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Author Topic: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League  (Read 851 times)


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Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« on: May 11, 2022, 01:08:03 AM »

I was reading both dev diaries and I just had another thought about a way to make the Persian league stand out further.

Other factions tend to use single color schemes on their ship, but the League is all about (on paper) the rights of individual planets to run things their way.

With that in mind, why not have league ships display that with varied color schemes, the majority should use Kazeron colors (to represent their overall dominance), but there should be a smattering of other colored ships within the same fleets, it'd help the League feel more like the uneasy chaotic alliance it is, rather than just another monolithic factions.

Antelope Syrup

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Re: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2022, 01:55:59 PM »

I really like this idea, perhaps to take it a step further, certain fleets from certain worlds use slightly varied doctrines. Perhaps Westerneese has a greater focus on carriers and fighters than the other worlds. Honestly one way to make the league really unique is to have a greater focus on it's internal politics, and how that might affect gameplay. For instance, the player could support one league world in a feud against it's rival within the league, leading to one besting the other. Something that actually makes the Persean league feel more diverse.


  • Ensign
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Re: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2022, 01:58:02 AM »

It's kind of awesome that you say that! I was thinking the same thing, either in terms of ship systems or doctrine, however I didn't want to create *too* many unique features for a single faction, and I suspect that the ship skins thing might be enough of a pain to implement as it is.

Antelope Syrup

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Re: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2022, 11:58:58 AM »

I wouldn’t count on it ever happening though. At some point in the most recent blog posts comments I believe Alex referred to the League as a minor faction. It would be a lot of effort to make these changes, so I wouldn’t expect anything like it for a long time, at least outside of mods.


  • Ensign
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Re: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2022, 01:14:56 PM »

It's a great idea I think. Something that might be relatively easy would be to have some sort of flag or crest on the capital ships  model that indicate which world they spawned from.

Or even just a placeholder hull mod that does nothing.

In fact...having a hull mod that indicates where the ship came from in general would be cool.

Antelope Syrup

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Re: Diverse ship skins for the Persian League
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2022, 02:12:16 PM »

A cool bit of flavor would be to have ship info be available in the fleet and refit screens. Things like age, model number, place of origin, ect. But to have it actually convey any meaning it couldn't be entirely random for most ships. For instance, the XIV ships would all have to be old enough to believably be part of the XIV battlegroup, and many ships in the sector are likely old enough to have been made outside of the sector before the collapse, so perhaps some would be made on planets that we have never heard of nor visited.