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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Exotica Technologies v1.8.5 - updated Jan 21st  (Read 268560 times)


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[0.96a] Exotica Technologies v1.8.5 - updated Jan 21st
« on: May 28, 2022, 02:23:56 PM »

download link removed -Alex
Requires LunaLib, MagicLib, LazyLib, and THE LATEST VERSION OF Combat Activators
Donations are appreciated.

Inspired by Extra Systems Reloaded, Exotica Technologies offers an RPG element to Starsector that makes your ships AND enemies harder, better, faster, stronger through upgrades and exotics! These upgrades do not take OP or hullmod slots! Each ship has a limit to the number of upgrades they can install so choose wisely! The cost of each upgrade will require common materials salvaged across the sector such as metal and transplutonics. However, as upgrades get more complex and specialized, they tend to consume more resources and even demand special items found through research stations and mining stations!

How does it work?!
Encounter any fleet that might randomly have Exotica Technologies and fight them as they drop for it.

OR find them at derelict ships and wrecks!
Then, start equipping them and upgrading them at any friendly market!

Still unfamiliar? Hover over every icon and button you see. I encourage you to do so!
Mod Integration!
We welcome mod integration and are willing to help with integrating mods with Exotica Technologies to ensure a great end-user experience!
Industrial EvolutionSupports Ship and Rare components to be used in purchases and installations of upgrades for your ships!
Iron ShellUnlocks Iron Shell - Armor is more effective versus high explosive damage, but doesn't fare as well against other kind of damage types
Tahlan ShipworksTBD

Obviously! some fights might be much, much harder with this mod installed because the AI are equipped with technologies as well!
Be prepared, and take advantage of everything that Exotica Technologies has to offer you to overcome these increased threats.
This mod is NOT compatible with ESR and no further development will be continued for ESR (who I formerly modded).

Thanks to many people for this:
  • LazyWizard for LazyLib
  • Tartiflette, Wisp and the modding community for MagicLib.
  • Lukas04 for LunaLib
  • Haplogynae for the shop music
  • Wisp for making the Gradle mod template that this mod uses.
  • Histidine for making Nexerelin, which this mod has (some) integration for, and also for an update to the scanning UI.
  • Techpriest/Tim for making Iron Shell, which this mod has (some) integration for, and also for making this forum thread.
  • Zym from the Unofficial Starsector Chat discord for being a great help with ideas and balance for the mod.
  • Ms. Vella from the Unofficial Starsector Chat discord for making the plasma flux catalyst cargo item icon
  • Thyrork, Phearlock, Ishman, Strb 103D for being a beta tester for the mod's update, which had undergone extensive changes and crashes.
  • Thyrork again for making a post-release guide for the mod, which you can read below.
  • Originem and Iridicens for making the original mod and its 0.9.1 update.
  • The community at large for using this new version of the mod. I greatly appreciate any and all feedback, even if you want to say you like the mod, or don't.


- fixed a crash that occurred due to loading a save applying fleet member stats before the fleets are populated with members.
-- second hotfix for the same issue because APPARENTLY the same issue applies to the player fleet. which is ridiculous.

    fixed a crash that occurred due to loading a save applying fleet member stats before the fleets are populated with members.

    PURE type now uses base bandwidth when calculating the used bandwidth ratio.
    -- this is because Alpha Subcore has a positive multiplier for the extra bandwidth it gives from its Exotic type, creating a circular dependency that would crash your game.
    -- as a result, PURE-type exotics can now get much worse.

- Scan Fleet option now appears in the main dialog rather than comm link (thanks AtlanticAccent)
- modifications can now be installed on modules directly
-- parent ship modifications will no longer propagate to modules
-- this does mean fitting module ships is much more expensive
- added Quick Jets upgrade, which adds an ability that makes a ship turn much faster
- drive flux vent's active is now 25% longer
- full metal salvo now works again (?)
- overclocked fabricators now spawns more often on carriers.
- spooled feeders now spawns more often on ships with Safety Overrides.
- hacked missile forge recovery chance reduced by 75%
-- it's still stupidly common in pirate fleets
-- also reduced damage further, from 25% TO 40%. use other exotics pls
- reduced cost and bandwidth of Wasp Defense Drones
-- also added more wasps
- PURE-type exotics no longer count themselves after installation
- rewrote UI code to be more performant
- post-battle salvage data expires after 1 day now, rather than uselessly staying in the save until the fleet is despawned/destroyed.

