)
   . System charging is now significantly faster with the System Expertise skill.
   . Shield is now a bubble front shield at 0.7 efficiency, from a omni 180deg shield at 0.8 efficiency.
   > That last change should hopefully fix most of the issues with modules getting shot off through shields.

 - Clipper-class: Missile Fab system now generates ammo faster with the System Expertise skill.

 - Quicksilver-class:
   . A few mounts are now UNIVERSAL from ENERGY and SYNERGY.
   . Denial Pulse system range lowered to 1200 from 2000, but respects the x2 System Expertise skill bonus.
   . Overload duration now scales with hull sizes. Unchanged at 3s for frigates, up to 6s for a capital ship.
   . Charge up slightly shortened.
   > The pulse effect was a bit anemic compared to how grandiose it is visually.

 - Siegfried-class dreadnought:
   . Now uses a hullmod-swap system to change the configuration of the hull rather than three different hulls.
   . Choose between ATC plus High Maintenance or a true shield,
   . two flight decks plus a Burn Drive system on toggle or the Flux Torpedoes system,
   . two built-in Firecane turrets or a broadsider configuration with four additional large slots plus HBI.
   > The system is currently a bit jank and is most likely to be replaced by a proper paid-for dry-dock reconfiguration at some point. But given that it is now a unique ship, this will have to do for the moment.

 - Titanic-class: Now has Advanced Ground Support.

 - Erasmus-class wing:
   . Rocket pod ammo reduced to 10 from 15,
   . Fire-rate increased to 240 rpm from 45,
   . Minor tweaks to make it more usable by the AI.
   > This wing should now properly operate like bombers.

 - Gatling Lance weapon:
   . Flux requirement lowered to 480 from 600.
   . Now causes Strong Interferences instead of Mild.
   > Using two of them will cause a 160 flux dissipation reduction from interferences, meaning you are still 80 dissipation ahead from before when firing. A more interesting proposition imo...

 - Plague-Bearers:
   . Assortment of buffs to some weapons, and slight nerfs to some of the ships.

 - Avatar of Vengeance Nexerelin start is restored.
 - Fixed White-dwarf's inverted guns and their modules.
 - Plague weapons and LCPs should no longer drop from research stations.
 - Fixed NPE with the Marksman-class system under AI control.
 - Fixed NPE with the Augur-class system.
 - Fixed mission crash due to missing background.
 - Fixed Demeter-class generating revenue while mothballed.
 - Kaleidoscope will ignore flares if IPDAI is installed.


Barebone compatibility update for 0.95a

 - Quicksilver-class: increased OP amount to 230 from 200.


 - Augur-class support frigate:
   . Assault focused Omen,
   . Same weapons but the EMP system mostly hits a single target within a very short span of time.

 - Endymion-class assault frigate:
   . DPS focused Hyperion,
   . Same weapons but the ship system has been swapped for a Temporal Shell device.
   . Yes, this is insane, and that ship will be a unique one in the future.

 - Malet-class frigate:
   . Tougher and better armed than a Lasher,
   . But also slower.

 - Adze-class destroyer:
   . A mix of an Enforcer and a Hammerhead,
   . More maneuverable than either,
   . Not quite as durable as the former,
   . Can't output the same DPS spikes as the latter.

 - Halligan-class cruiser:
   . Heavier Eagle,
   . Can't outmaneuver its target as well,
   . Much better armored.

 - "Minigun" support weapon:
   . Very long range fragmentation pea shooter,
   . Won't kill much of anything,
   . But it will force the enemy to raise their shield, lowering their top speed.

 - 557-class:
   . System no longer reduces speed but cost flux to activate. (I swear I will make that ship fun to fly somehow)
 - More tweaks to the hidden stuff!

 - Space farm now displays the daily revenue from auctioning produce.
 - Lowered the frequency of some rare ships.
 - Attempted another fix for the Marksman system crash in rare circumstances.
 - Nova is now a unique "boss-like" fleet patrolling a remnant system.
 - Onyx is now a unique derelict that has to be found and salvaged.


 - Onyx-class:
   . Sprite rework,
   . Built-in weapons removed,
   . Loadout buffed,
   . System now scales with the flux level, has less charges but much longer duration.

