Hi Alex,
Lots to look foward too for the next updates, but like many others, I am confused about the new Lions Guard skin variants (excluding the Exectutor which has more major changes), so I'll leave my thoughts on this.
Firstly, they look fantastic. Lions Guard ships have existed in the modiverse as their own thing for a while ago, and while those skins were good, these are phenominal.
However, its when looking at what they add to the game that I become confused.
As written in the blog post, they come with built in Solar shielding, but then have the full OP cost of this removed from their OP pool - I don't understand this at all. This would make them strictly worse than the default midline variants, as they're just instantly less flexible.
Compound that with the problem that these ships are much more difficult to source than the default versions, and come with a built in D-mod, that would cost more credits to remove, and you've got a ship that is completely pointless to ever choose.
And this doesn't even consider that as you've currently written, there seems to be no way to aquire the blueprints for them, full stop.
You've mentioned its likely these ships won't have built in Solar shieldiing upon release anyhow, and get their OP restored, but again, why? At that point you've undone some of the "uniquifiying the factions" its intended to do, and just made it completely stock with extra steps, rarity, and cost.
These factors combined just make these ships completely obsolete, which feels like a massive missed opportunity. Hegemony gets XIV upgrades, LP gets free SO (after you remove the D-mod at least, which is actually worthwhile doing), LG gets... nothing.
If they're going to be rarer, give them some form of up/sidegrade at least - my first thought was exactly how the modiverse versions executed it - solar shielding being truly free, with no OP cost reduction.
This would give the player an actual reason to covet these ships, justify hunting for them, and the cost of restoring them, or use them at all.
I really do not think this would make them broken in the slightest - they still end up being inferior to the XIV versions!! Which, with the bonus OP, and counting in the OP value it also gives in vents and capacity, covers the cost of solar shielding. And then they also get the armour bonus, which is worth another 5OP for a destroyer (If you compare the amount of armour given by heavy armour for OP cost that is), for a minor speed and maneuvability downside.
My other suggestion would be a mix of what you've currently got - the D-mod and Solar shielding, rolled into one, similarly to how XIV handles it.
Combine into 1 hullmod, with the downsides, but also the free upside - just make solar shielding incompatible with it.
Campaign wise, you seem very keen on keeping these ships unreasonably rare for how useful they are.
To again compare them to the XIV ships, which as far as I'm aware lore wise should be even rarer, as they're irreplacible artefacts, the technology and techniques used to create them lost, these seem like they'll be on par, if not more annoying, to locate, and you'll never be able to make your own (not that you'd want to with their current implementation)
However, you have made gameplay concessions for their (XIV ships) case, making them suprisingly easy to aquire.
You can straight up buy from the markets, raid them for the blueprints, or the historian can just generate a blueprint for you to go find. And these are the supposedly rarer ships! And gameplay wise more powerful to boot!
Anyhow, look forward to the update regardless.