- misc fixes
- added music by Haplogynae

1.6.6 hotfix:
- fixed exploration crash (upgrades were being generated with level 0)
- fixed fleet UI being broken
- fixed scanner UI not displaying exotics correctly with high UI scaling

- fixed crate disappearing when you open it (sorry)
-- crates now share a global inventory
- added filters to upgrade and exotic UI
- added new upgrade Oversized Magazines
- fixed OCD in ship mod panel
- fixed debris field generation and scanning again
- fixed newer exotics not dropping from salvage loot (like research stations)
- fixed exotic types not appearing in salvage loot
- added upgrades to salvage loot. total value of exotica drops has increased to offset this
- nerfed terminator subsystems
-- range reduced by 33% (this means it is 66% of the original ship system's range)
-- drone recharge time increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
-- also tri tachyon will use them less now lol

- multiple UI level improvements
-- fixed refit menu scaling
-- chip lists now use refit variant, fixing multiple bugs with that display
-- upgrade chip list now displays all upgrade chips for an upgrade, but sorts based on whether you can actually apply it.
-- fixed resource displays not displaying quantity stored in the current market's storage
- opening a crate now merges all other creates in your inventory into it
- phase ship check now checks for the phase hint
- added flux use for terminator subsystem use
- fleet mods generation will now generate for all allied and enemy fleets in an encounter. before, it only generated for the main enemy fleet.

    buffed exotic and upgrade drop rates from enemy fleets
    fixed drive flux vent AI activation, and it now has reduced cooldown (15s to 10s)
    updated terminator subsystems AI to use drones more frequently if it has more
    fixed drone stuff applying to modules
    fixed pain from dropping as part of certain ships (it is now removed after battle)
    noticed that pure type exotics were the most used ones:
    -- corrupted type exotics positive mult increased (150% to 200%), and negative mult (150% to 175%)
    -- guerilla type exotics positive mult increased (175% to 200%). note that it still scales with fleet size
    blocked alpha subcore from having any effect if the SHU Armament Support System is installed
    -- additionally prevented alpha subcore from being installed if the SHU Armament Support System is installed
    multiple UI level improvements
    -- upgrades and exotics now display both description and effects at once
    -- overview tab is now the main source to view all upgrades/exotics that your ship has at once
    -- removed hullmod expanding info

- fixed wasp bp dropping
- performance improvements for refit button

- fixed some bugs with certain exotics
- fixed upgrade filters being broken
- added in-refit menu thanks to Lukas04, creator of LunaLib

- improved generation of upgrades by making it prefer already-generated upgrades even more, so upgrade distribution should generate higher-leveled upgrades for a spikier distribution
- fixed antimatter boosters (sindrian diktat exclusive upgrade) not having description
- exotics and upgrades can now have multiple tags
- fixed automated ship checking not checking for automated hullmod
- fixed equalizer core giving 100x the damage bonus for over-ranged weapons
- fixed bandwidth button not updating when buying credit upgrades
- generate enemy ships with much higher bandwidths
- exotic destruction and bandwidth degradation on death for enemy ships so overall loot doesn't change as much and you can't as easily extract nice exotics from salvaged ships
- curate exotic lists per faction more
- upgrades and exotics now weight more towards ships and variants that they would be better on (e.g. armored ships or ships with Heavy Armor hullmod will get the Welded Armor upgrade for even more armor)
- added some drone upgrade and exotic
- added some pain

- updated for 0.96a
- fixed guerilla penance engine sometimes disabling the ship permanently
- fixed hacked missile forge reloading much faster than intended
- fixed phased fighter tether breaking terminator sequence
- fixed exotica market allowing you to go into debt
- fixed hyperspec LPC adding 1% for each fighter bay removed rather than multiplying
- reduced exotic drop rate from fleets

- fixed drive flux vent crash
- fixed equalizer core giving a lot of damage


- attempted improvement to crate code to fix instances of it not pulling chips into itself
- improved chip rendering code and icons
- added a market for chips to the exotica technologies branch for each market

- added TWO exotics, one exclusive to the path
- tier 3b drive now stacks
- missile forge now reduces damage but enables you to spam missiles, and reloads weapons individually
- added combat activators for salvo, feeder, and drive flux vent exotics
- hangar forge -> phased fighter tether
- daemon core now correctly applies bandwidth from types, and does not drop as salvage. you must use archdaemon cores to install this now.
- alpha subcore has salvage chance reduced by 75%. you will probably have to use alpha cores to install this now.
- exotics generate more commonly on larger ship sizes
- exotics generate less on civilian ships
- pure type now scales on base bandwidth used and exotics used
- improved type overlay icons to be more visible