 - 557-class:
   . System no longer affects flux stats but improves maneuverability (still increase ballistic ROF and loads the main gun with extra ammo)
   . Asteismos gun now has only 2/3rd of the ammo, but 1.5 times the damage per shell.

 - Various buffs to most of the bosses, more content, polish, locations further randomized.


 - Set some "SYSTEM" weapons such as flares to "HIDDEN" so that they don't get disabled by EMP arcs.
 - Set all 557-class variants as Goal variants so that they can be selected in refit.
 - Fixed a CTD with the Marksman's system when used while in autopilot as the player ship.


You like the mod? Consider subscribing to Tartiflette's patreon

« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 07:49:26 AM by Alex »


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.1
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2024, 01:45:30 PM »

I'm afraid that changing the name of the Nova has broken the mod/my save. I get the following error: "Fatal: Ship hull spec [SKR_nova] not found!" Any way to fix this without having to start a new game for the umpteenth time?


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.1
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2024, 01:57:10 PM »

I'm afraid that changing the name of the Nova has broken the mod/my save. I get the following error: "Fatal: Ship hull spec [SKR_nova] not found!" Any way to fix this without having to start a new game for the umpteenth time?

Like changing the file name of the Nova or changing a specific ship name ingame?


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.1
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2024, 02:13:43 PM »

I'm afraid that changing the name of the Nova has broken the mod/my save. I get the following error: "Fatal: Ship hull spec [SKR_nova] not found!" Any way to fix this without having to start a new game for the umpteenth time?
Two options present themselves.

1. The more reliable AND less time-consuming method (but be sure to make a backup of your saves, before doing the following):

Open the campaign.xml file(s) in question with foXE ( and replace all instances of SKR_nova_ with SKR_stellar_

Just to be safe, make sure that 'Case-sensitive' is enabled when doing the 'Replace' (Ctrl+H is the hotkey combination to do so).

2. As Shogouki and A_Random_Dude point out, editing multiple files in the 'SEEKER_UC-v0.6.1' folders is the alternative, but far easier to screw up, since there's more files that have to be edited.


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.1
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2024, 04:20:08 PM »

Great to see an amazing mod get revived.

Any plans for Torchships & Deadly Arnaments?
Logged enthusiast


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2024, 07:54:34 PM »

updated to 0.62

removed the cassowary from priority ships.
rampage is harder now. cataclysm has a fix to its AI. white dwarf is still giga boring to fight and is the actual hardest fight in the mod. boss fleets can no longer retreat.


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2024, 08:25:31 PM »

Just an fyi to everyone using or planning to use this mod. Mod maintainer got caught adding malicious code to one of tartiflette's other mods. I would wait for someone familiar with coding to give the a okay before using this in case something was hidden in this mod too. Cheers


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2024, 08:31:19 PM »

I hate that I can't even thank you for reviving my favorite mod.

Because, you need to self-evaluate man. The kind of ego and spitefulness you've shown is something that should be reserved for the actual mod maker, and even then, they'd still get flak for adding malware.

You're a maintainer. You're supposed to maintain, not act like a clown in someone else's skin. Just accept that you were wrong and made a horrible play that ruined your rep. But what's really sad, is that you didn't even have the guts to keep your stance against something you considered "vile".

You backpedalled and started coping. Locked the diable thread too.


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2024, 08:42:14 PM »

I'm getting genuinely concerned over whether the other mods you've been working on, including this one, have malicious code in them. And no, even if you remove them now, that doesn't make it any better.


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2024, 08:46:55 PM »

the crashcode lore is getting deeper


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2024, 08:49:54 PM »

I'm getting genuinely concerned over whether the other mods you've been working on, including this one, have malicious code in them. And no, even if you remove them now, that doesn't make it any better.

I've looked over the other mods he's maintaining and haven't found anything.

I did, however, find it in a recent commit for Exotica Technologies. Line 15 down.


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Re: [0.97a] SEEKER - Unidentified Contact v0.6.2
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2024, 08:48:04 AM »

presidentmattdamon has been banned from the forum for distributing mods with code that deliberately corrupted savefiles under certain conditions.

We're looking at changes to the forum rules to hopefully head off this sort of situation in the future.