- added FOUR upgrades
- buffed assault wings, forced overtime, infernal engines, welded armor, commissioned crews
- nerfed advanced flux coils and derelict weapons assistant by giving them drawbacks that don't really hurt either faction's ships much
- nerfed hel engines by increasing bandwidth slightly (this will probably result in some existing ships going over their bandwidth cap. good for you!)
- rebalanced overcharged shields by shifting more into promoting active shield play by increasing unfold rate further, and both flux/s and flux/dam stats are increased
- fixed a bunch of upgrade drawbacks not starting at level 3
- reduced salvage chance of faction-specific upgrades to 10% (from 450%) (if you change this you have weak bones)
- reduced salvage change of high-level upgrades by up to 75%
- upgrades generate more commonly on larger ship sizes
- added upgrade level to icon

- added a couple of exotics and an upgrade
- refactored a bunch of exotics, also use new MagicLib status bars
- added overview tab to shop
- added some console commands that tim kept bothering me about

removed alpha subcore's non-functioning downside. its primary downside is not having a more interesting exotic
full metal salvo now works for the initial burst of damage and actually speeds up projectiles, although the initial burst can't be sped up due to game limitations.
fixed some stats not applying completely (i.e. 100x less than they should be)

exotic rebalancing for alpha subcore, equalizer core, hangar forge
fixed phasefield engine again
battle carrier wing upgrade
missile guidance upgrade
new exotic

new UI!
upgrades now configuration-based so you can make them as overpowered as you want them to be! who cares about balance???????????? also mods can implement their own too.
iron shell now has an upgrade.

destroyed gradle
fixed crate duping issue
fixed derelict mods not showing up
added ship name to fleet member in generation

added a crate to contain chips
rebalanced a lot of upgrades and some exotics

fixed fleets with 4 or more S-mods causing freeze

fixed being able to upgrade past max level.

fixed upgrades not applying until you upgraded bandwidth.
fixed hangar forge being weird in certain cases.

added two new logistics upgrades.
upgrades and exotics from enemy ships now have a (very large) chance to drop from a ship that has them.
ships with s-mods will now have higher quality and are more likely to generate upgrades and exotics. this scales, so ships with 3 s-mods will have extremely high quality.
refactored upgrade generation. it should more strongly favor smaller amounts of higher leveled upgrades especially on ships that have more S-mods.
fixed some upgrades not spawning on random fleets.
added a blacklist for the missile forge that can prevent it from reloading certain weapons. see modSettings.json
block random generation of ship modifications on ships in the player fleet.
fully integrated new UI from Histidine (thanks)
woops went and made a whole UI over the past week.
probably some other things.

- fixed infernal engines deceleration buff not displaying in tooltip
- fixed indevo component methods not allowing to purchase upgrades if you had the exact amount required

- fixed a rare issue with salvaging a debris field that had a ship with exotica modifications. also fixed all (surely) instances of recovered ships not keeping their upgrades.

- fixed a bug when loading a save while a fleet with special upgrades was out and about

- fixed a bug with special interactable objects
red planet, in particular
- hacked missile forge now reduces missile capacity by half and reloads the final capacity fully

- fixed a crash on startup/when you generate bandwidth
- fixed a crash when interacting with a derelict fleet

- nerfed drops of exotics by a lot
- removed a debug log that was probably raising the file size of logs by a ton.
- buffed drive flux vent
- added more debug logs that should help explain why some people's upgrades are disappearing.
- potentially fixed an issue where upgrades were disappearing due to putting them into a different submarket e.g. indevo's repair docks
- fixed alpha subcore (and potential future bandwidth-increasing exotics) preventing base bandwidth upgrades
- nerfed overcharged shields slightly, but reduced upkeep for ships with high shield upkeep
- changed equalizer core to modify weapon base range (now it acts like ballistic rangefinder)

added a derelict upgrade
fixed upgrade colors being off
fixed relic component upgrade method using ship component pricing
fixed bandwidth calculation being too high
use upgrade spawnchance stat

fixed saves failing to load due to the game not loading the sector seed until after the game actually loads all game object data (alex why)

fixed saves failing to load due to vanilla code that switches a very special ship's ID around a lot (the ship's ID is generated on sector load, changed when you recover it, and returned when you restart the game.)
updated Plasma Flux Catalyst icon with new one provided by Ms. Vella on the Unofficial Starsector Chat discord
fixed a crash related to one of the final fights in the sector
fixed an incorrect Deceleration tooltip in Infernal Engines upgrade

most upgrade drawbacks now start at level 3 instead of level 1
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 07:46:38 AM by Alex »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2022, 02:35:17 PM »

So you've played ESR and are wondering what's changed and new with ET; Peek and behold!

Firstly, the fundamentals are the same. Get ship, upgrade ship in different ways, find exotics through exploring ruins and stations to get particularly powerful improvements that you know and love. But the devil is in the details;

Bandwidth - Has replaced Quality and functions the same. Pay cash to make it so you can mod your ship further.
Upgrades - Are the biggest overhaul by far. Gone are the no brain picks that make your ship systems cooldown faster, instead replaced by a system of great gains at small losses.

As you can see, Infernal Engines is a net gain but in a focused direction with a downside. You are trading decelerating and increased fuel consumption (with handy actual numbers for when those rise high enough) for increased accelerating, turning, burn level and speed. Similar to how the exotic upgrades sometimes had trade offs; all upgrades are like this now. President Matt Damon is working on future upgrades so don't expect this to be it, but the core upgrades are solid. I highly recommend forced overtime for your frigates and commissioned crews for your civilian ships once you're rolling around in cash. Infernal Engines are amazing for your slow capital ships that you don't care to decelerate on, or on your fast hit-and-run ships that don't brawl and veer away.

Exotics - As I said, are similar to what you might have already seen. They can also be removed from ships with a story point now which brings me to another big change;
Enemy ships now can come with upgrades and exotics! Hope you're ready to run into Dominators with a spooled feeder! I wasn't! I hated it! On the plus side you can now rip out their upgrades into a chip to install them onto your own!

Finally lets talk about Scanning fleets. When fleet dialogue appears, you might see extra dialogue mentioning that the "Other fleet appears modified". Open coms with them and you will get an extra option to scan them. This will open up a similar ship menu as upgrading to let you pick ships your interested in seeing how they are modified.

Obviously this a huge update the now renamed Exotica Technologies! Hit President Matt Damon up with questions and bug reports, I am certain I didn't get them all, but I wanted to share a survival guide for this new incarnation!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2022, 02:36:49 PM by Thyrork »
Bio engineering starship mods is extremely Safe. I did the math.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2022, 02:51:13 PM »

Behold, the first forum post optimized for mobile screens!
And what a glorious post, indeed!

Congratulations on the new mod, this looks very, very cool!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2022, 03:48:37 PM »

quick bugreport :P


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2022, 03:49:12 PM »

quick bugreport :P




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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2022, 04:37:48 PM »

Don't quit AAAAAAAAAAAAAing just yet

It appears that I can infintely scan (non-battle, I THINK) debris fields without it not appearing to do anything



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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2022, 06:39:23 PM »

Don't quit AAAAAAAAAAAAAing just yet

It appears that I can infintely scan (non-battle, I THINK) debris fields without it not appearing to do anything

not sure what going on there, option should be disabled. will look


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2022, 09:56:35 PM »

updated to version 1.0.1. this fixes the tracer recoil calculator not having a recoil hint, among some other bugs.

unfortunately i have not been able to reproduce the debris field thing yet


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2022, 11:57:42 PM »

Congrats on the new release, though I have to say I'm more fond of Extra Systems so if I may ask will it still be supported?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2022, 03:05:32 AM »

would it work to remove ES and install this or would that break a save?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2022, 06:40:02 AM »

Congrats on the new release, though I have to say I'm more fond of Extra Systems so if I may ask will it still be supported?

i do not want to maintain two versions, nor do i want to support a mod that has a reputation of being incredibly unbalanced


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2022, 06:40:30 AM »

would it work to remove ES and install this or would that break a save?

unfortunately it will break your save to remove ESR. there is no way around it

edit: you can go into your save and try and remove all instances of `extrasystemHM`, but i would recommend backing up your save first as it's very easy to break your save if you don't know what you're doing
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 07:58:28 AM by presidentmattdamon »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.2
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2022, 06:46:22 AM »

updated to fix a crash from missing graphic for hacked missile forge


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2022, 08:55:15 AM »

Congrats on the new release, though I have to say I'm more fond of Extra Systems so if I may ask will it still be supported?

i do not want to maintain two versions, nor do i want to support a mod that has a reputation of being incredibly unbalanced

Tis a shame, but fair enough

Good luck with the future of this mod


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Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.0.1
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2022, 09:35:04 AM »

Congrats on the new release, though I have to say I'm more fond of Extra Systems so if I may ask will it still be supported?

i do not want to maintain two versions, nor do i want to support a mod that has a reputation of being incredibly unbalanced

Tis a shame, but fair enough

Good luck with the future of this mod

exotica is extremely modular so if you want to make a mod that adds the upgrades you want, you can feel free to do it
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